Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1468: .Has he been here?

On the second day, Li Yunjin went to Jin's house early.

Jin Nanfeng has been waiting for a long time in clean and simple home decoration.

After learning that Lin Wanxi had severe anorexia, he was obviously taken aback.

"No wonder it's so thin, it's good to raise it."

Jin Nanfeng turned around and went to the bedroom upstairs. Not long after that, he turned out a pamphlet with a big palm.

I remember some notes when I was taking care of my body. I don’t know if it’s helpful for anorexia patients, but the child’s stomach is very delicate.

Tenderness may make her feel less uncomfortable after eating. "

Li Yunjin took it, flipped through it at random, put it in his pocket, and said thank you softly.

Li Yunxiu is right. The Li family members are very capable of learning. In cooking, Li Yunjin can

To describe it without a teacher.

Jin Nanfeng just gave a few simple instructions next to him, and Li Yunjin did it perfectly.

After a while, a pot of fragrant polenta was done.

Then there was a rush of footsteps, one after another from the stairs.

Before Jin Nanfeng saw the person, he already bent his right knee and made a gesture of greeting.

The little girl rushed into Jin Nanfeng's arms sweetly.


"Didn't you tell you not to run around at home? What if you fall?"

Jin Nanfeng's eyes were full of doting, and he gently squeezed his daughter's face.

"Sino is hungry and wants to eat what Dad made."

The little girl kept acting like a baby.

Jin Nanfeng was helpless, "I didn't cook today's breakfast, it's uncle."

The little girl raised her head and glanced at Li Yunjin beside her, and screamed, "Hello uncle, uncle is so handsome today!"

When the little girl was first born, Li Yunjin went abroad and met his niece not many times.

Many, but Sinuo has a lively character. Like her brother, he is a clingy naughty ghost. He plays with everyone because he is Li

After Yunjin returned to China, she was quickly entangled by the little girl.

Li Yunjin bent over and gently hugged the little girl, "Is uncle only handsome today?"

"Uncle is handsome every day, getting handsome day by day!"

Li Yunjin smiled, and said to Jin Nanfeng, "Your daughter is really capable, she can coax people at such a young age."

"Interesting?" Jin Nanfeng seemed to agree. "When your child is born, if you are a girl, your heart will

Will melt. "

Li Yunjin's complexion paused slightly, and his eyes froze for a moment. He gently put down the little girl in his hand to let the nanny

Take her to dinner and wait for the two children to walk away before saying, "Now I don't want to think about that long term."

Last night, he checked a lot of information about anorexia.

It is a very dangerous thing for anorexic patients to have children.

The only thing he thought about now was that Lin Wanxi's body could get better soon.

After Li Yunjin left Jin's house, he drove to Chi Xiao's house.

Chi Xiao came out and opened the door with a yawn. When he saw Li Yunjin, he was clever.

"Why are you here?" She looked back cautiously, but didn't see Lin Wanxi, and then lowered her voice, "Wan

Xi is still sleeping. "

"I cooked some porridge and made an appetizer. If she wakes up, you remember to give it to her."

Li Yunjin handed the insulated lunch box to Chi Xiao.

Chi Xiao took it.

Li Yunjin nodded, turned around and left.

Chi Xiao stopped him, "Do you want to go up and see Wanxi?"

Li Yunjin turned his head, a gleam of light clearly appeared in his eyes, but he quickly smiled like a self-deprecating smile, "Forget it, she

I don't want to see me now. "

"It's okay. After she was pregnant, she slept very heavily and won't wake up. If you look at her secretly, there should be nothing wrong.

What question. "

Chi Xiao was a little embarrassed, "You should really want to see her..."

Li Yunjin was silent for a moment, and then said softly "Thank you."

Chi Xiao stepped aside and let him into the house.

"She's in the room on the corner of the second floor."

Chi Xiao pointed him a direction.

Li Yunjin nodded and walked upstairs gently, pushing open Lin Wanxi's door.

The room was very quiet, there was no sound.

A dim lamp was lit by the bed, and a man curled up in a ball was reflected on the bed.

He walked slowly over and sat down beside the bed gently.

It seemed as though she was afraid of disturbing her.

Lin Wanxi fell asleep deeply, curled up like a newly born kitten.

Li Yunjin didn’t know where he saw such a statement, saying that people in such a sleeping position are extremely insecure.


How could she feel safe?

When she was in Dongzheng Kingdom, she lived a life of licking blood on the tip of a knife, facing a cruel battle that would lose her life at any time.

After returning to the country, he was thrown into a psychiatric hospital where the sun cannot be seen. After finally coming out, he met Li Yun again.

Jin, such a bastard, lied to her, bullied her, in front of so many people, tore her wounds, and pushed her back.

In that bottomless hell...

Where does her sense of security come from...

Li Yunjin's brows tightened a little bit, and his eyes became extremely complicated.

Lin Wanxi's breathing was light, and she in her sleep did not know the arrival of Li Yunjin, she was very quiet.

However, Li Yunjin tightened his heart and felt a kind of silent pain spreading throughout his body.

He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and stroked Lin Wanxi's pale cheeks.


"I owe you, I will use my whole life to repay..."

"I won't take you down again, definitely not."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his head and put a light kiss on Lin Wanxi’s side face, and then covered Lin Wanxi with a quilt.

Make sure she won't catch a cold, and then she crept away.

"finish watching?"

Seeing his pale face, Chi Xiao raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Yeah." Li Yunjin walked to the door, but thought of something, then turned around and put a bank card in front of Chi Xiao.

"In this card, I will pay a fixed amount every month."

Chi Xiao was a little puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"I don't want her to move out. She lives on your side and it costs money."

In Lin Wanxi's physical state, he must not go out to live alone.

He understands Lin Wanxi’s character, even his best friend does not want to trouble Chi Xiao, he can only ask Chi

Xiao left Lin Wanxi.

Knowing what Li Yunjin meant, Chi Xiao quickly stuffed his bank card into his hand, "No need, Wanxi is my friend.

Friends, I don’t care about that much with her, and she can’t spend much of my money. Your sister gave her a sum before

Money, so..."

"That's different." Li Yunjin shook his head, eyes determined, "I raise my own woman."

Chi Xiao had a meal, knowing that Li Yunjin could not be said, so he had no choice but to accept the card, "Okay, if you have to insist,

Then I will take it. But she really doesn't cost much, and you don't have to play that much every month. "

"Well, I won't fight a lot."

Chi Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

"One million."

Chi Xiao: "..."

as long as you are happy.

Lin Wanxi woke up shortly after Li Yunjin left.

The moment she opened her eyes, she was stunned.

There is a familiar atmosphere in the room.

The smell of Li Yunjin.

She and Li Yunjin once slept in the same bed for a month, and she would never be mistaken about this feeling.

She changed her clothes and went downstairs to find Chi Xiao.

"Has Li Yunjin been here?"

Chi Xiao's hand holding the phone shook, and the phone was smashed on his knee. He picked it up for a long time, and said with a guilty conscience.

What a? "

"I feel someone has come to my room."

Chi Xiao smiled with a guilty conscience, "Are you kidding me, I woke up early in the morning, just sitting here playing on my mobile phone, how can I

Haven't seen anyone been there? "

"Really do not have?"

Hearing Chi Xiao's words, Lin Wanxi's eyes only had a hint of doubt.

"Of course not, don't you think about it, okay? And, how could it be Li Yunjin, you know

Yes, I will definitely not let him in. "

Lin Wanxi also thinks about it. It seems that she is indeed pregnant, and it is easy to think about it.

"I made porridge for you. It's on the table. Go and eat it. It won't be good if it's cold."

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