Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1382: Love makes people stupid

Chapter 1382 Love Makes Stupid

Chi Xiao hurriedly pressed his shoulders, "Okay, you don't care about others, please take care of yourself first, but I spent two

You rescued it in a few hours. If something happens to you, am I going to be in vain? "

"Where is she?"

Li Yunjin seemed very persistent. The only person who sent him to the hospital was Lin Wanxi. She should be out of trouble too...

But without seeing it with his own eyes, he was still worried after all.

Seeing that Li Yunjin still had to get up, Chi Xiao really convinced him, and he rudely pressed Li Yunjin on the bed.

Answer, "She's okay, she just went to prepare food for you. She said that she was grateful that you saved her, so she has to cook herself."

Hearing Chi Xiao's words, the stone hanging in Li Yunjin's heart finally fell to the ground, and his face looked much better.

"Then I have a blessing today."

Chi Xiao's expression is very weird, "I advise you not to ask for this good fortune."


Before Chi Xiao had time to explain, Lin Wanxi came in from the outside, still holding a bowl of steaming noodles.

It looks like it just came out of the pot.

"Wake up?" Lin Wanxi walked over, her expression relaxed.

"You brought me to the hospital."

Li Yunjin looked at her with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

Lin Wanxi helped him raise the bed, "I don’t need to say thank you. Anyway, you are hurt because of me. You want

If you really want to thank you, Xie Chixiao, she performed the operation on you. "

Li Yunjin suddenly stretched out his palm.

Lin Wanxi paused slightly, then hesitantly put his hand on it gently.

Li Yunjin held it tightly all at once.

"But I just want to thank you, what should I do?"

Chi Xiao was stuffed with a large bite of dog food, disgusted, and ran away.

Only Li Yunjin and Lin Wanxi were left in the room.

Lin Wanxi’s ears were a little red, and she was silent for a while, without shuddering, she simply asked, "Then tell me, you want

How to thank me? "

The corners of Li Yunjin's lips raised slightly.

Lin Wanxi suffered a cardiac arrest.

Immediately, the whole face was flushed.

Damn, she actually thought Li Yunjin was cold and rigid before, but she didn't expect that he could even say letting go.

The red-faced love words come...

Lin Wanxi looked up and glanced at Li Yunjin.

Compared to his entire face burning, this man doesn’t change his face, as if he’s not the one who just said that.

Like Li Yunjin.

Lin Wanxi's heart "puffed and puffed" and moved his wrist to withdraw his hand.

However, Li Yunjin didn't follow her, and instead pulled her closer.

Lin Wanxi almost hit Li Yunjin's hard chest.

"let me go."

"Don't let go, you promise me first. Do you want me to agree?"

Li Yunjin whispered in her ear, like a spell, causing her to breathe quickly.

He refused to give up, Lin Wanxi simply went down with him, raised his eyebrows, with a hint of sarcasm in his expression.

Are you sure you are qualified? "

Li Yunjin didn’t get angry after hearing it. Instead, he buried his head in Lin Wanxi’s neck, his voice hoarse, as if

What is suppressed.

"I'm not qualified, who else is qualified?"

Although he has never cared about his appearance, he also knows that his appearance is extremely outstanding, and his parents were always the best when they were young.

The Li family is the best in appearance.

In those years in the imperial capital, there were women around him who showed kindness to him. He even had only hooked fingers.

The exhausted woman waited to crawl on his bed, and then he never looked at it.

Lin Wanxi deserves to be the woman he likes, and being able to say this kind of thing makes him laugh, and feel unreasonable


"That Su Zixuan?"

Li Yunjin's tone was slightly jealous, and it sounded particularly harsh.

Lin Wanxi hated being **** with the Su family by others. Hearing Li Yunjin's words, his expression instantly changed.

"Don't tell me his name."

She was annoying enough, Su Zixuan was like a cowhide plaster that couldn’t be shaken off, and Li Yunjin wanted to hold him up.

In front of my own eyes.

"Angry?" Li Yunjin looked at Lin Wanxi's Qingli face and smiled, "Okay, if you don't mention it, don't mention it. Tell me about it.

How did you bring me back? "

When he was thrown on the grass by the couple, he was still conscious, it was cold there, and he kept bleeding again.

He was almost desperate. He felt that he would definitely die somewhere. He also regretted that he didn’t explain the whole story.

How sad the family would be if they knew it.

Unexpectedly, he was still alive.

"What the **** is going on?"

Li Yunjin reached out to Lin Wanxi's waist, trying to tickle her.

Lin Wanxi's face flushed red and held her hand, and there was a trace of anger in her cold and cold pupils.

"Don't move your hands or feet, or I will destroy you."

"Abandon me? Why are you abandon me?" Li Yunjin bit Lin Wanxi's ear lightly, and whispered, "Crapped

Me, you will suffer in the future, fool. "

She looked at Li Yunjin’s eyes blankly, and suddenly understood what he meant when she saw the smile in the dark eyes, her cheeks even more.


After a long time, I suppressed my heart beating wildly, pretending to say calmly, "I didn't do anything, I just took the knife and forced

They just put you in the car. "

"you alone?"

Li Yunjin raised his eyebrows.

"Otherwise?" Lin Wanxi was helpless, "Who would be like you, a big man, who was stabbed so easily?

The knife is useless. "

"Well, I'm useless, as long as I am a good woman."

Li Yunjin admitted it cheerfully.

Lin Wanxi's cheeks flushed with his words, and she felt as if she was on fire all over her body.

In this way, Li Yunjin got tired of it and pushed him away suddenly.

"Eat something, I cooked some noodles for you, you taste."

Lin Wanxi handed the bowls and chopsticks to Li Yunjin.

Li Yunjin looked at the food that was not too good in color and somehow remembered what Chi Xiao said not long ago.

"What's the matter?" Lin Wanxi frowned.

Li Yunjin returned to his senses, chopsticks, and chuckled, "It's nothing, just a little surprised. A woman like you will cook."

He picked up a noodle and put it in his mouth—

Well, very salty.

It's like adding three spoons of salt.

Li Yunjin paused, suppressing the impulse with reason, and didn't let himself vomit out.

"how about it?"

Lin Wanxi looked at Li Yunjin very much.

If you look closely, Lin Wanxi will definitely notice Li Yunjin’s twitching mouth, and the deep black pupils flashed quickly.

A trace of helplessness and petting.

"Well, it's good."

Li Yunjin smiled faintly.

"Then I can rest assured." Lin Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief, "During this period, you will be hospitalized with peace of mind. Just tell you what you want to eat.

Me, I personally do it for you. "

"no need……"

Li Yunjin worried that he might be murdered by this little woman.

Lin Wanxi's expression changed, "Do you dislike what I did?"

"how come."

Li Yunjin raised his lips, "I'm afraid you are tired."

Li Yunjin still forced himself to finish the big bowl of noodles.

Lin Wanxi’s team was going to have a meeting, Lin Wanxi did not stay for long. As soon as she left, Li Yunjin supported herself.

I went to the toilet and vomited everything in my stomach clean.

Although Li Beixun was strict since he was a child, he never wronged him in terms of food and clothing. Li Yunjin really did not think of it.

The food that people make is so unpalatable, it is comparable to dark food.

Chance Chi Xiao came over for the rounds and saw that Li Yunjin's face turned pale, and she laughed mercilessly.

"Li Yunjin, why do you say it? Just to make her happy and suffer yourself?"

Li Yunjin leaned on the wall, "Don't tell her."

Chi Xiao looked at Li Yunjin with an "incurable" expression, and helped him onto the bed. "I really don't understand you.

Does love really make a person stupid? "

Li Yunjin did not speak, only Lin Wanxi was happy, everything was fine.

He really hadn't seen that woman looked happy.

Her body is always shrouded in a lingering haze, not obvious, but it always exists, as if it were a

The root fishbone is stuck there.

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