Chapter 1405 Hickey

"Then why are you here?"

Li Yunjin's complexion didn't change much, but his tone did not sound very good.

For a long time, there was something he didn't understand, and that was why Lin Wanxi always regarded him as an outsider.

Without waiting for Lin Wanxi’s answer, Li Yunjin went on silently, "I know you always have your reasons, such as

You are a soldier. It is your duty and responsibility to accompany your comrades in battle here, but can I be a battlefield?

As a freelance journalist, do I have no responsibilities and obligations? If you have to add confusion, neither of us is a doctor

Health, staying here will not help a little. "

Lin Wanxi saw him say a lot, and his tone was full of blame, and she couldn't help her anger.

He said, "You want to come here, no one is stopping you, love will not come, what happens, you bear the consequences."

"If you don't take it, don't you die if something happens?"

Once the hurt was spoken, there was no possibility of taking it back. Li Yunjin clenched his fists, his eyes a little chilly.

He and Lin Wanxi have extremely similar stubbornness in personality, and they are reluctant to do some things.

The one who bowed his head first, so quarreling and hurting each other are inevitable. He has worked hard to adjust

Myself, let me try my best to accommodate Lin Wanxi, but this woman seems to have no intention to constrain at all.

This time, Li Yunjin didn't want to be the one who first bowed his head to compromise.

He pressed a sentence, "Take care of yourself", then turned and walked away without looking back.

Lin Wanxi saw him walking far, but did not catch up. Although he knew he was angry, but now, he is not concerned about his young master.


Everything, wait until this disaster is over.

Before Li Yunjin left the safe zone, he was stopped by a young strange man.

"Are you Mr. Li Yun Jinli?"

Li Yunjin raised his eyes, "Are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Li, I am Liu Yan, the adjutant next to Chief Su Zixuan. Our chief has something to do with him.

You talk, don't know if Mr. Li has time? "

Li Yunjin’s impression of Su Zixuan was very bad. The person who had acted on Lin Wanxi the first time they met, can count

What man?

Thinking of this, there was a little irony in my eyes, "There is such a serious infectious disease in the army now, I think

Chief Su shouldn't have so much time to talk to an insignificant reporter, right? "

His tone was very bad, and the young adjutant naturally felt that the smile on the corner of his mouth froze for a few seconds, and then

And politely said, "The role that reporters can play is not less than that of every army. In this land, everyone

They are all equal. Why should Mr. Li say such things? If there are not very important things, our Chief Su also

I won't find you at this time. "

His words were neither overbearing nor humble, but they were much easier to get along with than that Su Zixuan seemed, Li Yunjin was a little calmer.

Some, and then said, "Lead the way."

Liu Yan took Li Yunjin through a large open space and came to the headquarters.

The guard at the door stopped two people and signaled to search.

Seeing that Li Yunjin's complexion was not so good, Liu Yan said immediately, "This is the distinguished guest of Chief Su, so there is no need to search."

After speaking, he smiled lightly at Li Yunjin, "Let's go, Mr. Li."

Then Li Yunjin raised his heel and walked in Liu Yan.

Go directly to the second floor and stop in a room.

"Sir, Mr. Li Yunjin has arrived."

"Come in."

Su Zixuan's voice came from the room.

Li Yunjin followed in and saw Su Zixuan getting up from the desk. The big desk was piled with all kinds of things.

Li Yunjin glanced at the information quickly and recognized that it was a set of drug data sent by the CDC.

"Please sit down."

Compared to the previous confrontations, Su Zixuan's attitude seemed polite this time.

Li Yunjin sat down on the chair in the room, "Is Chief Su looking for me?"

"Reporter Li should know what happened now, right?"

"So many people died, naturally they knew it."

Li Yunjin's expression was very cold.

"Mr. Li is a wise man, if so, then I will open the skylight to speak up."

Su Zixuan came over and sat down opposite Li Yunjin with his legs crossed. The military uniform was worn on him, and immediately there was something invisible.

A sense of oppression is coming, most people here are a little in awe when seeing Su Zixuan, not only because of his land

The place here is because this man always gives people a kind of coldness and ruthlessness from the outside.

To say that he is not afraid of him, except for Lin Wanxi, this is Li Yunjin.

Su Zixuan felt a little ridiculous in her heart. As the old saying goes, "It's not that one person doesn't enter a house all the way" and put it on these two people

It's really too suitable.

He looked at Li Yunjin, and suddenly remembered the hickey that he saw on Lin Wanxi's neck not long ago.

Is it a masterpiece of this man?

Want to take away your elder brother's woman?

Not so easy.

A dark glow flashed through Su Zixuan's pupils.

"I have two things to tell you. First, please contact the Chinese TV station as a reporter to report this time.

Information about the epidemic. "

Li Yunjin nodded without thinking, "I don't need you to tell me about this."

Their reporter camp is also wandering around in major hospitals these days, and their busy pace stops. Only more people know this time.

The severity of the epidemic can make people pay more attention to this matter. The greater the pressure on the CDC, the faster the development

Out targeted drugs.

Although the relationship with Su Zixuan is not good, Li Yunjin will not take personal grievances against innocent people.

Obviously Su Zixuan will not either.

"the second?"

What is the second thing he wants to do by himself?

"The second thing is to keep you away from Lin Wanxi."

As soon as Su Zixuan's words were uttered, Li Yunjin's expression stopped, and he was silent for a while before he opened lightly.

"Is Lin Wanxi the woman of your Chief Su?"

Su Zixuan; "Of course not."

"Since it is not, then you should not have any qualifications to require an independent-minded adult woman to follow your requirements.

Please do something? "Li Yunjin's eyes showed a hint of sarcasm, "And I can't even count your subordinates." "

The implication is that he will not listen to him Su Zixuan.

Li Yunjin's reaction was completely within Su Zixuan's expectations, so she didn't look irritable or impatient, but smiled softly.

Laughing, then he said, "Although Lin Wanxi has nothing to do with me, it doesn't mean she has nothing to do with other men."

"What do you mean?"

Li Yunjin's pupils tightened instantly.

What is it called, and other men?

He has known Lin Wanxi for so long, and there is only an unclear Su Zixuan beside Lin Wanxi.

He man?

Su Zixuan did not answer his question immediately, but glanced at Liu Yan beside him.

Liu Yan immediately took out a photo from a small bag and handed it to Li Yunjin respectfully.

Li Yunjin's eyes froze instantly when he saw that photo.

His head is also blank, the whole person is like being struck by thunder and lightning, and almost all the blood in his body is flowing backwards.

The girl in the photo has a green face, Lin Wanxi, who is about a teenager, and her facial features are very good.

There are slight differences from today.

What shocked Li Yunjin even more was that in this photo, not only Lin Wanxi alone, but also about three or five men.

People, they surrounded Lin Wanxi, holding wine glasses in their hands, filling Lin Wanxi with wine.

There are also a few pairs of hands that I don’t know who are placed on her chest and on her thighs, if it’s not because the person in the photo is him

Lin Wanxi and Li Yunjin would almost think that this girl would be a depraved accompany girl, because it was just this

This photo is too confused.

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