Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1470: .abortion? !

"Just leave, Sister Xia Nu, you are so fierce, no man will want you in the future."

"You try one more sentence?"

Lin Wanxi quackled his hands.

"I'm quiet, I'm quiet, can't I keep quiet?"

The man made a shut up gesture.

Sure enough, much more honest.


The girl was still waiting on the spot, her expression anxious, her eyes brightened when Lin Wanxi came back.

Lin Wanxi pushed the man forward, taking advantage of the man's staggering, he raised his foot and kicked it on the man's knee.

"Ah!" The man screamed again, and he knelt on the ground with a "puff", particularly embarrassed.


It took him a long time to get up, a little aggrieved, "What did I do, you will let me apologize?"

"sexual harassment."

"When did I sexually harass..."

Just as Lin Wanxi was about to speak, the girl who had been quiet and calm said in embarrassment.

"Sister, it's not him who harassed me..."

Lin Wanxi: "..."

The man got up from the ground angrily, "I said beautiful women, it is worthy of encouragement to see righteousness, but you can't follow

Do you just wrong a good person? Master, I just went to the toilet, and I was beaten and scolded by you. My last life

Do you have hatred with you? "

Lin Wanxi finally believed that he had really caught it wrong.

It's also unlucky, who made him look like that satyr, dressed in black, of course she would admit his mistake.

She apologized, "Sorry, I confessed to the wrong person."

"You say an apology and it’s okay? I’m telling you, it’s not that easy to go by. Master, I lived 22.

In 2017, I have never suffered this kind of aggrieved, and you have seen me look like I don’t wear pants! If this comes out

Go, how am I going to be a man? "

"It's just that little stuff, nothing to look at."

Lin Wanxi whispered.

The man became even more angry, "Damn, you woman is...really..." He didn't say why after a long time of anger.

"What does it mean to be nothing good? Little master, I'm thin and undressed and fleshy, so I can also take advantage of that stuff when I lower it..."

Lin Wanxi can't listen anymore, this topic has gone too far, right?

She pointed her finger behind the man, "Look over there."

The man turned his head back, but Lin Wanxi took advantage of this opportunity and quickly slipped away.

When the man realized that he had been cheated, Lin Wanxi would have run away long ago.

The girl was stunned from start to finish, still holding Lin Wanxi’s bag in her hand, "She just left? How can I return this bag?

Give it to her? "

"What bag?"

The man asked.

"It's the bag of that sister just now, she asked me to hold it for her."

"give me."

The man snatched it over. He was worried that he couldn't catch this woman who didn't know the height and the earth. Maybe it was in this bag.

Any clues.

He dumped all the contents of the bag out of his mind.

Then finally found an ID card in a pile of debris.

"Lin Wanxi..."

He looked at the cold face on the ID card, his eyes were scarlet, "This matter, I will never end with you!"

At this time, a group of black-clad bodyguards hurriedly came from a distance.

"Tang Shao, why did you come here?"

Seeing Tangcheng, the bodyguards were obviously relieved.

"Tang Shao, the master wants you to go back." You

"Why are you going back? I'm such a big person, and he still sends people to follow me all day long. Isn't it annoying?"

Tang Cheng was in a bad mood at first, and he didn't have a good face when facing the bodyguard.

"Master said, he arranged for you to date Miss Ye Jia."

"Miss Ye Family? Ye Yingying? Just the delicate woman who cries and hangs at every turn?"

The bodyguard's face was stagnant. This Miss Ye Family is a well-known socialite from the upper class. If she knows that she was disliked by Tangcheng as such,

It might be like crying.

"Master, you should go back quickly. Last time you released Miss Yang's pigeons, the master was already very angry."

"What does it matter to me that he is angry? I don't go on a date, that kind of temperament woman, if he likes it, you let him marry

Going home to make a confession, it happened that I was missing a stepmother, to see if he could resist. "

"Master, let me remind you that your bank card is in the hands of the master, and the master said that if you don’t go again, just put it in

The card is frozen..."

"Fuck, is his brain sick? Why freeze Laozi's card?"

Tangcheng was stunned.

"So Master, you'd better behave this time. If you really don't like it, you can just leave it as a formality, old man.

Master didn't force you to marry her, Master, just for your pocket money, you have to bear it. "

Tang Cheng frowned and thought about it seriously. If the pocket money was cut off, it would be more terrifying than killing him.

Let's bear it.

Tang Cheng followed the bodyguard and then remembered something, and threw the ID card in his hand to the bodyguard, "By the way, help me

Look up who this woman is. "

He must have that woman pay the price for today's things, this matter, it's not so easy to forget.


Lin Wanxi had already run far here.

I wanted to stop the car and go home, only to find that I had forgotten to take my bag.

She didn't dare to go back. What if the man didn't leave and waited for her to cast herself in the trap?

She was a little bit impulsive about this matter, and if she made this kind of oolong, the man looked very uncomfortable, so forget it.

Fortunately, there is nothing important in that bag. Bank cards and ID cards can be reissued without affecting anything.

Lost the bag and didn't have the key, Lin Wanxi could only use the change left on her to take a taxi to Chi Xiao's hospital.

Chi Xiao has gone for surgery, and there are only two of Chi Xiao's colleagues in the office.

"Dr. Chi Xiao's operation will be over at about four o'clock in the afternoon. You can wait for her here."

It's half past three, fortunately, there is no need to wait too long.

Lin Wanxi smiled and said "Thank you."

Picked up the book on the table and read it quietly.

When she saw a little and a half, she suddenly felt a faint pain in her stomach. At first she was not too present.

I mean, in the past few years, she has had many problems with her body, and she has never cared about her minor injuries.

But gradually, the falling pain in her abdomen became heavier and heavier, and by the end, a thin layer of cold sweat broke out all over her.

"Miss? Are you okay?"

Chi Xiao's colleague noticed something was wrong, and quickly stepped forward and asked, "Why are you uncomfortable?"


Lin Wanxi frowned, her face was pale, and she was struggling to say a word.

"Tummy? You lie down and show me."

The doctor hurriedly helped Lin Wanxi lie down on the bed, but accidentally saw Lin Wanxi's pants that seemed to be stained with sporadic blood.

She paused slightly, thinking she was in her menstrual period, "You came to that one?"

"No... I'm pregnant."

I'm pregnant, how come that?

"Are you pregnant?!" The doctor was shocked, "God, you are a sign of miscarriage, hurry, lie down quickly, I will send it right away

When you go to the ward, it's too late. "

Lin Wanxi's heart also sank sharply.

I always thought that she didn’t have a strong sense of reality for the child in her belly. Emotionally speaking, although she

Never thought of destroying this child, but the attitude towards him... is just to keep him.

But now, knowing that he might have a miscarriage, maybe he would really lose the child, Lin Wanxi’s

The heart was finally filled with real panic and pain.

The seat on the left chest is empty, as if something important was dug away with a knife...

No matter what, I couldn't fill that vacancy.

She lay on the bed and couldn't help but stretched out her hand to hold the doctor, her voice trembling, "Will I lose this child?"

The doctor couldn't make any assertion, and could only comfort her in a deep voice, "We promise you that we will do our best."

Lin Wanxi said "thank you", and then let go.

"Did you eat something or..."

"I went to catch a pervert in the afternoon, maybe for this reason."


"Doctor, please keep this child."

The doctor was helpless, "I said, we will try our best to save every life."

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