Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1413: Exchange terms

Chapter 1413

Su Zixuan did not admit or deny, but said, "If you came to me because of Li Yunjin, you can go back."

"Su Zixuan, please answer my question."

Lin Wanxi's eyes were scarlet.

Su Zixuan packed up the papers on the table, then looked up at Lin Wanxi, with a hint of charity and compassion in his eyes.

"Lin Wanxi, are you so worried about your lover?"

"He is not my lover, please don't use such insulting words to describe the relationship between me and him."

Lin Wanxi's tone was blunt, obviously dissatisfied.

Su Zixuan smiled faintly, as if he had heard some joke, and then asked, "Then tell me, you and him are

what relationship? Who is he from you? "

"He is the person I love most in my life."

Lin Wanxi said without hesitation.

"Heh." A teaser flashed across Su Zixuan's face, "As the future daughter-in-law of the Su family, you say that another man

It's your favorite person, Lin Wanxi, don't you think you are shameless? "

"I have said that the identity of the Su family's daughter-in-law is not something I want to choose. I have never

Actively accepted. "

"So you promised me last time, you will reconsider the marriage contract with my brother, just as an excuse to prevaricate me?"

Su Zixuan's words made Lin Wanxi's face instantly froze.

For a long time, she couldn't find a word to go back to Fuxing Zixuan.

Su Zixuan suddenly lost his patience, stood up from the chair and looked down at the woman who was much shorter than her.

"Go back, I did not specifically target Li Yunjin. The priority of soldiers is indeed my order. Li Yunjin does not belong to

In this crowd, no wonder I am. "

After speaking, Su Zixuan lifted his foot to leave.

Lin Wanxi suddenly stretched out an arm to stop him in front of him.

"If I tell you that Li Yunjin is Li Beixun's son, would you change your order?"

Su Zixuan's expression was stunned, and then he fixed his gaze on Lin Wanxi again, a little surprised, "You said

Of... is it true? "

Li Beixun? The son of Mr. President?

"You don't need to believe me, but you can investigate." Lin Wanxi felt surprised when he saw Su Zixuan's eyes.

Slightly happy.

Su Zixuan's reaction to this, does it mean that things still have room for change?

Unfortunately, in the next second, Su Zixuan's expression has returned to the original tranquility, and it completely splashed Lin Wanxi.

A basin of cold water.

"so what?"

Lin Wanxi's face turned pale, her joints froze, "What?"

"Lin Wanxi, you don't think that I will treat him as the president's son, so what kind of preferential treatment will I give him?

He is a soldier with a clear distinction between public and private. "

Lin Wanxi clenched her fists tightly, because of the ridiculous marriage contract between her and Su Zining, she enjoyed this

It's ironic that the men's countless special care is now "clearly distinguished between public and private".

"I don’t care if you have a clear distinction between public and private. In short, his status is special. If Mr. President’s son dies here

Here, you will also find it difficult to explain. "

"is it?"

It seems that this problem is not too easy to solve. Su Zixuan pulled the chair back and sat down, his slender fingers were elegant and elegant.

"I don’t think it’s hard to explain. As a military officer, the most important thing for me is to help me

Soldiers at war, not the president's son. I think even if Mr. President is here, he will not ask for

His son first used the vaccine and let a soldier who was desperate for the country give his life. "

When Su Zixuan said this, he smiled slightly.

"Even if something really happened, I can say that I didn't know he was the son of Mr. President, a soldier, and

A reporter, I don’t think anyone thinks my choice is wrong, right? "

Su Zixuan's eyes were full of strategizing confidence.

Lin Wanxi stood stiffly on the spot, as if he had fallen into a huge ice storage with no exit.

In the cold, her hands and feet could hardly move.

I don’t know how long it took before Lin Wanxi suppressed the trace of anger in his heart, and said in a steady voice, "Okay, Yu

Gong, you can't help Li Yunjin, you are right. "

She took a deep breath, her brows already frowned tightly. "Then Yushi, do I beg you?"

Since it doesn't make sense for Su Zixuan, she can only change to another method.

There was a vague request in Lin Wanxi's eyes.

"Su Zixuan, I think you can get this vaccine, if you count me, please? Please help him."

Lin Wanxi didn’t know that her request would kill another person who should have been redeemed, but she really left.

There is no way out, people are always selfish, and will always hope that the one they love will live in the end.

She has no other way.

She can only lower her posture to beg the devil she once hated to her bones.

"Count me please, save him."

"You beg me?"

Su Zixuan raised his eyebrows, with a hint of playfulness in his eyes, "Lin Wanxi, what do you ask me for? I won't accept any

The behavior of the empty glove white wolf happened to me. "

Behind the irony was a faint expectation, and Su Zixuan's eyes on Lin Wanxi became deeper and deeper.

He was waiting for Lin Wanxi's next move.

Lin Wanxi clenched her fists. I knew that this man was humiliating herself. She never bowed her head to others, but Su Zixuan

But again and again he has to bow himself in front of him, and he enjoys the pleasure of trampling on others' self-esteem.

After deeply understanding Su Zixuan's intentions, Lin Wanxi took a deep breath and wanted to bend her knees.

Kneel him down.

But what Lin Wanxi had expected was that Su Zixuan interrupted her directly, "You don't need to kneel to me, your knees

Guy is worthless to me. "

Lin Wanxi froze in place.

She looked at Su Zixuan and was puzzled by his intentions, then saw Su Zixuan smile again, and said sarcastically, "What's more

Besides, don’t you think that it’s too cheap for you to kneel down for life-saving things? "

Lin Wanxi's eyes are dark, although she has exhausted all her efforts at this moment to pretend to be calm, but she clearly feels

With a trace of fear, he seemed to be walking step by step into the trap that this man had already set.

And she knew that she might be overwhelmed, but she still... couldn't stop.

She couldn't let Li Yunjin die.

No matter what the price, she wants that man to live well.

It was like a century later that Lin Wanxi sat down opposite Su Zixuan, her voice was cold, "So, you hope

What do you want me to do? "

The opportunity to take the initiative was brought to Su Zixuan’s lips. When the man waited for the best moment, he would naturally not give up and stay straight.

Turning his back, his eyes stubbornly caught Lin Wanxi, like a dangerous beast.

"I can give Li Yunjin a vaccine to save his life, but as a deal, you must leave the army and return to China.

Country, marry my brother. "

"what did you say?"

Lin Wanxi's eyes widened, "Su Zixuan, this..."

"There is no room for negotiation."

Regardless of the panic and anxiety in Lin Wanxi's eyes, Su Zixuan interrupted her directly, "This is my deal with you.

The initiative lies with me, marrying my brother, and then Li Yunjin lives, staying here as he pleases, Li Yunjin dies,

You can choose whatever you want, no one will force you with a knife. "

Lin Wanxi's face lost his blood a little bit, turning pale like a piece of white paper.

He didn't force her, but he was more terrible than forcing her with a knife on her neck.

He knew very well that in front of Li Yunjin's life, she would not hesitate even if he wanted her to die.

Lin Wanxi's lips were almost bitten out of blood.

She didn't want Li Yunjin to die... but Su Zining who wanted her to marry? Want to become a tool to give birth to Su Zining?

This is just jumping from a deep pool of despair into another vortex of despair...

Once married to Su Zining, she and Li Yunjin would be completely finished in her life.

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