Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1449: . Was hit by someone

"There is nothing to talk about, everything that should be said has been made clear, I will be here today, and I did not take Li Yunjin away.

I’m just here to get my ID. If you don’t believe me, you can search. "

"We didn't mean that." Shi Qing frowned and explained quickly, "Yes... what Yun Jin did last night was really messy.

That's it, we want to apologize to you. "

"It's okay, wishful thinking without moving your brain requires psychological preparation as you are today. I don't need your apology,

This matter has nothing to do with you. "

Lin Wanxi's voice was always calm.

Shi Qing gave Li Beixun a little helplessly.

Li Beixun said in a deep voice, "There is a cafe in front of me. Ms. Lin will go and sit together?"

Li Beixun’s words have always contained an invisible pressure. Even if Lin Wanxi didn’t want to go, he had already seen the man.

Putting on an inviting gesture, I can only agree.

The three arrived at the cafe...

"Miss Lin, what would you like to drink?"

"Clean water is good."

Lin Wanxi's expression was cold.

"Two cups of American coffee and a cup of warm water. Thank you."

Li Beixun looked at the waiter.

Soon, three cups of drinks were served.

No one spoke at the table for a while, and after a long time, Shi Qing spoke first.

"Anyway, what Yunjin did last night was wrong. As his parents, we apologize to you."

Lin Wanxi was silent.

Shi Qing asked again, "May I ask, did you and Yunjin met in Dongzheng?"

"That's all in the past." Lin Wanxi fiddled with the straw in the cup for a while, seemingly a little confused.

Jing Xin, or she didn't want to mention the past at all, and there was a slight coolness between her eyebrows.

"No matter what, Yunjin did something wrong yesterday..."

"I won't hate him." Lin Wanxi interrupted Shi Qing's words directly, "I and he will never get along.

Well, this is best for him and me. "

After she finished speaking, she didn't forget to smile faintly.

Shi Qing was speechless, and originally wanted to ask what was going on between her and Yun Jin, but look at Lin Wanxi.

Attitude is probably impossible.

She took out a bank card from her bag and placed it in front of Lin Wanxi.

"This is some compensation from the Li family. Don't feel embarrassed. Your current life must be

Was greatly affected..."

She learned that this girl had been taking care of Li Yunjin for the past month, and this was what she deserved.

"No, Mrs. Li." Lin Wanxi didn't even look at the bank card. "I said, Li Yunjin and I have already

It’s settled, no one owes anyone, so I don’t need compensation, you don’t need to be like this, I will leave if I have something to do

Goodbye. "

After that, Lin Wanxi got up. Fortunately, she ordered clean water and didn't need to pay for drinks.

"Miss Lin..." Shi Qing stopped her, "Then we will provide you with work..."

"No, I have hands and feet to support myself, so you don't have to worry about it."

When Lin Wanxi walked out of the cafe, she felt that her cheeks were hot, and her skin seemed to be burning and hot.

As if people slapped a slap in the face, a little embarrassed.

She understood what Li Yunjin’s parents did. After all, what happened last night, until now, in retrospect, it seems to be a

Terrible nightmare that can't wake up.

What's more ridiculous is that this dream seems to accompany her for a lifetime, becoming an indelible chapter in her life.

Just take what the Li family calls compensation?

No, she doesn’t need compensation. Li Yunjin didn’t owe anything to herself. She was willing to be deceived.

It’s her own choice whether the foreigner has this child. The Li family doesn’t need to admit responsibility for this.

Yes, it was just that Lin Wanxi was paying for her stupidity, nothing more.

Lin Wanxi's heart was heavy, she stood at the gate, took a deep breath, and then planned to go downstairs and leave.

At this moment, a person who didn't know where he came from, slammed Lin Wanxi hard. He is not so

Sure, but Lin Wanxi still couldn't stabilize his body, and fell to the ground all of a sudden.

There was a sharp pain in her abdomen, her face was pale, and her long eyelashes were trembling constantly.

The man who got into trouble, seeing that there was no one around, ran away with a guilty conscience.

Lin Wanxi didn't struggle to stand up for a long time, her stomach hurts so much, the kind of life born with her hands down

Pulling hastily caused her to burst into cold sweat all over her body.

Li Beixun and Shi Qing, who walked out of the cafe together, were a little surprised, and quickly stepped forward to help Lin Wanxi up.

Seeing Lin Wanxi's pale and bloodless cheeks, Shi Qing was a little worried, "Miss Lin, are you all right?"

"It's okay... I just... got hit by someone."

Lin Wanxi gently pushed away Shi Qing's hand and raised her foot to leave.

As soon as she took a step, she couldn't help but bend down in pain, biting her teeth tightly, and the big cold sweat fell drop by drop.

"Miss Lin, you look very uncomfortable, we will take you to the hospital."

"No need."

Lin Wanxi directly refused.

She leaned on the wall step by step, and then stopped the taxi on the side of the road to get in.

Seeing Lin Wanxi's obvious relief, Shi Qing leaned her head on the cushion of the car, breathing quickly with her pale face, enduring

Can't help sighing.

"This girl, how could Yun Jin say it, a woman who loves vanity and money..."

After all, Yun Jin has already parted ways with her. She doesn’t need to act anymore and refuses the compensation they gave.

For the payment, Lin Wanxi can take away the people. Since then, it has nothing to do with their Li family, but obviously... this girl does not

As long as there was no money from the Li family, even the help they provided decisively refused.

How could such a woman be so unbearable as Li Yunjin said.

Although only this time, Shi Qing’s impression of Lin Wanxi was very good. Jiang Zixin was too enthusiastic and sometimes went to

It made her very uncomfortable, but this seemingly cold Lin Wanxi was easier to get along with.

"Maybe there is some misunderstanding."

Shi Qing guessed.

"If there is really any misunderstanding, Yun Jin may regret it for a lifetime."

Li Beixun's eyes sank slightly.

Lin Wanxi, who got into the car here, still had severe stomach pain.

It’s hot, it’s like something is burning crazily, she knows that she should go to the hospital to see it, lest her stomach

There was an accident with the child in here, but all the money on her body was very little left after buying the clothes last night.

I can't pay the account fee.

Go to Chi Xiao?

Lin Wanxi paused, then quickly rejected the idea in her heart.

Before Chi Xiao reminded herself not to be engaged to Li Yunjin, but she insisted on going her own way, and the relationship between the two of them got confused.

She was so nervous, now that this kind of thing happened, how could she still have the face to meet Chi Xiao?

Forget it.

Lin Wanxi reached out and covered his stomach.

She has always believed in her fate. If the child really can't keep it, it's God's will.

She randomly found a place and got off the car, and then walked along the street to find a job in the company.

In the evening of that day, Lin Wanxi finally found a job in a private company, and the job is not too light.

Song, you need to work ten hours a day, but fortunately, there is no problem with paying to support yourself.

The only thing that matters is how she will survive the first month,

As the night fell, Lin Wanxi walked slowly along the street aimlessly, becoming more and more at a loss.

The stomach still hurts so badly. In the end, she couldn't bear it, leaning on the wall and wanted to relax.

However, as soon as he sat down, his whole body became heavier and heavier, unable to lift even a little strength.

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