Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1415: Whose responsibility?

Chapter 1415 Who's Responsible?


Jiang Zixin went to Sha Sha's ward.

As soon as Sa Sa saw Jiang Zixin, she supported her body and stretched out her hand like a bamboo pole.

Go, as if to catch something.

Now that there is a vaccine, Jiang Zixin is not afraid of being infected, thinking that the two of them are also poor on the same boat.

People, quickly reached out and held Sasha's wrist.

"How do you feel..."

Although Sasha is a bit stupid, she is still a very useful tool in detail.

However, this tool will soon be gone.

Jiang Zixin couldn't help but sigh, and his expression became pity.

Sasha used all her strength to grab Jiang Zixin, her voice hoarse, "Help me..."

Jiang Zixin said, "When the new batch of vaccines arrive, you will be saved, and you will stay for a few more days."

"You know... I... I can't last long..."

Sasha's eyes revealed a desire for life, which made people very unbearable, "You have a vaccine, why don't you give it to me?"

"This... we also distribute them in order, and it will be your turn soon." At this time, she can only use this

There are reasons to comfort this dying person.

"You, you give me the vaccine now." A trace of determination appeared in Sasha's eyes.

"Sasha, this won't work..."

"I have important information in my hand, about Lin Wanxi..."

Sasha gasped hard, "I have investigated her for a long time, this information can completely ruin Lin Wanxi...I can

Here you are, but you must save me first..."

Sasha's words made Jiang Zixin "chuckle" in her heart.

"what did you say?"

Jiang Zixin can almost conclude that Li Yunjin will never die, and the woman Lin Wanxi will definitely use up everything.

The way to save Li Yunjin is only a matter of time. After Li Yunjin suffered such a disaster, he will definitely love Lin even more after he recovers.

Wanxi, how will she hook up with this rich young master?

How long will it take her dream of a wealthy wife to come true?

Jiang Zixin looked at Sasha on the bed suspiciously. Does she really have enough information to destroy Lin Wanxi?

"You didn't lie to me?"

"I'm going to die, do you think I... I will lie to you?"

Sasha smiled hard, "Save me, then I will give you all the information, Li Yunjin will be you alone

Of it. This deal is a good deal for you. "

Jiang Zixin frowned tightly, as if after a struggle, gently let go of Sasha's hand and tuck her into the quilt

Inside, cover it tightly.

Smiled, "Wait at ease, I will be back soon."

Jiang Zixin quickly left the ward and found Doctor Ouyang who was in charge of the epidemic.

"Doctor Ouyang, I want a vaccine."

"Huh?" Doctor Ouyang raised his head from the table, frowning, "What do you want the vaccine for? You are not going to give it to Li Yunjin?"

"How could it be that Li Yunjin was the patient that Chief Su was staring at. Without the command of the Chief, who would dare to use the epidemic?

Miao, don't I want to die? "

Jiang Zixin ran to the opposite of Dr. Ouyang and sat down, showing a good smile, "I have a friend who is a girl.

Son, she is in a dangerous situation now, can you give me a shot? "

Although the above order is the soldiers first, but the rules are dead, people are alive, and Su Zixuan will not really press

Checking the list one by one, like non-military people who can know their doctors, they can also secretly dredge relationships and get vaccines.

This is not a strange thing.

Doctor Ouyang nodded, "Okay, I'll let you get an injection, remember to keep a low profile."

"Don't worry, thank you Dr. Ouyang, when she gets better, I will definitely let her thank you in person."

Jiang Zixin went to find Sasha after getting the vaccine.

"I can give you the vaccine, but can you really give me that document?"


Salsa was so angry.

She is from a good family. She came here for excitement. Now she almost lost her life. She just wants to go home quickly, what?

Li Yunjin, what Dongzhenguo, what Lin Wanxi, she didn't want to care anymore.

"I have a USB flash drive. It’s in the drawer of my room at the reporter’s camp. There will be something you want in it.

Make sure you don’t lose money with this vaccine for those things. "

"I see, I will give you a vaccine now."

Jiang Zixin quickly injected the vaccine into Salsa's body, and Sasha hoarsely said, "The door to my room should be

Unlocked, you can go directly to get it. "

"Okay, you feel relieved to recover. You will be fine soon."

Jiang Zixin calmed Sasha's emotions and watched her fall asleep deeply, then got up and left the hospital and went to the reporters camp to find

What Sasha said.

After such a catastrophe, even the reporter's camp seemed depressed.

In order to protect themselves, many journalists have moved to places far away from the city where there are no people to avoid the virus.

Can't even see a person moving.

Jiang Zixin has been searching for a long time, but she doesn’t know where Sasha’s room is.

In the west, Jiang Zixin quickly walked over, "Hello, where is Sasha's room?"

"Sa Sa?" The reporter looked at Jiang Zixin somewhat unnaturally, " is Sa Sa now? She is still alive.

Is it? "

"Well, she has been vaccinated and will be fine soon."

"Well, that's good. In fact, that girl of Sasha is very good, and so young, if she died, she would be too

Pity. "

"I'm her friend, come and help her get something..."

The reporter hurriedly pointed in a direction, "She turned into her room from here, and the innermost one is."

"Thank you." Jiang Zixin quickly thanked.

Following the directions given by the man, Jiang Zixin quickly found Sasha's room. I opened the drawer of the table and I saw it

There is a small USB flash drive inside.

She held the USB drive tightly, and saw that the laptop was right next to her, and then connected the USB drive.

The heart was beating violently, and the whole back was sweating in anticipation and anxiety.

Jiang Zixin bit her lip, staring straight at the computer screen.

In the dimly lit room, there was only the glare of the computer screen. I don’t know how long it took before Jiang Zixin’s mouth aroused.

Silk triumphant smile.


Lin Wanxi went over, it was like that.

As expected, Sasha didn't lie to her, and it was really worth it to replace these with a shot of vaccine.

Everything that should be done has been done, and then just wait for Li Yunjin to wake up...

Jiang Zixin's low laughter came from the darkness.

Lin Wanxi on the other side had found Su Zixuan.

Su Zixuan was looking at the file, and seeing Lin Wanxi recklessly opened the door and walked in, he quickly looked up at her.

The voice was lazy, "I didn't report coming in, so anxious, I must have made a decision."

Su Zixuan lowered his head to read the document as he spoke.

Lin Wanxi clenched his fists, "Yes, I have decided. I promise you that I will go back and marry Su Zining."

"I'm surprised, you agreed so soon, no longer thinking about it?"

Lin Wanxi's eyes were scarlet, and there was some hatred in her pupils.

He knew he would agree to it, but he still said these high-sounding words here, Lin Wanxi felt cold.

Laugh, Su Zixuan...

Why is he not the person who is infected?

Li Yunjin is so good...

She suppressed the unwillingness and anger in her heart, and then said, "Don't think about it, I have already thought of it, besides, how can you

I must say this kind of slightly contrary words. If I really don't save Li Yunjin, it is you who should be sad. "

Su Zixuan's hand moved for a while.

He raised his head and his eyes were burning. After a long period of calm, he suddenly smiled, seeming to agree with Lin Wanxi's words just now.

Lin Wanxi continued to say, "Get him vaccinated immediately."

"It's not your responsibility." Su Zixuan got up, "I'll let someone take you back. After you go back..."

"How long do you think Li Yunjin can last?" Lin Wanxi interrupted Su Zixuan directly with cold eyes, "If I

Did Li Yunjin die before he reached the imperial capital? Whose responsibility is this? "

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