Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1293: do not tell anyone

Chapter 1293 Don't Tell Anyone

Yang Yun frowned, her eyes full of puzzlement, "Brother Jin, I really don’t know what happened.

Er, Miss Li is sad, maybe because Young Master looks too much like you, Miss Li doesn’t even see Young Master...

Every day, Miss Li would go to the police station to ask about your whereabouts. She gave up until the police station was about to close the case..."

Yang Yun didn’t understand. Ms. Li was so in love with Brother Jin, why suddenly she wanted to marry that Shen Chengyan...

He really didn't understand.

But for this kind of thing, he, as an outsider, could not ask Li Yunxiu, after all, it was Li Yunxiu's own decision.

Jin Nanfeng held up the paper again and showed it to Yang Yun, "Did anyone force her?"

"No." Yang Yun shook her head, very embarrassed. "Not only is no one forced Miss Li, for the sake of marriage, Miss Li

I had a fight with my family. Both Miss Li Yunxiao and Mr. Li Yunjin felt that Miss Li’s actions were too much.

Actually you still... the bones are not cold, she was so anxious to marry someone... I heard that Miss Li had a big fight with her sister

However, Miss Li still has a strong idea of ​​marrying Shen Chengyan. "

Marrying a man who has known each other for more than a month...and even quarreling with his family...

Jin Nanfeng’s eyes sank again. He couldn’t imagine that this would be made by the little hydrangea who loved him and his family.


Is it really because his "death" brought her too much shock?

"Oh, yes." Yang Yun seemed to have thought of something, and then said, "Young Master has been sent to your mother."

Jin Nanfeng raised his head and frowned at Yang Yun.

"Your mother is reluctant to let Miss Li remarry. I can understand this feeling personally, but she can't control Li.

The young lady's decision, so she made a request to send Young Master Chenchen back to Jin's family and be raised by Jin's family. "

Jin Nanfeng's eyes stopped.

She agreed?

How could she agree to this request from her mother?

Chenchen is her biological son...

And since she was a child, she has hardly left her. She was the child who had been conceived for ten months by herself and raised her hard.

Just for that man, she actually gave Chen Chen away cruelly?

Jin Nanfeng's breathing was sudden, and the hands that were naturally clasped on his knees couldn't help tightening.

Even the blue veins are faintly visible.

Yang Yun saw a trace of anger and grief in Jin Nanfeng’s eyes, and then lowered her voice and hurriedly comforted her.

Brother, don’t think too much about it. I can see what the status of Miss Li is during your accident. She is really difficult.

Although I don’t know why Miss Li suddenly made such a decision to send away the young master, and then with others

People get married, but I believe that Miss Li must have some unspeakable difficulties. "

Jin Nanfeng sneered silently.

Is there any difficulty that can make her send Chenchen away?

Little Hydrangea, didn't you promise will take good care of our children?

I use my life to give you a continuation of the future, is this how you fulfill your promises?

Yang Yun could not see Jin Nanfeng’s expression, all his sneers were covered by the mask, but even if he could only touch the man

From the eyes of people, Yang Yun still really felt the anger and sadness in Jin Nanfeng's heart at this moment.

He understood too much.

Less than three months after his accident, the beloved wife turned to others and sent away the only child between them.

Son, let alone Jin Nanfeng, even an ordinary man cannot accept it.

This kind of behavior can't be overstated even as "betrayal".

Not to mention, the feelings that Li Yunxiu usually shows towards Jin Nanfeng have become sharp now.

Ironically, slapped to the face with one slap and slap, making people shunned, only to feel embarrassed.

"Brother Jin, don't be too angry, I think Miss Li must be unspeakable, now you are back, tomorrow you

Just go to see Miss Li, Miss Li will definitely be very happy. "

Jin Nanfeng found it ridiculous.

If Li Yunxiu knew that he was not dead, would he really feel happy or panic.

Thinking of this, Jin Nanfeng picked up pen and paper again.

"Don't tell anyone about the matter of my return."

"Huh?" Yang Yun puzzled, "Why is this... Brother Jin."

"Don't ask too much."

Jin Nanfeng's handwriting is already a little impatient.

"Oh, okay, then Jin brother, if you have anything to do, just send me a text message."

Jin Nanfeng held the pen, pondered for a long time, and then wrote a line of words.

"Give me a wedding invitation."

Yang Yun paused, then nodded, "Okay, I know, I'll bring it to you tomorrow."

After Yang Yun left, Jin Nanfeng's heart added a touch of heaviness.

I thought she was just going to marry someone else, but I didn't expect even Chenchen to be sent away now.

This makes him somewhat unacceptable.

Yang Yun said that she had difficulties, but he couldn't understand it. At first, for him, the little hydrangea could go so far.

She hasn't come back for five years. What is more serious than that, which made her abandon him at this time?

He didn't blame Li Yunxiu, but in his heart, it was like being poked with a needle.

It hurts even with my breath

The phone rang "Ding Dong——".

It was a message from Yang Yun.

"Brother Jin, that man is called Shen Chengyan. He has just returned from abroad recently. His parents and Mrs. Li have been together for many years.

Good friends, the two families may have intended to match them up. This Shen Chengyan is now working in the First Hospital.

He is a very good doctor. People don’t have any bad hobbies. "

Yang Yun is worthy of being Jin Nanfeng's assistant for many years. As soon as he left, he sent the information that Jin Nanfeng cared most.

Shen Chengyan.

Jin Nanfeng said this name silently in his heart, and quickly flashed through his mind that he met in front of the presidential palace not long ago.

That face.

He is a very refined man.

There are not too many cities, even if there is an indescribable sense of alienation, it is not that annoying.

Little Hydrangea, do you really like him?

Thinking of this possibility, Li Yunxiu's heart jumped wildly without control.

He doesn't believe...

She will fall in love with other people more than two months after her accident...

He didn't believe that the relationship between him and Little Hydrangea was not so fragile.

He still has to figure it out.

Jin Nanfeng forced himself to stop thinking and went back to the bedroom to sleep.

He waited early the next morning before he drove the car out of the garage and went to the Presidential Palace to wait for Li Yun embroidery.

Maybe it was his luck. As soon as he stopped the car, he saw Li Yunxiu wearing a black dress and carrying a bag from the president.

The house came out.

Standing not far away, Shen Chengyan walked up enthusiastically when he saw her coming.

The two didn't know what they said, and Li Yunxiu was in a good mood and smiled.

Then, the two got in the car and left.

Jin Nanfeng didn't hesitate at all, and drove along.

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