Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1481: .The fire at the gates of the city rages on the pond fish

"I will not put her under house arrest. In a few days, I will take her to the villa. Then, she can come out for a walk."

Chi Xiao was angry for a long while without speaking, her shoulders were shaking, she seemed to have heard some absurd joke, sarcasm

"You are really amazing, should I applaud you for being considerate and careful."

Li Yunjin naturally knew that Chi Xiao was taunting him. He was neither stunned nor angry, and his voice was deep, "Chi Xiao, neither you nor I

Good method. "

Chi Xiao just sat down and said, "I don't know what a better way. I think that you are the best way to force Wanxi under house arrest.

stupid! You will only remind her of her bad past, and will only force her to hate you more and more. "

After she finished speaking, she seemed to be too lazy to explain more to Li Yunjin, her expression a little tired, "Where is she now, I want to bring

She went back to me. "

"I won't let you take her away, it's best for her to stay with me."

Chi Xiao saw his determination, "have you decided, right?"


"Then you must at least tell me where she is now? Let me see her too, right?"

"Not for the time being."

It is not the time yet.

"You! You!" Chi Xiaoqi's face turned pale, "Okay, Li Yunjin, you are amazing, I have nothing to say, I hope you will come

Don't cry and regret. "

Chi Xiao furiously left.

Li Yunjin stood there, silent for a long time.


Now, when does he regret it?

If nothing happened at the engagement ceremony, Lin Wanxi would have become his fiancée, or because she was pregnant

Pregnant, they will hold the wedding sooner...

There were countless scenes in the dream, which were destroyed by his own hands. Do you regret it?

Then regret it.

But... has reached the point where he is today, even if there is a cliff that cannot be turned back in front of him, he can only bite the bullet

Go on.

Lin Wanxi locked herself in the room and did not come out until the afternoon.

"Miss Lin."

Lu Tong was working at the desk, and when he saw Lin Wanxi, he smiled immediately, "Are you hungry? Would you like me to help you prepare food?

Warm up the dishes. "

Lin Wanxi was already calmer, and when she saw him, her tone was cool, "Why are you still here?"

Lu Tong touched his nose with embarrassment, and said embarrassedly, "Mr. Li said, I'm afraid you are bored, so I don't have to go to the public.

The secretary is at work, and I will accompany you to relieve boredom during this time. "

Lin Wanxi's eyes became colder and colder. After hearing this, there was a hint of irony, "Are you sure you can help me relieve my boredom?"

Lu Tong was sure, "Yes! It depends on how you want to relieve your boredom, Miss Lin."

"Play games."

Lin Wanxi nodded in the direction of the TV, "Isn't there a game console?"

Lu Tong was taken aback, "Miss Lin, would you still play this?"

"Played a long time ago, when I was in school."

Lu Tong closed the laptop, folded the papers scattered over the table slightly, and walked over, watching Lin Wanxi bend over

Adjusting the game console is even more curious, "I thought that a good student like Miss Lin would not play this."

Lin Wanxi paused, and said casually, "How do you know that I am a good student?"

Lu Tong took it for granted, "So Miss Lin, you look like a good student."

The game console has been connected. Lin Wanxi lowered his head and pressed the handle controller. After confirming that there was no problem, he put the other

Throw it to Lutong.

He rudely crushed Lutong's unrealistic imagination of himself.

\"Then you look misguided, I am not a good student. On the contrary, smoking, drinking, fighting, playing truant, makes the teacher hate the tooth

The roots are itchy. "

Lu Tong was shocked, "How is it possible?"

A bad girl with a cigarette, dyed yellow hair and earrings appeared in his head.

The elephant, secretly glanced at Lin Wanxi, who was already sitting on the sofa with a clean and cold face, nothing to do.

Let's overlap two people together.

He smiled, "Miss Lin, don't joke with me."

"It's true." Lin Wanxi clicked on a gun battle game, his expression was still calm, but there was a touch of light at the end of his eyes

"If you don’t believe me, you can ask Li Yunjin, he knows my past quite well."

Lu Tong frowned, "This is Lin Wanxi's personal affair with Mr. Li. It is not convenient for me to intervene."

Lin Wanxi glanced at him twice, and finally said, "Will you play this?"

Lutong glanced at it and found that it was a shooting game that he used to play when he was young. He nodded immediately, "I know how to play.

At that time, we boys all like to play, and I was still the best one of them. Just haven't played for too long

Yes, it may be a little hand-made. "

Lin Wanxi did not speak and pressed the start button.

Not long after the game started, Lu Tong faintly realized that what Lin Wanxi might have said was true.

Because Lin Wanxi played this game really well.

Several times, he didn't respond, and Lin Wanxi had already cleared the entire screen of enemies.

Lu Tong looked at Lin Wanxi, who was sweeping the battlefield with no expression on his face. He felt that what he had just said had struck him in the face.


His skills are not worth mentioning in front of Lin Wanxi.

Lu Tong has worked with Li Yunjin for a long time and has developed the habit of asking for advice humbly, even games.

"Why can't I always hit them?"

Lin Wanxi moved her fingers quickly and spoke lightly, "You can find someone you hate and treat the enemy as him."

"Ms. Lin who are you looking for?"

"Li Yunjin."

Lin Wanxi did not hesitate.


"Is this not so good?" Lu Tong was shaking.

"Is he nice to you?" Lin Wanxi sneered, "Did you ask you to do errands for him in the middle of the night? Did you deduct your years?

Final prize and vacation? Do you always shake your face? "

Lu Tong's face paled, "Yes, but..."

"Then why don't you hate him?"

Lu Tong was dizzy, and it took him a long time to explain, "In fact, President Li is also quite good, not as bad as you think..."

Although Mr. Li always has strict demands on himself and can’t make any mistakes at work, in private,

Mr. Li is really a very good person, absolutely knives and tofu heart.

He remembered that once, when he was blackmailed for a few days, Li Yunjin helped Li Yunjin not say anything.

Solved everything by myself.

Li Yunjin was hurt a bit because of this. He was panicked and blamed himself at the time. The resignation report was written, but Li Yunjin didn’t see it

Take a look and let him get back to work the next day.

Even his little assistant could know that Li Yunjin is good, how could Lin Wanxi not know?

What's more, as a person on the cusp of President Li, it would be hard for President Li to know that Lin Wanxi thought about herself so.

Lu Tong didn't want to play games anymore, "Miss Lin, do you really hate President Li?"

"Ask what are you doing here?"

Lu Tong shook his head, "I always feel that Miss Lin and President Li are the same, with a knife-mouthed tofu heart."

"If you don't understand me, don't make judgments casually. I, Lin Wanxi, have a knife-mouth and axe heart."

Lu Tong couldn't say a word that was blocked.


Coincidentally, at this time, I only heard the sound of the key turning the door lock. It turned out that Li Yunjin was back.

He was wearing a white shirt, his suit jacket was casually placed on his arm, and he was carrying some ingredients in his right hand, apparently he had just bought it.

"President Li."

Lutong was about to stand up immediately.

Li Yunjin glanced at the game consoles in the hands of the two, and said lightly, "You play, I will cook first."


He can't help but restless. How can his assistant sit here playing game consoles and the boss cooks?

Can he stay in the Li Group in the future?

Lu Tong was absent-minded, and the game couldn't be played. Lin Wanxi probably disliked his food, and threw the game away, got up and went back to the room.

Lu Tong breathed a sigh of relief and found a reason to leave.

The two people are in this state, he still blends well, how to put that sentence, the fire at the gate of the city has caused the pond fish.

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