Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1466: .Li Yunjin, you bastard!

"Anorexia! It's a disease of not being able to eat!" Chi Xiaoyang raised her voice, "Otherwise why do you think she is so

Being thin, it's not because she can't eat at all, and can't touch any meat. Otherwise, you will vomit immediately, you give

She probably vomited all her contraceptive pills. "

Li Yunjin's face changed again, "Why does she have anorexia?"

Lin Wanxi has always been very thin. When he was in Dongzheng Kingdom, he didn’t eat a lot, but he was sure that Lin Wanxi was

Body is very healthy.

His mind was once again enveloped by the same question.

Lin Wanxi did not marry Su Zining... Then where did she go in the three years of disappearance?

She still doesn't know what happened to Lin Wanxi in the past three years.

Why did she contract anorexia?

Li Yunjin's heart tightened a little bit. After a long silence, he said, "Can you tell me that in the past three years, she has

Did something give birth? "

The housekeeper of the Su family told him that on the eve of the wedding, she stabbed herself with a knife, and then?

what happened?

Why haven't heard from me in the past three years, why not come to yourself?

Li Yunjin's face was as white as a fragile piece of paper.

Even Chi Xiao could not help but feel a little shocking.

"Do you really want to know?"

Chi Xiao's expression was also a little gloomy, and her deep pupils were full of chill.

Li Yunjin did not hesitate, "Yes, I want to know, how much do I owe her?"

He will pay back what she owes her, whether she wants it or not.

Chi Xiao’s silence for a long time, I don’t know how long it took, it seems that after a century, she finally sinks


"She is in a mental hospital."

"what did you say?"

Li Yunjin stood up directly from the chair in shock.

Chi Xiao had expected that Li Yunjin would react like this. After all, at that time, when she heard the news

When, her reaction was no better than Li Yunjin.

"Actually, I don't know exactly what happened." Chi Xiao frowned, her face ugly, "But for three years, she

She is indeed in a mental hospital, and she is a normal person, can you imagine? A normal person is imprisoned as a mental illness

In such a place, how horrible it should be! If it were me, I would have thoughts of death. "

Chi Xiao still dare not imagine the scene in the mental hospital until today.

Every time I think about it, there is always a picture in her head.

Lin Wanxi, wearing a white medical suit, was huddled alone in the corner, surrounded by invisible black people.

Dark, indifferent and disgusted doctors and nurses stood before them, holding various needles in their hands.

That kind of scene, just thinking about it made her suffocate.

Where is Li Yunjin's expression so good?

From the moment he learned that Lin Wanxi had been in a mental hospital for the past three years, his fingers had been out of control

Trembling slightly.

The whole heart is like being thrown into a pan.

"Who did it?"

The dark eyes gradually had a hint of coolness.

Chi Xiao seemed very angry when she mentioned it.

"Who did it, of course it was Lin Wanxi's beast dad!"

Chi Xiao slapped her on the table.

Regardless of whether the person sitting across from her gritted her teeth last night to greet Li Yunjin, the 18th generation of her ancestor, her tone was very bad.

"You don’t know how terrifying Lin Wanxi’s native family is. If I were Lin Wanxi, don’t say I was imprisoned.

After being in the hospital, I was driven mad and became a mental illness. That is all possible. "

Li Yunjin frowned, "I have never heard her say about her family."

When I was in Dongzheng, the relationship between them had become extremely close for a while, and talked about everything.

Even so, Lin Wanxi did not reveal anything about her family to him.

In addition, since he was young, he has cultivated not to inquire about other people's privacy, so he has never asked about it.

Now that Chi Xiao mentioned it, he couldn't help being a little curious, "What's the situation in her family?"

"I'm going to die of anger just thinking about it." Chi Xiao held up the water glass in front of him, suppressed his anger, and said, "Lin Wanxi

That father was a scumbag man through and through. He raised one woman after another outside, and he also made several private

Lin Wanxi's mother was one of the women who were deceived when they had children and illegitimate daughters. "

Li Yunjin was a little surprised, Lin Wanxi... is actually an illegitimate daughter?

"Why, don't you care?" Chi Xiao frowned, her expression a little dissatisfied, "The rich young master, can't accept Wanxi is

The identity of the illegitimate daughter? Then you'd better separate from Wanxi earlier. "

"Do you think I would care about that kind of thing?" Li Yunjin's eyes were cold, and a faint haze appeared between his eyebrows.

"It's just that she should have suffered a lot since she was a child."

Which one of the illegitimate children of the upper class will end well?

Wherever he went, he suffered all kinds of glaring and sarcasm, and in the end he only became a victim of the family.

This is the cruelty of their upper circle.

Chi Xiao snorted, "Isn't it, Lin Wanxi's mother is also weak and incompetent. After being kicked out, she

It's useless to just scold Lin Wanxi. She is pampered and doesn't know how to work. She only knows how to eat, drink and have fun. Her regular wife will not give her.

Living expenses, whether she has the ability to make money, can only rely on Lin Wanxi, but Wanxi was only so big at that time.

I know how miserable Lin Wanxi’s childhood was. "

Li Yunjin's heart tightened again.

The heart seemed to be crawling on countless tiny bugs, and the pain was dense.

A deep self-blame surged from the bottom of my heart, drowning him completely like a tide.

Just listening to Chi Xiao’s three-word description, he felt the overwhelming pressure and suffocation, not to mention

To say that Lin Wanxi has experienced all this firsthand.

"Later she was taken home by her **** father, went to school, and also learned dance with her sister, but she

Always feel that I am an outsider, desperately saving money, wanting to give my mother a good life. "

"When I met Lin Wanxi, it was already when she was almost 20 years old. She was working in a bar." Chi Xiao

I fell into a deeper memory, "A client molested her, and when I saw that she didn’t respond, I helped her out... and scolded her,

Why don't you know how to resist..."

Chi Xiao smiled helplessly: "In fact, I realized later that Wanxi didn't resist, but when she resisted, she took

Not the tip given by the guest. "

Li Yunjin's face suddenly changed, because he suddenly remembered the photos he had seen before.

The girl in the photo has a dull expression and no resistance, just like a puppet without a soul...

Could it be that these photos were taken by Lin Wanxi helplessly for money?

"Those pictures..."

"It has nothing to do with those photos."

Chi Xiao interrupted Li Yunjin's words directly, "Although she is very short of money, she also has her own bottom line.

Guests who are not clean have no good face, and they are only accepted within the bottom line. I remember once, there was a customer

The person was forced to treat her... Lin Wanxi directly smashed the man’s head into a blood hole in the boss with a beer bottle.

I spent money to help her take care of the matter, so I hope you can understand that Wanxi is definitely not the kind of self-consciousness

Woman, she is very clean, but she lives in the mud, she can’t choose someone else to look glamorous

life. "

"Later, Lin Wanxi’s father’s company had a serious financial crisis, so he went to ask the Su family for help, and the Su family agreed

Capital, but the only condition is to marry his daughter to Su Zining. How could Lin Wanxi's **** dad be willing

The baby daughter I raised up was married, so this disaster fell on Lin Wanxi. "

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