Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1282: Three months

Chapter 1282: Three Months

Jin Nanfeng's funeral has passed so long, and she has gathered the courage to come here for the first time.

In the rows of low and heavy tombstones, Li Yunxiu finally found Jin Nanfeng.

His photo was placed on the tombstone, a non-smiling one, still heroic.

The left and right sides are all 70-80-year-olds, and Jin Nanfeng's young life is particularly regrettable here.

Li Yunxiu's eyes were red almost instantly.

No matter how long it has been, the pain of losing a loved one is inevitable, like being thrown into a pan of oil, she thought

Scream and scream.

I don’t know how long it took before she finally stabilized her emotions. When she became familiar with the dull pain in her heart, she slowly

He said, "Nanfeng, I have a news to tell you."

In the cemetery early in the morning, there was only Li Yunxiu alone, and her faint voice was instantly swept away by the wind, submerged silently.

There is a kind of solemn and compassionate atmosphere.

"I'm pregnant."

Li Yunxiu smiled hard, lowered his head and looked at his stomach, although from the outside, there was no area there.

No, but only Li Yunxiu knew that the life that blended her and Jin Nanfeng's blood was born and grew.

Warmth spreads from the heart, but it is mixed with bitterness.

Even the voice became a little choked, "We will have a second child soon."

"I'm going to let him... and your last name, what's the better name?" Li Yunxiu lightly leaned on the tombstone and closed his eyes.

Jing said, "Nanfeng... When I was born Chenchen, you were not there, why this time, you are still not... if you are

If you do, you will definitely give your baby a nice name. "

Li Yunxiu's tears fell drop by drop from the corner of his eye.

No one responded to her. All that was said to Jin Nanfeng was the cold morning breeze.

Li Yunxiu left the cemetery in despair. She was going to the company, but I don’t know why, she suddenly wanted to go to Jin.

Take a look at the place where Nanfeng happened.

In fact, deep in her heart, she still had the last glimmer of hope. They could not find Jin Nanfeng.

No fingers or hair were found, does it mean that Jin Nanfeng is probably not dead yet.

Maybe he was washed away by the sea, and then he was saved by someone...

Any possibility is better than it is now. She is standing here, watching the kindness coming from Jin Nanfeng's tombstone.

The dock in the early morning has ships coming and going, showing a lively scene.

Li Yunxiu looked at the sea in the distance, only to feel a faint pain in his heart.

This sea swallowed her most important person, Li Yunxiu could not tell what she was feeling, just the awe of the past

It turned into endless pain.

The phone in my shoulder bag vibrated suddenly.

Li Yunxiu took it out to see that it was actually the police.


"Miss Li, we caught the accomplice of the group who kidnapped your husband. He explained something. You want to come over.

A trip? "

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Li Yunxiu is still unwilling to give up any clues about Jin Nanfeng.

When we arrived at the police station, someone was already waiting for Li Yun to embroider.

"The person was caught in the middle of the night yesterday, and the confession has been almost recorded. We will wait for the formalities here to be completed.

He has been sent to the detention center, Miss Li, just ask him if you have anything to do. He is now fighting for a commutation of his sentence.

All I know tells you, maybe it has something to do with your husband. "

"Well, thank you."

Li Yunxiu nodded faintly, and followed the police into the interrogation room.

There was a man with a full-faced flesh inside, his eyes very awkward. This man, Li Yunxiu used to be there

Seen on board.

"His name is Brother Hei. He was originally a fugitive. The police have been arresting him. Unexpectedly, he would run to give Yu

Xi is doing errands, Yu Xi is already crazy, ask Black Brother what you want to ask. "


Li Yunxiu walked in front of Brother Hei, gently pulled the chair away and sat down.

"Why are you doing things for Yu Xi?"

Brother Hei was ashamed, "I don't want to. She said she would do something to you, but I refused at that time. I know you are the president.

My daughter, there is only a dead end to move you... But Yu Xi has my handle in her hands, she threatened me if I didn’t help her,

I went to the police to report me. I was afraid, so I helped her. "

Brother Hei's tone was a bit hurried, as if trying to defend himself.

"She wanted to kill you directly, but she didn't know what happened. When we were about to start, she

Suddenly found us, let us not act rashly and listen to her command. Later he asked me to buy a boat,

Then I secretly bought a lot of explosives from abroad... and made that lock..."

Li Yunxiu's face instantly turned pale.

Take it and lock her and Jin Nanfeng's lock, which has become a nightmare she will never get rid of.

Because of the lock, Jin Nanfeng gave her the only chance to survive.

Li Yunxiu lowered his head slightly, but inadvertently saw that Brother Hei's left leg was empty.

Apparently, his left foot was amputated.

"Did your foot hurt because the ship exploded?"


"Have you seen Jin Nanfeng?"

"No, I had already run a long way at the time. I didn't expect the explosion to be so powerful and separated so far.

Leaving will also destroy one of my legs. Maybe this is karma. "

"Have you seen Jin Nanfeng escape from the boat?"

Li Yunxiu asked the most concerned question.

She always wanted to know whether Jin Nanfeng finally opened the lock, and whether it might have escaped from the boat.

"I don't know..." Brother Hei frowned and shook his head.

Human life and death, but the lock was made by me. It’s hard to open within ten minutes. I think... he should be

There is no escape..."

Hei Ge's answer made Li Yunxiu's eyes black.

"But what I said is not necessarily right. After all, I have not read it. I have a few brothers who are also one of Jin Nanfeng.

They disappeared, and even the corpse was not found in the capital. Maybe they all escaped and were saved by someone.

indefinite. "

Yeah, it would be great if things were really like this.

Li Yunxiu asked some other questions before getting up and planning to leave.

It was the policeman who called Li Yunxiu to send her out.

"Sorry, I didn't help you much."

"It doesn't matter, originally there was not much expectation." Li Yunxiu told the truth.

"Jin Nanfeng's affairs are really regrettable."

"Well, I know, maybe it's good news not to find him, maybe he is still alive."

"This probability is too low. If he is still alive, why not come back and look for you? It's almost three months."

Li Yunxiu's face suddenly turned white, and his heart seemed to be punched with his fist. Yes, if Jin Nanfeng

He is really alive, so why hasn’t he come back to see himself for so long? He knows clearly that he has news

For a long time, how sad, how sad, how scared she should be.

He would not hide from him.

Or is he badly injured and has not recovered?

Suddenly, countless thoughts flooded her head, and her heart was about to explode.

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