Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1419: loyalty

Chapter 1419 Loyalty

After coming to Dongzheng Country by himself, the relationship between Jin Nanfeng and Xiao Xiuqiu has grown stronger.

Let him breathe a sigh of relief as an older brother.

"I hope he can come to the Eastern Reality to find you to settle the account. It's better to catch you back!" Li Yunxiu stopped crying.

But he sighed heavily, "Brother, when will you come back? You used to say I was ignorant,

I'm self-willed, but...what are you doing now? My parents are really worried about you, Chenchen misses you too. "

This time, Li Yunjin did not directly refute Li Yunxiu, nor did he avoid his sister's question, but answered seriously.

"I will go back once the war in Tojin Kingdom is over."


Li Yunxiu's surprise voice came from the phone.

"You will really come back? You won't lie to me?"

"When did I lie to you?"

Li Yunjin was a little dissatisfied.

He has been away from home for so long, and it is time to go back.

"Then we'll make an appointment." Li Yunxiu was very pleased. "By the way, when you come back, will you also bring Ms. Jiang back?"

Li Yunjin paused, "Jiang Zixin?"


Li Yunjin couldn't help frowning, "What did she mention so well?"

"Brother, don't be embarrassed. You are such a big person. You are a man again. It is normal to have a girlfriend.

Yes, if you come back with Miss Jiang, your parents will probably be happier. "

Since the Mu family’s marriage contract was dropped, Li Yunjin’s life events have become a major headache for everyone in the Li family.

Li Yunxiu naturally hoped that his brother could have a girl who loved her and accompany him on his way to the future.

"Miss Jiang, where is she from? Is she also from the Imperial Capital?"

"You have too many questions. The relationship between me and her is not what you think."

Li Yunjin couldn't help but think of that woman as soon as he mentioned emotional matters.

I felt a little irritable for a moment, and dissatisfied with the sister on the other side, "Don't talk nonsense outside. Especially with parents."

"I know." Li Yunxiu agreed, but he didn't let Li Yunjin go. "Brother, you really don't need to be shy.

Ms. Jiang has been with you all the time. I have sent messages to her these days, and she has responded patiently if you

Not a boyfriend or girlfriend, why should she be so good to you. "

"Well, don't always ask about my private life." Li Yunjin was impatient, "It seems I really want to call Jin Nanfeng.

Let him take care of you. "

"Hey!" Li Yunxiu was a little dissatisfied, "Can you not involve him?"

"I have something to do, hang up first. I will notify you before returning to China."


Before Li Yunxiu had finished speaking, Li Yunjin pinched the phone.

When he walked to the window and looked at the peaceful Dongzhen Country outside, Li Yunjin's heart also calmed down a little bit.

A gust of wind blew, and his back was a little chilled from the cold sweat he had previously expelled. He was silent for a long time, and then dialed again.

Call out.

This time, it was assistant Lutong.

"Young Master Li?!"

Lu Tong's voice is not much better than that of Li Yunxiu before, and he felt like he was crying with joy, "Little Li, you are really fine!"

"Well, I'm fine."

Li Yunjin answered faintly, "Don't worry."

"Young Master Li, you are about to scare me to death!" Lu Tong's voice trembled, "Where are you now, I'll come to you immediately."

"No, I will return home soon. When I meet, I have other things for you to do now."

"What's the matter? Just ask Young Master Li."

"Go and check for me, the Su family in the imperial capital, are there any major things recently."

Anyway, it's such a huge family, if it's getting married... it won't be impossible to tell.

"Okay, I see, I will get back to you as soon as possible."


As soon as I hung up the phone, I turned around and saw Jiang Zixin standing behind her, with a dinner plate in her hand, her complexion pale.

Hong looked at herself a little embarrassed, feeling helpless.

Li Yunjin didn't speak, lifted his foot around and sat back on the bed again.

Jiang Zixin said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hear you and other people call, I just arrived.

I haven't listened much, don't worry, I won't talk too much outside. "

"It's okay." Li Yunjin finally looked up at her. "It's not a secret, it doesn't matter if I hear it."

Seeing Li Yunjin treat her like this, Jiang Zixin’s excited eyes are shining. You know, before, Li Yunjin looked

Would never look at himself, but now, he says to himself "It’s okay", does it mean that he treats himself

Is your attitude different from before?

Jiang Zixin was ecstatic.

It seems that so many days of hard work have not been in vain!

She suppressed the countless emotions in her heart, then walked to Li Yunjin with the dinner plate, "I have prepared it for you

Some food, I don’t know what you like to eat... Just make some, don’t dislike it, my craft is not that good

Good, but the taste should be good. "

Li Yunjin looked at it lightly. It was a bowl of small porridge and a bowl of egg custard.

Simple, but it looks appetizing.

"Thank you."

He thanked in a low voice.

He hasn't eaten for a long time, and hunger is real at this moment. He bowed his head to eat with the chopsticks Jiang Zixin handed over.

"You can tell me what you want to eat in the future, and ask will help you do it. If I can't...I will learn it too."

Jiang Zixin spoke softly.


Li Yunjin responded indifferently.

At this time, a young nurse walked in outside the ward.

Holding two fresh pears in his hand.

"Sister Zixin, this is the pear you want."

"Thank you."

Jiang Zixin immediately picked up Lizi, sat on the bedside, peeled off the skin, and handed it to Li Yunjin.

"Eat some fruit, add a little vitamin, it is good for your body."

Seeing that Li Yunjin didn’t take it, the little nurse blinked and walked forward two steps, “Why don’t you take it? Zixin

Sister did not close her eyes to sleep for several days for you. You can't live up to Sister Zixin's wishes! "

"Xiaxia, don't talk nonsense."

Jiang Zixin's face suddenly blushed, and she quickly got up and took Xia Xia and walked outside.

"Don't talk nonsense, you have to do a ward round today, go out quickly."

"Oh, sister Zixin, don't you stop me, if you don't tell him, how does he know what you have done for him!"

The nurse named Xia Xia pushed away Jiang Zixin's hand in a few strokes, ran to Li Yunjin's side, frowned, "You

You must be nice to sister Zixin, do you know? You almost died. Sister Zixin is very special for you.

Yi went to beg Dr. Ouyang for a long time, and the skin on his mouth was worn out, and only then did he get a vaccine from Dr. Ouyang... and

And after you were in a coma, sister Zixin never had a good night's sleep. I asked her to go back to the room, but she refused, just staying.

Staying here to accompany you, and said that if you die, she won't live. Mr. Li, where do you think such a woman can find? "

Xia Xia smiled brightly, "Women, the most important thing is loyalty, and you can still persist when your life is hanging by a thread.

The woman who loves you the most. "


Li Yunjin's heart was stabbed suddenly.

The look in his eyes was also at this moment, and a layer of mist that made people hard to see appeared silently.

Xia Xia is still saying, "Mr. Li, you must be nice to sister Zixin. There is a chance for her to be promoted and transferred.

Yes, but for you, I gave up everything..."

Before Xia Xia's words were finished, Jiang Zixin directly covered her mouth, looking at Li Yunjin in embarrassment, "I

Take her out. "

Then she dragged Xia Xia out of the ward and closed the door with a "bang".

In almost an instant, Jiang Zixin let go of Xia Xia, and the shyness and embarrassment on her face disappeared, leaving only a trace of cold.

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