Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1501: . She is my wife

Li Yunjin increased his strength in his hands and held her tighter without giving her any chance.

"If I say, I am jealous, will you stay away from him?"

Lin Wanxi’s face was hot, and it took a long time to say, "I am not the kind of relationship you think. I really only

He treats him as a friend. "

"But is he a friend to you?"

Also as a man, Li Yunjin understood very well that he would not fail to understand Tang Cheng's feelings for Lin Wanxi.

Although he believed that Lin Wanxi would not betray their feelings, but his woman was caught by another young man

Watching closely, still makes him feel very uncomfortable.

Li Yunjin's eyes sank a little bit, "Lin Wanxi, he doesn't mean you a friend, he means a man to a woman

What people mean is what I mean to you, do you understand? "

"I know." Lin Wanxi was a little annoyed, she was not a fool, Tang Cheng said that day so clearly...

"She has said that I am going to be the father of the child in my stomach, how could I not understand what he meant."

Li Yunjin's eyes suddenly went black.

"I'm not dead yet? My child, Li Yunjin, needs him to be a father?"

Lin Wanxi frowned, "I didn't promise him again."

"Are you still reasonable? What messy topics do you usually talk to him about?"

Ordinary friends can actually talk about this topic?

Li Yunjin felt particularly uncomfortable, "You are not allowed to see him again."

Lin Wanxi was silent for a long time, and finally said softly.

Watching Lin Wanxi cool down and recover his indifferent face, Li Yunjin frowned, "Are you angry?"

Does she care about that Tangcheng? Even if he said a few words like this, he would be cold.

Li Yunjin felt a little uneasy in his heart. He knew what kind of woman Lin Wanxi was. In this world,

It may be difficult to find a second woman who is more decisive than Lin Wanxi, who dares to love and hate and is absolutely not procrastinated.

Whenever she thought of everything she had done to Lin Wanxi, her cold and indifferent expression when she returned the wedding ring at the engagement banquet, he

You can feel Lin Wanxi's determination eagerly and truly.

Every time at this time, he could always feel the tiny pain like ants biting from the heart.

Anxiety is like a seed buried in the soil in spring, it is possible to regenerate at any time.

He was afraid that Lin Wanxi would bury this hatred deep in his heart, and it would never dissipate.

I'm afraid that her peace now is the compromise she made for the child in her belly.

Li Yunjin's heart was heavy, and too many words rushed to his lips, but he couldn't say a word.

Lin Wanxi looked at his clenched brows, knowing that he must be thinking about something in his heart again, and took the initiative to open it.

He said, "Every decision I made, at least at that moment, was willingly, Li Yunjin, the past

The matter is over. "

"I'm sorry." Li Yunjin's eyes were full of self-blame. "At that time, I was really not a thing..."

"There is no need to talk about the past." Lin Wanxi smiled softly, "The bad things I have experienced in the past are too

Too many, one or two more, it won't affect me. "

What she wants is always the present.

"I promise you that there won't be another time."

Lin Wanxi smiled faintly again and changed the subject lightly.

"How long will you stay here? The traffic police will come if you don't leave."

"Well, go eat first."

Just as Lin Wanxi wanted to say that she had no appetite, Li Yunjin interrupted her directly, "I know you don’t want to eat, but this shop is very special.

Shu, you will love it very much. "

Hearing what Li Yunjin said, Lin Wanxi nodded and let out a soft "um".

The car drove into a quiet courtyard in the suburbs in the evening.

There are no people around this generation, and it seems even more deserted in the evening.

Lin Wanxi couldn't believe it, someone would open the restaurant here.

She followed Li Yunjin into the small courtyard. The quaint courtyard was a bit dilapidated, and a large area of ​​death could be vaguely seen on the wall.


There are also fallen leaves that have not been cleaned for many days.

" it really a restaurant?"

Lin Wanxi couldn't help but ask aloud, it was really a miracle that this kind of store did not close down.

"It's a restaurant."

Li Yunjin gently held Lin Wanxi's hand, leading him to knock on the door.

Soon, a middle-aged woman in her fifties came to open the door, and when she saw the person, she smiled gently, "Li Xian

Sheng, you haven't been here for a long time. "

This person actually knows Li Yunjin, and it seems that Li Yunjin is a regular customer in this store.

Lin Wanxi was taken aback for a while, and heard Li Yunjin say, "Aunt Zhang, this is Lin Wanxi, my...wife."

Lin Wanxi was taken aback by his sudden name, he got stuck up and down in his throat, coughing violently.

After two sounds, he explained, "Don't listen to his nonsense, I am not his wife."

After speaking, he stretched out his foot and stomped him hard.

But if you steal the chicken and lose your rice, Lin Wanxi twisted it himself.

Li Yunjin hugged him, frowned, and said sternly, "Beware of the child in your stomach."

Lin Wanxi choked again.

On the contrary, Aunt Zhang smiled softer, with deep meaning in his eyes.

Lin Wanxi knew that this was completely unclear.

He lowered his head dullly.

Li Yunjin smiled, "Aunt Zhang, please let the kitchen make some light food."

"Okay, don't worry, you don't know what your wife likes to eat?"

"I'm not him..." Lin Wanxi seemed weak, but he explained half of it, after all, he gave up and said a few casually.

The name of the dish.

"Okay, I'll let the kitchen do it right away, Mr. Li, sit in your house."

As soon as Aunt Zhang left, Lin Wanxi looked at Li Yunjin coldly, "Don't talk nonsense."

Li Yunjin carefully helped her across the threshold, and replied to him, "Not nonsense, my wife, only

It may be you alone. It's just a matter of time. If you want, we can get the certificate tomorrow. "

Anyway, he didn't want to wait any longer.

Lin Wanxi hadn't thought about it yet. She was really going to get a marriage certificate with Li Yunjin. She entered the house and frowned.

"Have the matter between you and Jiang Zixin been resolved?"

"Well, after knowing that she had been lying to me, I let her leave. She probably wouldn't dare to come back and disturb us again."

After so long, Lin Wanxi was finally able to face this matter a little calmly.

"Why did you choose to believe her in the first place?"

Li Yunjin had a meal. He did not expect that Lin Wanxi would take the initiative to uncover the scar, "It's all from the past, no

Did you mention it? "

"Because it is a matter of the past, I don't want to leave any hidden dangers."

Lin Wanxi seemed very determined.

Li Yunjin sat down in the chair and was silent for a moment before speaking, "Because of those photos."

Jian eyebrows couldn't help but frowned, and Li Yunjin's expression became a little complicated, as if he was holding back something, even the forehead

The green veins are jumping suddenly.

"Wanxi, I am a man, believe me, no man sees his girlfriend in such a photo

I can still stay sane... When I recovered from a serious illness, I climbed back from the ghost gate and saw photos like that... I admit

I lost my mind. You said you left me a letter, but I didn’t see it. Before I woke up, Jiang Zi

Xin had already emptied everything in the phone. "

Lin Wanxi's breathing tightened along with Yi, "Actually, those photos..."

"Needless to say." Li Yunjin held her hand on the table and frowned, "It doesn't matter what those are.

Up. You don’t need to explain, I believe you. "

As he said, he took Lin Wanxi's hand, placed it to his lips, and dropped a kiss gently.

Li Yunjin couldn't imagine how much courage Lin Wanxi took to return to her side.

For her, she couldn't experience being hurt again.

Lin Wanxi would never give him another chance.

She doesn’t need to know the things about her past, anyway, at this moment, she belongs to her, it’s enough


The love was so strong, he couldn't help but cross the table and kiss Lin Wanxi's brow.

Lin Wanxi drew back subconsciously, her entire face flushed.

Frown, "Don't do that, this is a public place, Li Yunjin, pay attention to the image."

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