Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1424: Show off

Chapter 1424

She just wanted to ask, Li Yunxiao turned her head and glared at him, and then pulled Li Yunjin back without waiting for her to speak.

To the study.

"What the **** are you doing?"

Li Yunjin was a little irritable.

"I should ask you this question, right?" Li Yun laughed violently. "You said you ran to Dongzhen Country without saying a word.

It's fine to be a reporter, and now I ran back without saying a word. I didn't want to tell me when I came back. Fortunately, with the deer in advance

Tong said hello, saying that you must notify me as soon as you come back, otherwise I will be kept in the dark by you today! "

Li Yunjin frowned, "This deer boy..."

"Don't blame him, I forced him. Sister keeps secrets for you, Lutong keeps secrets for you, if I don't want to do anything,

I don’t even know if you died in Dongzhen Country, brother, why didn’t you tell us when you came back? "

"I didn't tell you, isn't this just getting home? You just came here after taking a shower." Li Yunjin was a little tired.

"Also, I didn't plan to stay long this time."

Li Yun's face turned pale with a smile, his eyes widened, "Are you still going to the Eastern Reality? Li Yunjin, are you crazy!"

"The war in Dongjin Kingdom has ended. It is safe there now. I have other things to deal with. Wait a minute.

After everything is resolved, you will come back. "

"Then what are you doing back now?" Li Yun smiled and blinked, his voice suddenly lowered, "Also, although you are not here,

Imperial Capital, your vision is not so bad, right? That woman outside is your girlfriend? Li Yunjin, you

Isn't she cheated by her? "

"When have you been so interested in my private life?"

Li Yunjin glanced at his sister coldly.

"I have no interest in your private life, I just want to remind you to keep your eyes open."

"You have too much prejudice against her."

Li Yunjin frowned.

After all, this woman was by her side when she was about to die, and she never left behind. Li Yunjin did not doubt Jiang


"You don't understand this." Li Yun smiled and sat down on the sofa and snorted casually. "Women look at women.

It has always been very accurate. This is a woman’s intuition. Anyway, I think that woman is not good

People, it's very fake, I advise you to break up with her earlier. "

"You have great opinions on her." Li Yunjin's eyes were cold, "When Xiao Xiuqiu brought Jin Nanfeng home, you could

Not this attitude. "

"So this is intuition. It turns out that Jin Nanfeng is indeed a good man. He not only gave up great good for his sister.

In acting career, I also concentrate on managing the company for our family. They are gentle and caring for the family, and never get in trouble outside.

Grass, what am I wrong? "

"Too lazy to argue with you, it's quarrelsome."

Li Yunjin curled his lips.

"Anyway, you can solve this matter yourself. If you don't listen to me, you will regret it one day.

This woman is definitely not your lover. "Li Yun smiled and got up, "I'm going back to the presidential palace first. If your parents know you

I will be very happy. "

"Where is the little hydrangea?"

"Brother, I'm your sister too, when can you not be partial?"

Li Yun laughed a little aggrieved. The men in the Li family liked their sister more than themselves, so she was really angry.

"You can't see her anymore. Recently, it was the wedding anniversary of her and her brother-in-law. The brother-in-law had tied her sister abroad for vacation.

Now, the daughter was sent to the third uncle's house, and the son was thrown to his parents. It is estimated that he will not be able to return within ten and a half months. he

Our husband and wife will really enjoy life, envious. "

Li Yunjin sneered, "If you are really envious, you can just find a man yourself."

"I don't want it, dating and hobbies are troublesome. I haven't played enough. When I get tired from playing, I will find

It’s not too late for a boyfriend. "

After speaking, he waved at Li Yunjin, "I'm leaving, don't send it."

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Jiang Zixin outside, with a look of embarrassment and embarrassment.


At this moment, she seemed to have realized that the relationship between Li Yunxiao and Li Yunjin was somewhat special, and she was hesitating how to speak.

"Go away."

Li Yunxiao ignored her and quickly went downstairs and left.

After Li Yun smiled, Zhang Zixin looked at Li Yunjin aggrievedly, "Yunjin...who is she?"

"My sister."

"Your sister?" Jiang Zixin's face was pale, isn't Li Yunjin's sister Li Yunxiu? Although this girl just wore it

Wearing sunglasses, but it can also be seen that it is not Li Yunxiu.

"Forgot to tell you. We have three children in our family. Xiaoxiao is my little sister."


Jiang Zixin's face was pale, and her heart seemed to have fallen to the bottom at this moment.

The limbs, hands and feet are chilling.

Thinking of everything she said to Li Yun with a smile just now, she couldn't wait to find a hole in the ground to get in.

She actually quarreled with Li Yunjin's biological sister?

If that girl went back to complain to Li Yunjin's parents, would she be hated by the whole Li family?

Then she married Li Yunjin...

Jiang Zixin's face became more and more ugly, she could only show a slight smile with difficulty, and looked at Li Yunjin, "I didn't know she was you

Sister, so I just had a conflict with him. Would it be better for me to apologize to her? "

"No need." Li Yunjin's expression was faint.

Jiang Zixin just breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Li Yunjin meant to protect her, but he heard Li Yunjin say in the next second.

"Xiaoxiao was held in the palm of my parents' hands since she was a child, and your apology is meaningless to her."

That girl has such a personality, no matter he hates or likes someone, it’s not so easy to change


Jiang Zixin's body was stiff again, and he couldn't even squeeze out a smile.

"Then I..."

"It's good if you have less contact with her in the future, lest you are the one who suffers."


Jiang Zixin nodded unhappily.

"I have something to go out first, and I will pick you up to see my parents when I'm late."

"Where are you going?"

Jiang Zixin asked subconsciously.

Li Yunjin did not answer, but stared at Jiang Zixin with pitch-black eyes.

Jiang Zixin knew that she had crossed the line again, and shook her head quickly, "I won't ask anymore, you can go quickly and be careful on the way."

When Li Yunjin turned to leave, Jiang Zixin was wet, sitting on the sofa and let out a long breath.

How could the Li family be more difficult to deal with than each.

And that Li Yun laughed! I don't know where the little yellow girl appeared! She Jiang Zixin is her future

Sister-in-law, not only does she have no respect at all, she still has that attitude!

When she successfully married into the Li family, she will settle accounts with this little yellow-haired girl.

Sooner or later she will get back the insult she received today.

Jiang Zixin was premeditating, when a few people suddenly walked in outside the door.

The head is a middle-aged woman.

"Is it Miss Jiang?"


"Hello, we are a clerk in a clothing store. We are here to give you clothes."

Jiang Zixin was depressed and snorted, "What are you doing while standing stupid, show it to me."

The female clerk didn’t expect Jiang Zixin to have this attitude, she was stunned for a moment, but she soon showed her career again.

Smiling, turned around and ordered the other clerk to take out the clothes in the gift box one by one.

"Ms. Jiang, take a look. This dress is our flagship summer dress. It is the famous designer Raul.

Mr.'s work is very suitable for a lady of your kind. Yellowish colors can also enhance your skin tone..."

"But I don't like yellow clothes very much."

Jiang Zixin frowned.

The female clerk froze for a moment, then smiled again and said, "It's okay, we have many other clothes here." She

I took a red dress, "This dress is also a new product this summer, the theme of the four seasons in our store.

In summer, not only the waist is very tight, but the strapless design also makes people look sexy. The bow on the chest will again

Add some playfulness to you..."

"I don't like the design of this dress very much. Let's change it."

When Jiang Zixin finished speaking coldly, he lowered his head and fiddled with her nails.

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