Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1422: Not ordinary people

Chapter 1422

Li Yunjin was still reminiscing here, and he held himself with a warm hand. He looked down and found that it was Jiang Zixin.

I don't know when I have snuggled up to my side.

Smiled sweetly at him, "Then let's go."

Li Yunjin paused for a long time before letting a faint "um" sound, and calmly took his hand from her palm.

Go back and say casually, "Next week, I will go home. You can come with me if you have time."

"See your family?"

Jiang Zixin's eyes widened in an instant, flattered, "This... is this too fast?"

"Just by the way." Li Yunjin's expression was cold, "If you don't want to, it doesn't matter."

"No! I will! I'm just a little nervous."

Jiang Zixin took Li Yunjin's hand again, "I'm afraid your parents don't like me, what clothes should I wear..."

"You can decide for yourself. If you are really nervous, then don't go."

After Li Yunjin finished speaking, Jiang Zixin left alone.

Jiang Zixin's face was a bit unpleasant.

Although she was prepared for Li Yunjin not to love herself.

But it was only at this moment that she understood that if he really didn’t have any feelings for him, that man could really

I froze to death.

Watching Li Yunjin go farther and farther, Jiang Zixin took a deep breath, walked up quickly, and smiled.

Say, "I didn't say that I didn't want to go, I was just a little worried that my uncles and aunts would not like me."

"My parents are very enlightened parents." Li Yunjin's expression was calm, and his voice was slightly cool. "Besides, they like or

Those who don’t like it will not affect anything. "

Jiang Zixin nodded seemingly.

Taking a deep look at Li Yunjin, seeing that his beautiful sword eyebrows were still tightly twisted, there was something unspeakable in his heart.

The joy of being accepted by Li Yunjin gradually faded. Once people calm down, they will become more sensible and will find that Li

Yun Jin's rejection of herself is still the slight distance she has kept.

Jiang Zixin's sense of distance makes Jiang Zixin faintly feel that perhaps she will never warm this man's heart.

Although she was prepared for everything and got a reminder from Li Yunjin, this result is still

Jiang Zixin was full of unwillingness.

Thinking of this, she forcibly smiled again, stretched out her arm and gently held Li Yunjin, like a little bird.

Like, "That’s right, but, after all, uncles and aunts are your parents, and I also want to leave them a

A good impression. "

Li Yunjin turned his head and looked down at her. After a long time, he said coldly, "You only need to perform normally."

Three days later, Li Yunjin took care of everything about Dongzhenguo, took a plane, and returned to the long-lost imperial capital of China.

He did not notify his family members about his return to China, only told Lutong.

The young assistant had been waiting outside the airport for a long time. Seeing Li Yunjin leading a girl, his brows were raised unconsciously.


"this is……"

Jiang Zixin was also a little surprised to see Lutong.

He has worked by Li Yunjin for many years, knowing that Li Yunjin is the most clean and self-conscious. For so many years, he has always

There has never been any woman.

Is this... Li Yunjin's girlfriend?

Presumably, this woman has a different status and status. Lu Tong did not hesitate for a long time, so he stretched out his hand and wanted to take Jiang Zixin.

Luggage bag in hand.

Jiang Zixin blushed, subconsciously being polite with him.

"No need, I just hold it myself..."

"Just give it to him." Li Yunjin suddenly spoke at this time, with a hint of impatience in his tone, "He is helping

Li, this is his job, why are you polite with him? "

Jiang Zixin and Lu Tong felt Li Yunjin's temper in an instant.

Seeing that Li Yunjin had already opened the car door and got into the car, the atmosphere almost froze.

In the end, Lu Tong reacted first and smiled at Jiang Zixin, very polite, "Miss, I'll do it."

Jiang Zixin could only pass the luggage in his hand to Lutong.

Lu Tong took it, quickly opened the door to Jiang Zixin, and respectfully invited her to get in the car.

It's just that no one noticed the emotion in his eyes, it was no longer as condensed as before.

As Li Yunjin's assistant, he knew too much about this man.

If it was someone Li Yunjin really cared about, he would definitely not speak to her in the tone just now.

But she was a little puzzled. If Li Yunjin didn't like this woman, why would he take her back to the imperial capital...

Countless questions flashed through his mind for an instant, but the young assistant always knew that Li Yunjin didn’t like others

Over-involved in his private life, even if he was puzzled, Lu Tong did not show too much in the end.

Get in the car quickly.

"Young Master Li, will you take you to the Presidential Palace first?"

"Send me to the villa first, and wait until I settle down."


Jiang Zixin was born in an ordinary family.

Both of his parents were migrant workers of the older generation, and lived very poorly.

A big part of Jiang Zixin's choice to be a war doctor is also because of the high return.

Even if you are mentally prepared for Li Yunjin’s family background, you can see Li Yunjin’s luxurious villa

At that time, her heart still couldn't help but chuckle.

She had never seen such a beautiful house.

This is Li Yunjin's home?

Jiang Zixin was nervous for an instant, and couldn't help but lowered her head and pulled her skirt.

Li Yunjin hadn’t returned home for a long time, and spent more than ten hours on the plane.

Into the villa.

Jiang Zixin was still standing outside with wide-eyed eyes, looking at the villa in a daze.

"Miss Jiang." Lu Tong reminded, "You go in quickly, it's hot outside."

Jiang Zixin's face was flushed, turned her head to look at Lutong, and asked cautiously, "Is this Yunjin's parents' house?"

Lu Tong shook his head, "No, this is Mr. Li's own house."

"He bought it by himself? Or his parents paid for it..."

"After graduating from high school, Mr. Li never spent a penny at home. Mr. Li bought this villa for himself."


Even knowing that Li Yunjin is not an ordinary person, but at such a young age, he can only afford such a

This luxurious villa really shocked Jiang Zixin.

After the surprise, there was a trace of uncontrollable joy and excitement.

Fortunately, Lin Wanxi left Li Yunjin, such a good man, if he missed it, he might never meet him again in his life.


Even if Li Yunjin didn’t fall in love with him in the end, only with Li Yunjin’s money, he would definitely live the rest of his life.

No worries about food and clothing.

Thinking of this Jiang Zixin's mouth couldn't help but bend a smile.

"Miss Jiang?"

Lutong frowned.

Jiang Zixin nodded and walked into the villa.

Li Yunjin has disappeared.

"Where is Yunjin?"

"Little Li should change clothes in the room." Lu Tong reminded.

"Is there no servant?"

Jiang Zixin looked around, the huge villa looked a little empty.

Lu Tong explained again, "Li always doesn't like too many people in the house, so no servants are hired in the villa. Ms. Jiang

If you need anything, just let me know. I will find someone to help you purchase it immediately. "

No matter what Li Yunjin’s attitude towards Jiang Zixin is, she is the first woman Li Yunjin brings out, and it may even be

Will become the future Mrs. Li. Status status is absolutely extraordinary.

Lu Tong didn't dare to offend anything.

"I have nothing to add, but I hurried back to the imperial capital, not even prepared for better clothes, and went to see Yun

Jin’s parents would be a little rude..."

Lu Tong knows, "I'll let someone arrange it right away. I wonder what style and color Miss Jiang likes?"

"I can do it."

"Then I will arrange it myself."

Lu Tong nodded.

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