Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1338: Don't move your hands

Chapter 1338

Xia Shanshan's tone was a little sorry, "Well, Jin Nanfeng, don't be too anxious. Actually, Yunxiu

My child and I have always been with me. I didn't tell you before because Yunxiu didn't let me say... I'm sorry. "

The stone in Jin Nanfeng's heart suddenly fell to the ground, and he parked the car on the side of the road, breathing a long sigh of relief.

"She's fine."

"She didn't say why you quarreled. I can't persuade her. We can only let her calm down first. We will go out in the afternoon

After shopping, she was in a much better mood, just fell asleep, I secretly came out to call you. "

"Thank you." Jin Nan thanked him solemnly.

"Then are you coming over to pick her up?"

Jin Nanfeng was silent for a moment, then shook his head, "Forget it, let her stay with you for a while, wait for her to die

I'm angry, I will pick her up again. "

Xia Shanshan was speechless, "Jin Nanfeng, what are your brains for? How can someone who is so smart in ordinary times?

Why are you confused about this kind of thing? "

Jin Nanfeng stopped.

"She gets angry because you don't care enough about her. Now is the time when you need to bow your head to be soft.

Tell me to calm herself down? Is there a mistake? "Xia Shanshan rolled her eyes to the air, "Wait

She really calmed down, does she still need you? Let me tell you, we girls are prone to duplicity,

You coax her for a while, and she won't be angry with you. "

"Besides, Nuo'er is still so young, and I have no experience in taking care of babies. I can't help at all. You want her

A person is exhausted. "

When Xia Shanshan said so, Jin Nanfeng reacted immediately, "I understand, I will pick her up immediately."

After speaking, I hung up the phone and prepared to go to Xia Shanshan's house, but suddenly thought of something, and drove the car to the jewelry store.

An hour later, Jin Nanfeng finally arrived at the door of Xia Shanshan's house.

He took a deep breath, then went forward to knock on the door.

Xia Shanshan opened the door and said with a smile, "She is still asleep. It's in the bedroom inside. Find it yourself.

He, I took Chenchen and Nuoer out for a stroll. When you are done, just call me and I will send the child back to you.

Come. "

After speaking, Xia Shanshan hugged Nuo'er in her hands and told Shang Chenchen to leave.

Jin Nanfeng went to the room inside.

Li Yunxiu was sleeping sweetly. He didn't know that Jin Nanfeng had come to his side silently, and only felt in his dream.

There must be a hand that seemed to brush her cheek, causing her to frown uncomfortably.

When she finally realized that the feeling was not a dream but a real one, when she opened her eyes, she was facing Jin Nanfeng.

A very handsome face.

"How will you be here?"

Li Yunxiu's eyes instantly turned red, and angrily rushed up.

"Come to pick you and your child home."

Jin Nanfeng's tone was solemn and sounded very sincere.

"I didn't say I want to go home with you?"

Li Yunxiu was angry.

Jin Nanfeng held her wrist and frowned, coaxing her with a soft tone, "Stop making trouble, Little Hydrangea..."

"I didn't fight with you, Jin Nanfeng, if you let me go, who told you to come over? Xia Shanshan? I'll go find her to settle the account."

While talking, he desperately tried to free his hand from Jin Nanfeng's bondage.

How could Jin Nanfeng let her do what she wanted, looking for him all day, he had too much to say, the more Li Yunxiu struggled,

He hugged her tighter, "She took Chenchen and Nuoer out, and now we are the only ones here."

"She! Why is she doing this?"

Li Yunxiu's eyes are even redder, and his angry chest is violently ups and downs. This Xia Shanshan is too much, why not mention it

Before telling her, Jin Nanfeng was called here, and she was not prepared at all.

"Don't be angry, she also wants us to be well."

Li Yunxiu exhausted all his strength to push Jin Nanfeng away. "

"What's the use of her hope, someone doesn't want it at all."

Li Yunxiu glanced at Jin Nanfeng pointedly.

How could Jin Nanfeng not understand who Li Yunxiu was talking about, and gently embraced her shoulders, pretending not to understand, "Someone

who is it? "

"Don't use your hands."

Li Yunxiu pushed him away again.

Jin Nanfeng did not give up, Li Yunxiu pushed him once, and he hugged him again. He took the trouble to get Li Yunxiu in the end.

With patience, he just let him hold it.

Jin Nanfeng smiled, "You haven't told me yet, who is someone?"

Li Yunxiu was angrily, "asked knowingly."

"I asked knowingly, you knowingly committed." Jin Nanfeng frowned, and his voice suddenly sank, "You know

Knowing that I don’t like your contact with that Shen Chengyan, you still call him behind my back, and you were accidentally mistaken by me

Yes, do you think you committed the crime knowingly? "

Li Yunxiu hasn't settled accounts with him yet, but the man first said that he was wrong, so he stared dissatisfiedly.

He said, "You are so embarrassed to say that you are obviously the one who misunderstood me! Shen Cheng and I have nothing at all. For so long

Yes, I contacted him just once. "

And it was too unlucky. Just once, it was seen by Jin Nanfeng.

What kind of luck is she.

"Shen Chengyan has already explained to me. I was not good last night. If I didn't figure it out, I would lose my temper with you." Jin Nanfeng

Gently holding Li Yunxiu's wrist, he said in a deep voice, "Sorry, Little Hydrangea."

"Don't think I can forgive you by saying I'm sorry, it's not that simple."

She still remembered every word Jin Nanfeng said last night.

"I know, so I bought this." Jin Nanfeng took out a small black box from his pocket and opened it.

It was a diamond necklace.

"I gave it to you, can I make amends for you?"

"Do you think I care about this kind of thing?"

Can a necklace buy her?

"Then do you care about me?" Jin Nanfeng frowned suddenly.


"You're gone, I'm going crazy, you know?" Jin Nanfeng took Li Yunxiu's hand and gently pressed it on his own

At the heart, frowned, "Here, it hurts."


Li Yunxiu pushed him away with a look of disgust.

"Be obedient, Little Hydrangea, come home with me."

"Then you won't yell at me anymore?"

"Don't dare." Jin Nanfeng swore immediately.

"It's about the same."

Li Yunxiu's mood finally became much smoother.

I went home with Jin Nanfeng that day.

Jin Nanfeng was worried that Li Yunxiu still had a grudge in his heart, so he dragged Li Yunxiu out to press the road at night, and went shopping together

All lively night markets.

Two people holding hands, it reminds Li Yunxiu that a long time ago, Jin Nanfeng also took her to the market like this.

At that time, they had not yet become lovers in love, and time is really interesting.

The night market is very lively, people coming and going bump into Li Yunxiu and Jin Nanfeng, they bought something weird

When the thing was about to go back, a girl who didn't know where came out from ahead, suddenly hit Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng did not fall, but knocked off the mask on his face.

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