Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1474: . Take advantage of me? !

Chi Xiao looked at Li Yunjin’s solemn expression, guessed what he was worried about, and comforted him, “Don’t worry too much, Wan

Xi’s physical condition is fairly stable. I have already told her and asked her to call me regularly every day.

In two days, I will find a way to get to her address, and I will take a look. Only, this time..."

"I know, you don't need to tell me."

Otherwise, Lin Wanxi probably will move out again.

She is pregnant with a child, it is really not suitable to toss.

Li Yunjin and Chi Xiao left, and turned to leave, but just after going out, within two steps, he was a little dizzy and his feet floated.

Chi Xiao quickly stepped forward and supported his shaky body.

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay, only dizziness."

"You haven't had a good rest during this period, and your body will definitely not be able to stand it."

Chi Xiao frowned, "Come in first and sit down. I'll make a cup of sugar water for you. You can leave when you get better."

I really don't know what evil these two people did in their previous lives, and they will tortured each other like this in this life.

Chi Xiao helped Li Yunjin to sit down on the sofa, then went to the kitchen to find sugar water for Li Yunjin, and waited for her to come out with a cup of water.

Li Yunjin had already fallen asleep leaning on the sofa.

These days, there is a serious lack of sleep, and staying up to this moment is considered the limit.

Chi Xiao sighed helplessly, took out his phone and took a picture of Li Yunjin, and sent it to Lin Wanxi via WeChat.

Lin Wanxi called quickly.

"Li Yunjin is with you?"

"Yes, he came to bring you food, and I told her you have moved out."


Lin Wanxi's voice was a little weak.

"You have nothing else to say. If it weren't for me, Li Yunjin might have fainted on the road."

Lin Wanxi was silent for a while, and then replied, "I have nothing to say. How is he?

What is the relationship. "

Chi Xiao sighed quietly, "Lin Wanxi, Lin Wanxi, you are really cold-blooded and ruthless...what is he?

Say, all are the fathers of the children in your stomach. "

Lin Wanxi did not speak any more. After a short silence, she hung up the phone directly, her voice disappeared in a beep.

"In the busy tone.

Chi Xiao blamed Lin Wanxi's indifference, but she didn't know that after seeing the photo, Lin Wanxi couldn't do it anymore.

clam down.

The heart beats wildly, like it is about to pop out of the throat.

She furiously clicked on WeChat and looked at the photo again.

Li Yunjin lowered his head slightly, his facial features were shrouded in a deep layer of shadow, and the whole person looked a little bit down and embarrassed.

Lin Wanxi's eyes became more and more complicated, his brain was heavy, and his breathing disordered.

She hates this feeling.

The doctor said during pregnancy, the mood should not be too ups and downs.

Lin Wanxi threw the phone and got up to go to the bathroom to take a shower. The warm water made her tight muscles relax.

Less, the mood gradually calms down.

In the sixth week of pregnancy, her belly is still very flat, and there is no small life in her body at all.

Lin Wanxi lowered his head and couldn't help but reached out and gently pressed his stomach.

The cold eyes could not help but become gentle.

Without Li Yunjin's interruption, Lin Wanxi's life became calmer.

During the day, go for a walk in the nearby park, go shopping, and force yourself three meals a day.

On this day, she was returning home with dinner when she suddenly received a call from Chi Xiao.

"Where are you?"

"Just got home."

"Put on make-up, I will find you in half an hour"

"What are you doing?"

"What? You forgot? Didn't I tell you that today is the birthday party of the rich young master?"

"I do not want to go."

Lin Wanxi was not interested in this rich young master at all.

"I want to go, but unfortunately I have to go back to the hospital for an operation later, but my dad gave me an order

Now, let me never waste this opportunity. It is a waste of the invitation letter in my hand, so please help me.

Play instead of me. Oh, for me, remember to take a few photos and send them to me at that time, so I can deal with my dad. "

Lin Wanxi frowned, just about to refuse, and heard Chi Xiao say, "Lin Wanxi, I helped you so many times before, you

Don’t be conscientious, let’s talk about it, who said last time that he was about to get moldy when he stayed at home?

A good opportunity relieves you of boredom, and you are no longer willing. "

"Since it's a birthday party, should I wear a dress?"

Lin Wanxi was helpless, "I don't have that kind of thing."

"I have. I brought you a set. We are about the same figure. It's okay. That's OK.

Ah, hurry up and put on makeup, I'll be there in a while. "

After speaking, Chi Xiao hung up the phone.

Lin Wanxi was very helpless, but thinking that Chi Xiao did help herself so much before, if she refused even this request

No, I'm sure I'm going to hurt Chi Xiao's feelings, so I can only reluctantly put on a light makeup for myself.

Lin Wanxi has never had any idea about her appearance, but Chi Xiao has always praised her as a beautiful woman, she is

It’s not that the beauty is skeptical, but for the past three years, she has always been ill, now she puts on makeup and a mouthful

Red, the whole person is indeed a lot more energetic.

When Chi Xiao arrived, her eyes lit up.

"That's right, Lin Wanxi, you usually look like you're going to die, dress up a little, and become a dog

Kind of. "

Lin Wanxi gave her a white look, "Go, does you describe people that way?"

"Haha, I was telling the truth." She put a big bag in Lin Wanxi's hand, "This evening gift

The clothes were originally what I was going to wear tonight. My mother specially asked a designer to design me high-end clothes. It's cheaper for you today.

But you are so good-looking, this suit is not a loss if you wear it. "

Lin Wanxi's voice was cold, "You can't ask for a leave? Are you the only doctor in your hospital?"

"You don’t know, I have a colleague who is super strict.

I went to work for him as an assistant, but he had a good relationship with the dean. I can’t say anything yet..." Chi Xiao thought of this

The matter was very angry, "If it weren’t for him today, I wouldn’t have worked overtime.

What kind of nerves? I know I'm going to catch the rich second generation on vacation today, but he was fine, so he directly detained me to work overtime. "

Chi Xiaoqi's face flushed.

Lin Wanxi was helpless, "Okay, isn't it your lifelong ideal to save the dead and heal the wounded?"

"It's an ideal, but ideals can't be eaten. I'm already twenty-five. I want to find a man."

"You don't have a good hospital?"

"Our hospital...the ones with better quality have been married and had children a long time ago, or they are just graduated interns who are too young.

Juvenile, the one who is single and the right age is Shen Ci. Just the one I just complained to you, the man is well-dressed, and the man is like a dog.

Well, the character is not very good, and the gloomy, let it go. "

Chi Xiao shook his head repeatedly.

While talking, Lin Wanxi had already opened the dress bag.

Chi Xiao’s evening dress is a gem green cheongsam. The medieval design and modern elements make this dress look

It's extraordinarily dazzling and doesn't need any more decorations. It's enough to wear it on the body.

"I regret it." Chi Xiao looked envy and envy, "I shouldn't listen to that **** Shen Ci go to work overtime, you

Wearing this suit, how many men will be heartbroken tonight. "

"So exaggerated?"

"Yes." Chi Xiao could not help but exhorted, "Well, no matter how those stinky men please you tonight, don't give him

Our phone number is 1, of course, if you run into good conditions, you can also get to know each other, but it’s really not good.

Me too. In short, don't take advantage of others. "

"Who dares to take advantage of my Lin Wanxi, don't you want to live?"

Chi Xiaoxin said, Li Yunjin would dare, he didn't take advantage of you, how did you get pregnant with this child in your stomach?

However, Li Yunjin was Lin Wanxi’s heart disease. She only dared to say this in her heart, and asked Lin Wanxi a few more words.

Afterwards, he left in the bombardment of unknown phone calls and angrily at this mysterious Shen Ci.

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