Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1286: wedding

Chapter 1286

"You guys!" Li Yun's tears of laughter were about to roll down, and he stamped his foot fiercely. "Anyway, you have been

Eccentric sister, it's useless to say anything, I won't go to their disgusting wedding. "

After speaking, Li Yunxiao ran out the door directly.


Shi Qing looked helpless.

At the end of the stairs, Li Yunxiu heard the quarrel downstairs and Li Yunxiao's harsh accusations, smiled bitterly, and then returned.

The bedroom closed the door gently.

The restaurant downstairs.

After Li Yunxiao ran away, he was quiet for a long time.

"I'm finished, I'll go back first."

Li Yunjin stood up coldly, planning to go back.

"Yun Jin, when you are free, please help me to comfort me and smile. I am worried that something will happen to that girl."

"What will happen to her? What should she worry about about the little hydrangea."

Li Yunjin's eyebrows became impatient.

"gone back."


Chenchen jumped from the chair with red eyes and hugged Li Yunjin's thigh, "I want to go to you tonight."

"What are you doing?"

"I... don't want to see Mommy, she doesn't want Dad anymore."

Chenchen's words caused the expressions of all the people present to change involuntarily.

He is still very young, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand anything.

Chenchen lowered his head and his voice was muffled.

Shi Qing wanted to say something for Li Yunxiu, "Chen Chen, Mommy didn't want her father, she just..."

"She just doesn't want a dad. She will marry someone else. I want to have a new dad... But I don't want a new one.

Dad, I just want Nanfeng Dad. "

When Shi Qing wanted to talk, the little guy ran directly into Li Yunjin's arms, "Uncle, I want to be with you."

Li Yunjin was helpless, "Let him stay with me tonight."

"Then take care of him." Shi Qing was a little angry, "Smile is really too much, how can you say it in front of Chenchen?

What about those words. "

"She was right."

Li Yunjin dropped a word and left without turning his head in his arms.

The little guy cried out sadly when he left the presidential palace.

"do not Cry."

Li Yunjin was very upset.

"Shen Chen is so pathetic."

Chenchen choked up.

"Where are you pitiful?"

"Dad is gone, Mommy has to find Chenchen a stepdad, Chenchen is really the poorest child in the world."

"Huh, next time I throw you into Africa hungry for two months, you will know what the pitiful is." Li Yunjin knew this.

This little ghost was scared by what Li Yun said with a smile, so he comforted him, "Don’t listen to Xiaoxiao’s nonsense, you

Mommy will take care of you even if she gets married. "

"But my aunt said that stepdad is very bad."

"She's nonsense." Li Yunjin hugged him and got into the car. "If he is really bad to you, you will live in the presidential palace in the future."

"I want to be with Uncle."

"You are not my son, what are you doing with me?"


Chenchen lowered his head again aggrieved.

"I miss Dad."

"It's no use thinking about him, he won't come back."

The wedding day is approaching day by day.

Li Yunxiao was angry and didn't know where he ran, so Li Yunxiu had no choice but to ask Xia Shanshan to help him be a bridesmaid.

Xia Shanshan looked at the bridesmaid dress that Li Yunxiu handed over, and he hesitated for a long time before plucking up the courage to ask Li Yunxiu, "Yunxiu, you

I really want to marry that Shen Chengyan. "


"But why?"

Xia Shanshan was puzzled, "You don't love him at all."

"He treats me very well, his feelings... can be cultivated slowly."

Xia Shanshan shook her head without hesitation, "No, right? You must have something to hide from me, Yunxiu, I am

Your best friend, I know your mind best. If you can really forget Jin Nanfeng, my name will be reversed.

To write. "

Li Yunxiu was silent.

Xia Shanshan is reluctant, "Yunxiu, just tell me. The big deal is that I promise to keep it secret for you, not telling others.

People, don’t hide it. You must have something to hide. What happened to you?

Suddenly pulled a man casually to marry him! If you don’t explain clearly today, I will definitely not release

Over yours. "

Xia Shanshan had a look of "you can figure it out".

Li Yunxiu paused for a long time before smiling faintly, and then said, "I'm pregnant."

"Kang Dang--"

The phone in Xia Shanshan's hand hit the floor directly.


Li Yunxiu knew that she would react like this, and reluctantly picked up the phone, "You can help me keep it secret."

"Li Yunxiu, are you pregnant? Shen Chengyan is serious? Oh my God... you are developing too quickly, right?"

"I have only met Shen Chengyan for half a month. I have been pregnant for more than two months. Do you think this child might belong to him?"

"More than two months..." Xia Shanshan reacted suddenly and rushed to Li Yunxiu's side, "So the child is... Jin Nan

Windy? "

Xia Shanshan couldn't believe it. Seeing Li Yunxiu's default, she cursed a **** right now.

"Damn, what is Jin Nanfeng doing... he also made an orphan out, didn't it hurt you." Xia Shanshan said.

It suddenly dawned on me, "I see, you suddenly decided to marry Shen Chengyan in order to give birth safely.

Is this kid? "

Li Yunxiu nodded.

"You are crazy, right, Li Yunxiu?" Xia Shanshan was furious, "You don't know that a woman is carrying a child now

How difficult is it? One is enough, do you still want to give birth to one now? Jin Nanfeng is gone, what are you still having?

Birth? Do you want to live the rest of your life? "

Li Yunxiu knew she would say that, frowning and sighing, "Sister Shanshan, I know I shouldn't keep him, but

Yes... I really can't bear it. "

This is her and Jin Nanfeng’s child, how could she be willing to kill him...

Li Yunxiu held his stomach tightly with his hands, his eyes gradually became determined.

"I want to give birth to him and raise him well."

"What are you raising? You are tired enough to take care of Chenchen now. If you have another one, you will go crazy."

"I can raise this one, naturally."

Xia Shanshan's chest fluctuated violently, and she sat in front of Li Yunxiu again, politely saying, "Yunxiu, I know you love Jin Nan

Feng, I know you are reluctant to bear this child... but you have to recognize the reality, this child has no father at birth

Dear, you let him come into this world, he is very poor. "

"Shen Chengyan and I will get married soon, and he will have a father."

Shen Chengyan promised her that she would take good care of her two children.

"Just for this child, are you going to spend the rest of your life with a man you don't love at all? Li Yunxiu, you will

Don't you feel nauseous when sleeping on a bed? "

Xia Shanshan took a deep breath, "If I were Jin Nanfeng, I would definitely not let you give birth to this child."

"You don't have to persuade me, I have already made a decision."


"Sister Shanshan, if you were me, you would make the same decision as me. This is the last gift he left to me..."

Seeing that Li Yunxiu's attitude was so determined, Xia Shanshan finally sighed deeply after a long silence.

"I knew it, I said so much, it didn't work at all. You can think about it, don’t you regret it in the future

time. "

"How can I regret it?" Li Yunxiu shook his head, "If I really kill this child, then I will

regret. "

"Then it's up to you." Xia Shanshan was still a little angry, "Li Yunxiu, you are so stupid, God shouldn't be so right.

Your... Shen Chengyan, is this good for you?"

"He treats me very well, he doesn't like me, there will be no feelings between me and him."

In this way, there will be no trouble. For Li Yunxiu, Shen Chengyan is the best choice.

Xia Shanshan sighed helplessly, "Since you have already decided, then I have nothing to say, whether Jin Nanfeng is or not

Now, I hope you can do well. "

"I will."

Just for the sake of Chenchen and the little life in her stomach, she will definitely be well.

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