Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1384: You will only hold back

Chapter 1384

Li Yunjin, Li Yun embroidery.

You know the relationship from the name.

"My phone is turned off, and she has not been able to contact me..."

Li Yunjin brought all the expressions on Lin Wanxi's face into his sight little by little, and his sword eyebrows were twisted lightly, "If

Don't you believe me, can I call her? "

Li Yunjin said he was going to get the phone.

"No need." Lin Wanxi was helpless, he had already said so clearly, how could she not believe it?

Li Yunjin doesn’t have to make up a twin sister to deceive herself. This kind of lie is easy to expose. Li Yunjin is

A wise man, he would not make such a mistake.

"Don't be angry, it's really just my sister."

Li Yunjin was afraid that she would not believe it, and his expression looked rather persistent.

"I see." Lin Wanxi had nothing to do with him, his expression became more helpless, "I am not angry anymore, so

So you go to the bed right now and let me lie down honestly, have you heard? "

Li Yunjin was silent for a while, turned around and slowly returned to the bed.

Lin Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he finally settled down. For a long time, she felt that Li Yunjin was sensible, without

Under any circumstances, he can keep calm and think, but he didn’t expect to panic because of such a small matter.

In this way.

"What are you thinking?"

Lin Wanxi's expression was a little surprised, and Li Yunjin stretched out his hand and knocked on her head, with a hint of

With a deep smile, "Recovered, fool."

"I'm not a fool."

"Is that a jar of vinegar?"

Lin Wanxi was even more angry, "Who do you think is the jealous jar?"

"Of course it's you. I didn't know who it was just now. I turned my head and left." The corner of Li Yunjin's eyes was full of smiles, "Fortunately I didn't

There are other women, if there are any, I'm really curious what will you do? "

"Not doing anything."

Without any hesitation, Lin Wanxi spoke slowly, with a faint light shining in his eyes.


Lin Wanxi let out a deep breath, then explained clearly.

"Li Yunjin, even if you have other women out there, I won't make a noise, and I won't have a so-called argument with you."

Li Yunjin licked his lips, "Do you want to compliment you?"

He said that he was going to shake Lin Wanxi's hand.

Seeing that his wrist was about to fall on his palm, Lin Wanxi suddenly retracted his hand.

His eyes are burning, like a hot volcano that is about to erupt, with a shocking power.

"But if there is such a day, I will completely wipe you out of my life, and I will not let you

Leave a trace in my memory. "

Li Yunjin's heart shrank violently, and it was at this moment that he clearly felt the pain in his left chest.

Wipe him out of life?

This punishment seems to be much heavier than giving him a slap.

"Are you scared?"

Seeing Li Yunjin's expression a little serious, Lin Wanxi sneered, "Or, you don't have confidence in yourself?"

"I have no confidence in you." Li Yunjin finally held his hand and smiled softly, "What if you can't help it yourself?"

"will not."

Lin Wanxi shook his head.

There won't be such a day, her heart can only walk into one person, forever and ever.

"I do not know either."

Lin Wanxi looked at Li Yunjin in a daze, his ears dyed red.

Li Yunjin was like a big invisible net, and finally sucked in himself at this moment.

Although she had a foreboding that there would be a broken body and a dead end, she did not regret it.

Knowing Li Yunjin is probably the best thing in her life so far.

Lin Wanxi pushed Li Yunjin away and asked softly, "Do you want some fruit?"

"Huh? Fruit?"

This is extremely rare in the Eastern Kingdom.

"Well, I asked Su Zixuan to take it."

She wanted to replenish Li Yunjin's body, so she bit the bullet and asked Su Zixuan for help. I thought Su Zixuan would sneer

Ironically, he didn't expect that the person was quite refreshing, and immediately asked someone to bring her a box of fruit.

Lin Wanxi was shocked herself.

Su Zixuan didn't embarrass herself with a word, she would rather believe that the sun came out from the west.

She asked Su Zixuan what tricks he was playing, but Su Zixuan coldly told her not to think about it.

Su Zixuan's attitude suddenly changed so much that her heart was full of anxiety.

Lin Wanxi's frown made Li Yunjin's heart sinking, "Did he bully you?"

As if going to find Su Zixuan to settle accounts.

Lin Wanxi shook his head, with a faint expression, "He didn't bully me, don't worry, he still allows you to recover from the illness here."

Lin Wanxi frowned, "To be honest, I don't understand him anymore."

His ambition must be like a thorn in her heart.

"We return to the imperial capital."

Li Yunjin said suddenly.


Lin Wanxi was stunned for a moment, repeating puzzledly, "Return to the Imperial Capital?"

"I'm just a reporter here. I can't protect you well, but in the imperial capital, I will protect you.

Proof, no one can hurt your hair. "

Lin Wanxi's expression stopped, and his heart almost stopped at this moment.

Back to the Imperial Capital...

Once you go back, you will be forced by your family to marry Su Zixuan, right?

No matter how much Li Yunjin has the means, she will not participate in other people's housework. What will she do when that happens?

She cannot go back.

Lin Wanxi clearly realized this ending.

"what happened?"

Li Yunjin frowned, "You know, the war in the Eastern Kingdom will soon end."

During this period of time, the fighting ceased, and after years of war and chaos, Dongzheng finally had a trace of peace.

At that time, all of them will leave.

Lin Wanxi pushed Li Yunjin aside, lowered his head slightly, and then said after a long time, "Do you remember? We used to make an appointment

Ok. "


"I will stay together and take care of the children here."

Lin Wanxi is very fortunate that if she made this vow in the forest that day, if she used it as a prevarication Li Yunjin

A reason.

When she said this, her expression was very calm, without a trace of lying, so that people could not see any clues, Li Yun

Jin really didn't doubt. Under her reminder, he quickly remembered the incident, and then smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, how did I forget."

Lin Wanxi's palms gradually sweated, and she knew that she should not lie to Li Yunjin, but...

She didn't have the courage to tell Li Yunjin all this.

Wait, wait a while, it will be fine.

Li Yunjin began to recuperate in the hospital. He fell asleep in a daze that day, and was suddenly awakened by a violent "roar".

He opened his eyes, and thick black smoke could be seen from the distant window.

There were people running back and forth in the corridor, Li Yunjin frowned, walked out quickly, and caught a panicked one.

Little nurse.

He asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

"Our troops have been attacked. Now we need to send doctors and nurses to rescue them."

When the nurse finished speaking, she let go of Li Yunjin's hand and hurried away.

Li Yunjin walked back to the room quickly, took off his hospital gown, put on his own clothes, and as soon as he turned around,

Xiao banged straight.

Seeing Li Yunjin's dress, Chi Xiao's expression sank, "Li Yunjin, you still need to rest, you can't go out."

"Where is Lin Wanxi?"

Li Yunjin buttoned his clothes and asked coldly.

Chi Xiao paused, and said with a pale face, "She should have also gone to the scene to support it. It is our army that was attacked.

In the end, Dongjin Kingdom was so peaceful. No one knew that something like this would happen. Transporting supplies and ammunition.

The soldiers relaxed their vigilance and suffered heavy losses. Now most of them have gone to the scene for reinforcements. Wanxi... should also

over there. "

"I'll find him."

Li Yunjin lifted his foot and left.

"You stop for me." Chi Xiao ran to him and reached out to stop him, "Li Yunjin, I know you are worried about Wanxi,

I am also very worried about her, but you are not a soldier, and you can't do anything after you go. You will only be dragged down. "

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