Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1484: .Disrepute?

When I arrived at the company, it was the most leisure time of the day, and several front desks were chatting with joy and laughter.

Li Yunjin looked at it coldly, "Is it for you to come to chat during work? Resign early if you don't want to do it."

Several front desks had never seen Li Yunjin's temper so pale, so scared that he dared not say a word.

Li Yunjin raised his foot into the elevator.

"What's next?"

"Fifteen minutes later, you have a memory. In the evening, Mr. Hong from Jianghuai Entertainment Entertainment invited you to dinner."

"Help me push it."

Lu Tong looked embarrassed, "Mr. Li, this Hong is always a friend of Mr. Jin. If he refuses directly, will he..."

"Jin Nanfeng?"

Li Yunjin frowned.


Li Yunjin just said, "I see."

Lutong breathed a sigh of relief.

The elevator "dingdong——" sounded.

The top level is here.

"Hello, President."

The secretary had already greeted him at the door.

Li Yunjin walked into the office without saying a word, and closed the door with a "bang".

The secretary's face began to tremble again. After all, Li Yunjin's bad temper some time ago has made her walk on thin ice

Shaking, this has only been better for two days, today...what happened again?

She glanced at Lutong secretly, lowered her voice to inquire, "Mr. it okay?"

Lu Tong estimated, "It's should be okay..."


Before I finished speaking, there was a violent sound from the office, as if something was dropped to the ground.


The secretary's face became more ugly.

"What can I do...Should I deliver coffee to President Li..."

Go in and feel like you will definitely be scolded by Li Yunjin, but don't go...

"Don't hit President Li's muzzle at this time, so I'll go to President Yun to take a look."

After all, Li Yunxiu is Mr. Li's biological sister, and Mr. Li will definitely not send it to Li Yunxiu's body if he is so angry.

Lu Tong hurried to Li Yunxiu's office.

After listening to Lu Tong's account, Li Yunxiu's eyes widened, "You said your brother imprisoned Miss Lin?"

Lu Tong hesitated for a long time.

"No, is Li Yunjin crazy?"

Li Yunxiu dropped the pen in his hand, "What does she do well to imprison Miss Lin?"

"This is something that can't be helped, Lin Wanxi's temper... You also know that President Li is also doing well for Miss Lin. Now

Lin Wanxi ran away with other men, and Mr. Li had a bad temper. You should go and take a look. I really have nothing to do.

Up. "

"I'm not going." Li Yunxiu frowned, "I don't want to care about his affairs. He will continue to do it, and Ms. Lin will do it.

He is happy as he gets further away. "


"Don't interfere in this matter, Li Yunjin, that idiot, don't you know what kind of temperament Miss Lin is?

Stupid. "

It is most taboo for outsiders to interfere in emotional matters, and as a bystander, she may not be able to help much. At this time

Waiting to show up, didn't you give them both a disservice?

And now that his brother is so irrational, it is a good thing for Lin Wanxi to leave him.

Seeing that Li Yunxiu had said so, Lu Tong had no choice but to answer a few times, and left dejectedly.


It took Lin Wanxi all afternoon to clean up the room a bit, only then did he remember to call Chi Xiao.

"Tangcheng, borrow your cell phone and use it."


"I contacted a friend."

Tang Cheng took out the phone, and then as if thinking of something, he suddenly put it back, "By the way, I said I would help

You went to buy a mobile phone. It's rare that I don't need to go to the company when I have time in the afternoon. "

After a few hours of getting along, Lin Wanxi has gradually become accustomed to the nature of this rich man.

Son now.

A white look at Tangcheng, "Are you sure you don't need to go to the company, not that you don't want to go?"

Tang Cheng curled his lips, reached out and picked up the jacket on the back of the sofa, "Is there any difference between the two?"

Lin Wanxi:...

Of course, there is no difference. Who made the company run by your family?

"Lend me first, and I will report her safety."

Even buying a mobile phone takes time, and I never went back to the birthday party in Tangcheng. Chi Xiao, that girl?

Know what to worry about.

"No, you want to call the woman Chi Xiao?" Tang Cheng looked a little disgusted, "That woman is crazy,

If she sees that it is my mobile phone number, she might rush over to make trouble for me now. "

Lin Wanxi pouted, yes, Chi Xiao was right, there was really some misunderstanding between the two of them.

Forget it.

She didn't like being tough.

Lin Wanxi and Tangcheng went to the mobile phone store and bought a new mobile phone before contacting Chi Xiao.

Tang Cheng didn't forget to come over and tell her, "Don't tell her, I'm with you."

Lin Wanxi has already connected the phone.

"Chi Xiao, it's me."

"Wanxi?" Chi Xiao said with excitement, "Li Yunjin let you out? Where are you now? Are you still with Li Yunjin?"

"I'm no longer with him."

"Then where are you now? I'll go to find you right away..."

"Wanxi, I am safe and fine now. Don't come here yet. I want to avoid the wind in the past two days. Wait for stability.

Come down, I will contact you again. "

Chi Xiao guessed that she was hiding from Li Yunjin. Although she was angry at what Li Yunjin had done, she did not have it right now.

A better way.

"All right, then you must be careful alone. If Li Yunjin harass you again, you can call the police or go

Look for Li Beixun and Shi Qing, they are both amazing people, and they won't let their son mess around outside. "

"Well, I know, don't worry, I will take care of myself."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Wanxi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Cheng laughed "hehe" at the back, "How about it, can you live with me now, right? Sister Xiannv?"

"Don't call me that."

Lin Wanxi doesn't like this slick call.

"I'll just call you Sister Xiannv, and I'll tell you, I haven't forgotten about you picking up my pants."

Lin Wanxi frowned, "Didn't I apologize to you? A big man talks about this kind of thing all day, and

Don't be afraid of others calling you stingy. "

"I'm a stingy person, what can you do to me?"

Lin Wanxi's face turned dark, "I think you are not only stingy, you are also shameless."

Just as Tang Cheng was about to speak, the cell phone in his trouser pocket suddenly rang. He took out a look, his expression changed slightly.

"Hey, this is Tangcheng, what's the matter?"

Lin Wanxi is wondering who's phone call can change the face of the boy who just smiled with you, the next second

Suddenly I heard two violent "coughs" from Tang Cheng, "What? How could this happen? How could this kind of thing leak out in advance?

come out? "

Lin Wanxi's heart "cocked", it looks like something went wrong?

Tang Cheng's face was much more serious, his eyes darkened, "Okay, you put everyone together first, I'll be there in half an hour."

As soon as he hung up the phone, Tang Cheng walked to Lin Wanxi, "There is something urgent on the company's side, I want to deal with it."

"You go first, I can go back alone."

Tangcheng looked at the gloomy sky outside, and a heavy rain was approaching.

Holding on to Lin Wanxi's shoulders, he pushed forward, "Go to the company and wait for me. It's going to rain soon outside. You can't get a taxi."

The two hurried to the Tang Group.

There were many people around the door of the company, and they rushed over excitedly when they saw Tangcheng.

"Murder! Killer pays for life!"

"Losing money!"

Tang Cheng's face was pale, and he stretched out his hand to protect Lin Wanxi beside him, preventing the crazy crowd from rushing to Lin Wanxi.

Two people passed through the crowded crowd and entered the company with difficulty.

A woman with glasses saw Tangcheng and ran over immediately.

"President Tang, are waiting for you, and...your father is here."

"What is he here for?"

Tang Cheng's face paled.

"He said that the company has such a big thing, he must come and see..."

"I see." Tang Cheng pointed to Lin Wanxi beside him, "You take her to my office first."

"Okay, Mr. Tang."

Tangcheng got on the elevator alone, and the female assistant smiled respectfully at Lin Wanxi, "Miss, please

You come with me. "

"Did something happen?"

Lin Wanxi couldn't help but worry about Tangcheng.

"Did something happen to the company?"

"Yes." The female assistant frowned, her face solemn, "A building our company bid for, tonight

Suddenly I don’t know why, suddenly Dao collapsed... A lot of people died. Now the media is arguing about this matter a lot, no

Young family members also blocked the door of the company and clamored for an explanation. If this matter is not handled well, our company can be true.

The reputation is discredited. "

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