Li Yunjin always frowned in silence, not knowing what he was thinking.

Li Yunxiu was impatient, "Brother, you are saying something! What's the use of you pretending to be dead here?"

"What should I say?"

Li Yunjin looked up, his eyes were blood red. 7 Li Yunjin sneered.

He wanted to be responsible, but Lin Wanxi ignored him at all.

She said, this child is his Li Yunjin has nothing to do.

Lin Wanxi is right. He has been secretly giving Lin Wanxi contraception. What qualifications does he have to come out at this time?

Is he the father of the child?

It's too hypocritical.

Li Yunjin was upset, and was quarreled by Li Yunxiu again, so he got up and went back to the room.

Li Yunxiu became even more angry, and angrily complained to Jin Nanfeng, "He, why is he like this? Is it possible that he

Don't want to be responsible? "

"How could it be, if it wasn't for this kind of unaccounted man."

"Then he..."

"Little Hydrangea, don't worry about it." Jin Nanfeng held Li Yunxiu's hand, his voice low, "This is not what you think

It’s so simple. You know how Yun Jin treated Lin Wanxi before, that Miss Lin could forgive him so easily

? I'm afraid that this responsibility was not something that Yun Jin had taken as soon as he wanted to. The key lies in the attitude of that Miss Lin. "

Li Yunxiu frowned.

This Miss Lin’s temper is not ordinary stubbornness, she could still look at her affectionately on the stage a second ago

Brother, full of love, the cold eyes in the next second can freeze everything around.

She will not forgive her brother easily.

Li Yunxiu's heart sank again.

Seeing Li Yunxiu's worried face, Li Yunjin gently hugged her into her arms and said softly, "Don't be too anxious, Lin

If Wanxi can ask us for compensation, it means that she has no intention of killing the child in her belly.

There is room for transfer. "

"Then I will go and talk to my brother."

After Li Yunxiu finished speaking, he pushed Jin Nanfeng away and ran upstairs.

Jin Nanfeng was very helpless and hugged her like his arms again, with a faint pampering voice in his helpless voice, "Idiot, you

Also give your brother some time, man, knowing that he will become a father, he will be a little at a loss.

It is estimated that his heart is already in chaos now, so you still bother him, don't you add to him? "

Li Yunxiu twisted his eyebrows: "Is that so?"

"Of course." Jin Nanfeng curled his lips. "At least when I knew Chen Chen was me, my brain was blank."

Li Yunxiu believed it, and he became quieter, but his expression was still full of worries, "I don’t want to urge

He, I just worry about him..."

She is someone who is here, the pain that cannot be loved, she understands.

"Don't worry, I'll go up and see him later, we are all men, maybe we can talk more about it."

"Well, thank you."

Li Yunxiu got excited and popped out the words "thank you".

"Idiot. I have two kids, so thank you."

Jin Nanfeng really convinced his little woman.

Jin Nanfeng made two cups of tea and brought them upstairs in person.

"Boom boom."

He knocked on Li Yunjin's door, "Yunjin, talk."

Although he was the elder brother in name, Jin Nanfeng regarded Li Yunjin as his younger brother because he was older than Li Yunjin.

Li Yunjin had some opinions at first, but later, he also admitted that Jin Nanfeng’s views on certain matters were more mature than him.

Many, so this fact is acquiesced.

Not long after knocking on the door, Li Yunjin opened the door.

"I made two cups of Pu'er. The tea that someone else gave me, no one on my side likes to drink it. I gave it to your aunt."

"Thank you."

Li Yunjin stepped away and let Jin Nanfeng in.

"Where is the little hydrangea?"

"The child can't do without her, I asked the driver to take her back first."

Jin Nanfeng's tone was light.

"You go back too, I can solve my problem by myself."

Although Xiao Xiuqiu is his biological sister, Li Yunjin is not happy to disturb her and Jin Nanfeng's life.

Jin Nanfeng sat down on the single sofa in the room and raised his lips, "I want to go back and enjoy the family happiness, but Xiaoxiu

The ball gave me the order to die. If you don't solve your problem, you won't let me enter the house. Look at what you have done. "

"She's just fooling around, she's so grown-up and so self-willed."

"Oh, aren't you self-willed?" Jin Nanfeng's faint gaze had a hint of irony, "playing at his engagement party

So big, how are you better than a little hydrangea? "

Li Yunjin's face turned pale, and he was poked into the pain, unable to speak a word for a long time.

"What are you going to do?"

Asked Jin Nanfeng.

Li Yunjin's eyes were a little blank, "I don't know."

"Don't plan to chase her back?"

Li Yunjin's brow furrowed tighter, and after a long time, he said with a little fatigue, "She is not the same as other girls."

"Don't eat the grass?"

Jin Nanfeng understood immediately.

"She is a girl with a backbone."

Jin Nanfeng gently sipped the hot tea in the cup, "If I used to, I would definitely not interfere with the two of you.

Love, after all, there is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world, but now, she is pregnant, and it seems that she has to give birth to a child.

I would advise you to make other plans. "

"Other plans?"

Jin Nanfeng didn’t explain much, but fell into a certain memory, "When I recognized Chenchen, the kid was six or seven years old.

No, don’t look at me being so strict now, but... deep down, I always feel owed. "

After all, he did not witness the birth and growth of this child, did not grow up with him, he missed Chenchen's life

It’s a very important stage.

This is a regret he will never be able to make up for in his life, no matter how he treats Chen Chen well now, deep down in his heart

Always feel that something is missing.

At all times, Chenchen has a temper, and he is not willing to blame.

He owed him after all.

"Actually, you see Xiaoxiao and Little Hydrangea are the same. Doesn't Xiaoxiao always say, do your parents prefer Little Hydrangea?

It's because when Little Hydrangea was small, your mother was not with Little Hydrangea, so I always feel sorry for Little Hydrangea. "

Jin Nanfeng's voice is low and his tone is always calm, but his voice contains a layer of strength that people cannot ignore.

"I hope that when your first child comes to this world, he will not be there because his father is not around.

And regret for life. I also hope that you will not think that you owe him in the future and do everything to make up for it. "

Li Yunjin's heart tightened.

He pursed his lips and fell into deep thought for a long time. He didn't even know when Jin Nanfeng left, until he finally returned.

God, there was only one person left in the room long ago, and the Pu'er tea at hand was already cool.

Early the next morning, Li Yunjin went to the company as usual.

When Li Yunxiu saw Li Yunjin at the company, he was a little surprised.

After all, with her brother's current state, she thought that Li Yunjin would have to stay at home for at least ten and a half months.

However, what surprised her was that Li Yunjin was still the same Li Yunjin, but he seemed to be more strict at work.

At noon, she was about to give Li Yunjin a contract. Before entering Li Yunjin’s office, she saw the two managers walking away with pain.


"What's wrong with Mr. Li today? He has such a bad temper, but only two wrong numbers... I have been in the company for so long,

It was the first time I saw President Li made such a big fire. "

"Stop talking about you, I have been in the company for more than seven years, and I have never seen Mr. Li's temper. I don't know what it is.

Something up. "

"Anyway, let's be careful these days so as not to hit Mr. Li's gun.


When Li Yunxiu walked to the door of the office, she saw the secretary's face pale and nervous.

She was wondering what had happened, and the next second Li Yunjin's angry voice flew out of it.

"What I want is the key data you are looking for. Not all the information is put to me. Two g files, you want

When did I see it? ! If you go out to meet other customers, they will give you ten minutes, and you will also put such a bunch of useless

Throw it to the customer...rework it and hand it in before noon tomorrow! If you can't hand it in, you can make a resignation report yourself! "

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