Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1341: Bold woman

Chapter 1341

Li Yunjin left by plane early the next morning. Although Li Beixun suppressed the news, the upper class of the imperial capital

Society is a complex circle, with eyeliners everywhere, news of Li Yunjin’s breaking the contract still spread like wildfire, Mu Jiayi

Time became a joke for the entire imperial capital.

Shi Qing originally wanted to formally apologize to the Mu family, but the Mu family was quiet and there was no sound of wind.

An item in the upper class is easy to make news, and this matter gradually fades over time, and no one mentions it again.

In a flash, it has been half a month since Li Yunjin came to Dongzheng.

Ever since the war in the Eastern Kingdom started standing on this piece of land, it has never stopped. In the first two or three days, when he

He is often noisy and can hardly fall asleep, and now he can fall asleep quickly even if there are gunfires outside.

The current situation in Dongzheng Kingdom is very complicated. All forces are gathered here. There are rebel forces as well as spontaneous organizations.

Local soldiers, terrorists who took the opportunity to cause chaos, and troops from all over the world to maintain stability.

Although Li Yunjin came here as a war correspondent, sometimes he would help some injured people.

He has been a spoiled young master since he was a child, even though he was fully mentally prepared before coming, he still has energy

She fully supported her, but her body sounded the alarm first.

Sitting in the chaotic camp, Li Yunjin took off the mud-filled leather boots on his feet.

A blister was formed on the soles of the feet, and some of them had broken skin, rolling out shocking blood.

He found compressed biscuits in the cabinet, put it in his mouth casually, and then did not go to bed, just leaned against the wall and closed

Rest your eyes.

I don't know how long he was when he was suddenly awakened by a rustling sound.

Li Yunjin opened his eyes almost immediately when he was alert, quickly put on his shoes, picked up the camera and walked out——

The moonlight is like water, but it is different from the coolness of the imperial capital. The smoke of war is heavy, and the air and everything is filled with it.

A strong smell of blood.

The stabbing Li Yunjin's eyes were red, and his heart seemed to be held tightly by a hand, making people breathless.

They are all freelance journalists. The camp is set up outside the safe area, but it is close to the safe area, separated by a wall.

The resources of the safe zone are limited. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to accept more people entering.

Li Yunjin walked out of the simple house, and under the moonlight, he saw a group of slowly moving figures under the moonlight.

Looking closer, it turned out that a woman with five or six children was crossing the fence of the safe zone.

The children are not old, at most they are only eight or nine years old, and the woman has a black head

Yarn, a dress of Dongzhenguo women.

Behaviors like this are not allowed here. If they are discovered by the patrol, they may even be taken as

Were killed in the field, but even so, many people risked their lives to sneak into the safe area in order to obtain

Food and shelter,

This woman is too bold.

Li Yunjin stood quietly behind the woman, leaning on a broken pillar, watching the woman holding her child with difficulty

Zi's ​​body sent them to the other side of the wall one by one, frowning involuntarily.

One after another, her physical strength seems to have reached its limit. After sending a child, she has to hold her hands against the wall

Bi, rested for a long time, even though she was a distance away, Li Yunjin could see her panting and shaking under the moonlight.


Li Yunjin cursed an idiot in his heart.

According to her, even if all the children can be safely sent away, she herself will be exhausted because of exhaustion.

Forced to stay outside.

Li Yunjin sneered again, turned around to go back to the shed, but heard the child's scream behind him.

He stopped again, turned his head and looked over—

The woman really fell down.

Li Yunjin reminded herself not to be nosy, in such a place, kindness will only cause trouble for herself.

It can be seen that the woman stood up again and again with difficulty from the ground, held her knees and gasped, and then picked up the child again

Son, that shaky appearance makes people's hearts hang high...

Li Yunjin's heart shrank fiercely and walked over quickly.

One took the child from the shaky woman's hand.

"What are you doing?"

The woman's voice was cold, and she asked him vigilantly in Dongzhen language, seeming to treat him as an enemy.

Li Yunjin ignored her and quickly sent the child into the safe area.

Even though the woman was wearing a veil and turban and could not see her expression, Li Yunxiu still felt that the woman was obviously relieved.

Tone, she knew that she was not hostile anymore.

At this time, only the last, slightly older child is left.

The woman knelt down, took out a ring and stuffed it into the child's hand, and then whispered something in Dongzhenguo's language.

Li Yunjin doesn’t understand the language very well, but he can guess that this woman probably wants her to take care of her brother just now.

Sister, gave her valuable jewelry.

Then the woman straightened up. Look at Li Yunjin.

She has beautiful eyes.

Unlike any pair Li Yunjin has seen in the past.

Sharp and cold.

It was like the moonlight of the Eastern Kingdom, with blood lingering.

People feel unreasonably-dangerous.

Li Yunjin didn’t know why he helped her, but under her gaze, he also took the last child

Sent into the safe zone.

Just after finishing it, I saw the woman say in Mandarin, "I don’t know who you are, but for tonight’s affairs, thank you

You, they are all orphans without parents, I hope you can help me keep a secret. "

Li Yunjin didn't expect that she could speak Mandarin, so he was stunned.

The woman seemed to think she didn't understand, and she spoke a long list of Korean.

Li Yunjin still didn't speak, he suddenly felt that this woman might not be from Dongzhen Kingdom.

Just when the woman was about to talk to him in Japanese, Li Yunjin finally spoke, "I can understand."

This time it was the woman’s turn to pause. Li Yunjin clearly felt the woman’s dissatisfaction, and saw her turn around to speak in Japanese.

A "wasting time".

Li Yunjin raised his eyebrows slightly, "I can understand Japanese."

The woman looked back at him coldly, took out her work permit after a while, and quickly shook her in front of Li Yunjin.

"My name is Lin Wanxi, a Chinese native, Doctors Without Borders."

"Li Yunjin, freelance journalist."

Li Yunjin nodded lightly.

"Thank you tonight."

"What you are doing is very dangerous. Unidentified people are not accepted in the safe area." Li Yunjin looked at her, "If someone sends

Now, it is very likely that even you will be implicated. "

As soon as Li Yunjin arrived in Dongzheng, he once heard that a terrorist disguised as an ordinary refugee and mixed into the safe zone for the last time.

The bomb blasted a building.

Lin Wanxi sneered, "They are just unarmed children, what can be dangerous? Just to survive.

That's it. Don't think of people too badly. "

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