Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1317: I don't hate you

Chapter 1317 I Don't Dislike You

Jin Nanfeng was angry. Although he wanted to wipe out the woman immediately, his back pain was so bad that he could only

Shen Shen sighed in his heart and lay beside Li Yunxiu, looking at the ceiling unlovably.

"Need me to help you with medicine?"

"It has been processed."

Li Yunxiu nodded, then frowned, "I apologize to you for what happened tonight, I shouldn't be angry with you in the restaurant."

"It's even." Jin Nanfeng chuckled, "Who let me be at the wedding scene also embarrassed you."

Yeah, it's even, since then there is no sorry, no one should apologize to anyone.

everything is over.

Seeing Jin Nanfeng's speech intermittently and all kinds of unnatural stiffness, Li Yunxiu asked, "Your voice can still recover.

Okay? "

"do not know."

Speaking of this, Jin Nanfeng's tone became much lower.

Although he is slowly recovering, he still cannot speak as naturally as before. He needs to advance

Type a draft in your stomach, and then speak it out with all your strength, so that you can barely say a sentence that is not difficult to understand.

Even he himself felt that the voice and tone were weird.

He also lost his confidence. He didn't know if he could recover before the accident, or if he could sing to her.

"I will treat it well."

"It's okay." Li Yunxiu heard of his anxiety and loss, and gently pressed his head against his chest, "Even if he recovers.

No, I will not despise you. "

"I know."

Jin Nanfeng nodded, but he still wanted to become the best Jin Nanfeng for her.

Early in the morning of the next day, the two woke up early. They have important things to do today, so it seems

All a little nervous.

"what is this?"

Li Yunxiu saw the two packaging bags on the table and asked.

"Tea and jewelry." Jin Nanfeng smiled, "Give it to your parents."

"They won't accept it."

"It's just a little thought."

Of course Jin Nanfeng knew this kind of thing, and he couldn't get Li Beixun and Shi Qing's eyes at all, but he didn't know he was going to send it.

How can I express my gratitude to Li Beixun and Shi Qing?

Right should be his mind.

"Let's go. Don't let them wait too long."

Jin Nanfeng picked up the paper bag, took Li Yunxiu's hand with the other hand, and then went out to the presidential palace.

The presidential palace is very peaceful.

The search for Li Yunxiu also temporarily stopped.

Someone must have revealed the news, saying that Li Yunxiu is safe, so that they don't have to worry.

When the two saw Li Beixun and Shi Qing, Li Yunxiu was afraid to look at Li Beixun's eyes.

She knew that her father must be very angry, and he must have used all relationships to help her suppress the absurdity of the wedding.


She first apologized for her waywardness.

Li Beixun didn't speak, just glanced at Jin Nanfeng lightly.

Jin Nanfeng nodded slightly, Quan as a response.

Then the two big men actually went upstairs one after another and went to the study.

"south wind……"

"Little Hydrangea, let them talk about their men. Come here and I have something to say to you."

Shi Qing stopped Li Yunxiu.


Li Yunxiu sat down beside Shi Qing.

"Little Hydrangea, I'm really disappointed."

Shi Qing's words made Li Yunxiu's heart "thump". In her memory for so many years, Shi Qing never said

After such serious words, even if she did so many wrong things before, Shi Qing has always stood firmly on her own

On this side.

Li Yunxiu's heart was extremely uncomfortable.

She was afraid that she would just wipe away Shi Qing and Li Beixun's patience and affection for herself.

"Mom, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to do that kind of thing at the wedding, I didn't want the presidential palace

Shame, I..."

"I'm not disappointed by this." Shi Qing sighed softly, "I'm disappointed, no matter how I and you

Say, you still don't want to tell me what you are thinking about. "

Li Yunxiu stopped instantly.

"Little Hydrangea, in your eyes, who exactly are Beixun and I?"

Shi Qing asked Li Yunxiu seriously.

Li Yunxiu was taken aback again. She didn’t know how to answer Shi Qing’s question. She was afraid that her rash answer would

He Shiqing was even more disappointed in herself, so at this moment, she chose silence directly.

"We are your parents, right?" Shi Qing sighed, then smiled again, but the smile was full of suffering.

Shibuya, "But when you grow up, you have your own life and your own world. If such a big thing has happened, you live

But even we don’t want to tell...Little Hydrangea, we are your parents, we will solve everything for you

Yes, why don’t you understand this truth? "

Li Yunxiu was silent, sour in his heart.

"I know that we have done too much, when you were so young, trying to kill you to Jin Nan

Feng’s feelings, even disrespecting your wishes, sent you to study abroad, but... now we are not here

It looks like. "Shi Qing's eyes flushed, "You think you can give birth to Jin Nanfeng's child by marrying Shen Chengyan like that.

Up? Do you think that if we know it, we will let you knock that child out? "

Shi Qing smiled bitterly, "Little Hydrangea, we really hope you can be happy, and we will respect all your decisions.

Certainly, we can help you raise Chenchen, and we will also help you raise your second child, but you always refuse us thousands of miles away. "

Shi Qing seemed to have a lot to say, but in the end it only turned into a deep sigh.

Li Yunxiu's silence for a long time, Shi Qing rarely said such things in front of her.

She was right. When she was young, she was so reluctantly sent out of the country by Li Beixun, even after so many years

After that, in the bottom of her heart, she was already very resistant to talk with Shi Qing and Li Beixun about Jin Nanfeng.

She set up a balance between her parents and Jin Nanfeng.

She works very hard to maintain the balance between the two sides, but things will always get out of control. When one end rises, the other

The end will sink indefinitely.

But now Shiqing tells her that that scale does not exist, and everything is nothing but what she has done

Meaningful protection wall.

Li Yunxiu's throat was blocked.

"Sorry, mother, really, sorry, I was wrong..."

Shi Qing sighed again.

Reached out and touched her head lightly, her voice was soft, "Little Hydrangea, I must tell you anything later

Me know? We will respect all your decisions, you have grown up, we will not be like the past

For you, do you understand? "

"Well, I know, I will never hide it from you anymore."

When Li Yunxiu finally stabilized his emotions, Li Beixun and Jin Nanfeng upstairs also came down.

I don't know what they talked about, both of them seemed to be in a good mood, and Li Beixun's rare mouth had a smile.

"It seems that the two of them had a very pleasant talk."

Shi Qing smiled.

"Yeah." Li Yunxiu also followed with a smile.

"By the way, when do you and Nanfeng plan to bring Chenchen back? It's been a long time since I saw that little guy, I'm pretty

Miss him. "

"I'll pick it up in the afternoon." Li Yunxiu frowned, "But Nanfeng has a lot of things to deal with recently, so I still only

Could you please help me and dad take care of him for a few days. "

"It's okay. You are still pregnant with a baby. Don't be too tired. When things are done, let Nanfeng send you.

When you come to me to have a baby, you can't do the same thing the last time. "

"Well, I know, I will be careful."

Li Yunxiu lost the child because she was not cautious and trusted outsiders at will last time. This time she

I don’t dare to find any babysitter casually outside. The people in the presidential palace are all old servants who have been working for many years.

I grew up watching Li Yunxiu. Treating Li Yunxiu is like his own daughter. It’s best to come to the Presidential Palace to raise a baby.


After Li Yunxiu and Jin Nanfeng had lunch at the Presidential Palace, they went to pick Chenchen at Jin's house.

In the car, Li Yunxiu asked Jin Nanfeng, "What did you say to my father?"

"Nothing to say."

"Lying, you must have said something."

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