"It’s not that you’re tired, it’s because pregnant women themselves need more sleep than the average person. In two or three months, you will still

Will be more sleepy. "

Chi Xiao got up, "Breakfast is ready, let’s go eat it, I’m going to go shopping today, after dinner, let’s go early

Click to go. "


Lin Wanxi forced herself to eat breakfast, and then went out with Chi Xiao.

"Fortunately, Li Yunjin has already left. If he is still squatting at the door, I might really take you over the wall."

"How can it be so exaggerated?"

Lin Wanxi smiled faintly, "I just met him, the big deal is that I just ignore him."

"That man has turned into a stalker now, but you didn't ignore it in a few words."

Chi Xiao thought of Li Yunjin, who followed him all the way yesterday, and got goose bumps all over his body.

I thought that after finally getting rid of Li Yunjin, he could go shopping well, who knew that Chi Xiao stopped after walking for five minutes.

"Hey, that's not right, isn't this Li Yunjin's car?"

Chi Xiao pointed to a black Maybach on the side of the road.

"you sure?"

Lin Wanxi frowned, "Don't you admit your mistake?"

"Miss Lin Wanxi, please open your eyes and take a look. This is Maybach's new luxury car this year.

Taiwan, I assure you, I can’t find a second one within a hundred miles, how could I admit it wrong? Besides, this

The car followed me all the way yesterday and I knew it even if it turned to dust. "

Lin Wanxi's eyes sank again.

Didn't Li Yunjin go back? Why is his car still parked here, could it be...

The others have not left yet?

Lin Wanxi was a little uneasy for a moment.

Although she is ready to face the man again, it does not mean that she will not be nervous,

Chi Xiao ran to the car, bent over and glanced through the car window, and immediately exclaimed, "Li Yunjin!"

Lin Wanxi was taken aback again, it seemed that she fell asleep in the car?

It's no wonder that after waiting for me for so long last night, even those who beat me up couldn't stand it.

"Let's go."

Lin Wanxi didn't want to blend in, but just wanted to leave quickly, otherwise she wouldn't be able to leave until Li Yunjin woke up.

"Wait." Chi Xiao said anxiously, "There seems to be something wrong with Li Yunjin..."


"He seems to be sick."

"how come?"

Lin Wanxi frowned.

"I'm a doctor, don't doubt whether I am okay?" Chi Xiao seemed to be dissatisfied, and reached out to pull the car door.

Fortunately, Li Yunjin's car door was not locked, and a slight pull opened the cab door.

As expected by Chi Xiao, Li Yunjin didn't know when he had developed a high fever, and he seemed to be asleep.

It was like a high fever and passed out.

Reached out and touched his forehead, the scorching temperature was almost hot.

"Sure enough... I was playing cool in the rain for so long yesterday, now I have a fever? Let you do it."

Chi Xiao gloated.

Lin Wanxi never walked over, keeping a distance of about five meters from Li Yunjin's car.

Chi Xiao helplessly, "Hey, what should I do? Can't leave him here alone, in case he burns his head, good

What if one of the presidents becomes demented? "

"Call 120 and take him to the hospital."

Lin Wanxi frowned.

"Please, can you not waste medical resources? An ambulance trip is very expensive, understand?"

Chi Xiao rolled her eyes.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Chi Xiao bent over and got into the car, quickly took out a car key, and shook it at Lin Wanxi, "The car key is not there.

Here? Drive Li Yunjin's car to take him to the hospital. "

"We are not his family."

Lin Wanxi resisted.

"Okay, I know you don't want to contact him anymore, but this is a matter of life and death. I am a doctor.

You can't help the death. If you mind, go back first, and I will send him to the hospital and go back to find you immediately. "

Chi Xiao got into the car while talking, trying hard to move Li Yunjin to the back seat.

But she was a thin woman, so what made Li Yunjin an adult man.

"Come and help."

Chi Xiao said to Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi frowned slightly.

"Hurry up, you don't want to see Li Yunjin die, do you?"

Chi Xiao urged.

Naturally, Lin Wanxi didn’t want Li Yunjin to die, no matter what, she wanted to be saved at all costs


Just for the dark three years he spent in the mental hospital, she also hoped that Li Yunjin could live well.

Lin Wanxi didn't hesitate anymore, and quickly stepped forward, and together with Chi Xiao helped Li Yunjin to the back seat of the car.

Who knows, as soon as Chi Xiao let go over there, the man's body was directly pressed over, and she was directly pressed under him.

Can't move at all.

Chi Xiao smirked.

"Chi Xiao, you did it on purpose!"

Lin Wanxi was angry, and the roots of her ears were all red.

"Don't lie to me, why did I deliberately. Obviously you are the same as with a magnetic sticker tied to you

Upside down. "

"Hurry up and get him off for me."

Lin Wanxi was a little impatient.

"I'm coming."

Lin Wanxi helped Li Yunjin up from Lin Wanxi and leaned on the car seat.

As a result, Lin Wanxi just sat up over there, Li Yunjin's head tilted again, leaning against her shoulder, heavy.


Lin Wanxi: "..."

Chi Xiao snickered: "What am I talking about? You have a magnetic sticker tied to your body. Otherwise, why don't you see people crooked at me."

"Could you not waste your time? After saying that the doctor can't die without saving, you will continue to linger, this

Guy is dead. "

"I know, I can't make a joke, right?"

After Chi Xiao finished speaking, she returned to the cab and drove to the hospital.

"Don't tell me, these tens of millions of cars feel different when driving. My family is rich, and I can't afford it.

Such a luxury car, I really didn’t expect Li Yunjin to be so proud. If I knew it, I was pregnant with his child for you.

It takes tens of millions more. "

"Chi Xiao!"

Lin Wanxi's face turned pale.

Chi Xiaoman didn't care, "He is dizzy, it is impossible to hear. Don't worry."

Lin Wanxi turned her head and glanced lightly at Li Yunjin, who was sleeping on her shoulders.

Only a few days later, he seemed to have lost a lot of weight. Because of the fever, the whole cheek was flushed abnormally. He

Every breath of Lin Wanxi clearly fell on the skin of Lin Wanxi's neck.

Hot and hot.

Lin Wanxi's breathing tightened a little bit, her palms and backs of her hands were all sweaty.

He was exposed to rain all night, and his clothes were still wet. Lin Wanxi hesitated for a moment, but took off his body.

The coat was gently put on Li Yunjin.

Chi Xiao, who was driving, just saw it in the rear mirror, and raised her brows involuntarily.

"Lin Wanxi, I suddenly have a hunch."


"Sooner or later you will still be planted on Li Yunjin's body."

"What are you talking nonsense?" Lin Wanxi frowned.

Chi Xiao couldn’t explain it clearly. Although Lin Wanxi didn’t care at all, he was hurt so deeply by Li Yunjin.

There is no trace of sadness at all, but... She always has a faintly unspeakable premonition——

Lin Wanxi still loved Li Yunjin in his heart.

As long as such feelings always exist, Lin Wanxi’s protective cover may collapse at any time. At that time,

Forgiving Li Yunjin, it's just a matter of time.

Chi Xiao sighed deeply in her heart, these two people are really evil fate.

After a while, the hospital arrived.

The two sent Li Yunjin in, and they only breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the doctor rushing around Li Yunjin.

Just when the two were about to leave, a nurse suddenly stopped Lin Wanxi.

"The patient hasn't recovered, why did your family members leave by themselves."

Chi Xiao immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"I'm not his family."

Who are Li Yunjin's family members? It's so funny.

The nurse had to look at Lin Wanxi, "Who are you?"


Lin Wanxi hesitated slightly, and the nurse became impatient.

"Are you his friend? Your boyfriend is still awake, how can you leave? Go and pay the medical bills first."

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