Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1503: . Am I the kind of casual person?

She just guessed that the call was from Tangcheng, if it was Chi Xiao, why would she avoid herself?

After confirming his guess, Li Yunjin's heart felt a little painful, no matter how he warned him to give

Lin Wanxi had enough space and time, but... the existence of Tang City always made him feel very uncomfortable.

It’s as if you have a pair of eyes that are always staring at your most important thing, and the feeling of losing at will is really

A kind of suffering.

Li Yunjin hadn't noticed it himself, and the pair of sword eyebrows had been twisted to death.

Lin Wanxi raised her eyes, "What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

"No." Li Yunjin lightly nodded the steamed fish in front of him with his chin.

A little sour. You taste? "

Lin Wanxi is a person who is not willing to think, and naturally does not understand the deep meaning of Li Yunjin's words.

His face drooped, "You will let me taste sour?"

"It's because of the acid that I let you taste it together, otherwise how would you appreciate my feelings."

This vinegar, he still doesn't know when he will be late.

Lin Wanxi picked a small piece of fish meat and put it in his mouth. The crucian carp gravy was delicious, and the strong taste on the lips and teeth made people unbearable.

Aftertaste, where is the so-called sour?

"It's not sour..." Lin Wanxi frowned and looked at Li Yunjin. Suddenly, he knew what he meant, with the chopsticks in his hand.

Tossed, a little angry, "It turns out that it's not sour food, but you sour."

Needless to say, it must have been seen by Li Yunjin when he was holding his mobile phone. Most people don’t want to go to the bathroom.

Take the phone with you.

How could Li Yunjin be such a clever person who could not think of it.

Lin Wanxi handed the phone to Li Yunjin.

"Do you want to check it out?"

"No." Li Yunjin shook his head, "I said I believe you."

"Why do you believe me..." Isn't it obvious that the vinegar will fly?

Lin Wanxi murmured silently in her heart, which explained, "It's not Tangcheng's phone."

"Hmm. I know, I don't care."

That's what I said, but the smile in the corner of his eyes was a little bit more obvious.

Lin Wanxi was helpless, this man was really dubious.

After the two of them had eaten, they realized that it was raining outside, and the car was parked for a while.

On the road, considering that Lin Wanxi was in poor health, Li Yunjin took her to the sofa to read.

Wait for the rain to stop.

There are only a few customers in the shop, and they are all attentively doing their own things, so no one noticed

The whispers of two people on the sofa.

"This book, called "The Love Letter", is one of my favorites in high school."

Lin Wanxi couldn't help laughing twice.


"I always think you can't read this kind of book."

"Then what do you think I should save?"

" old academic book."

Li Yunjin reluctantly curled his lips, "In your heart, I am such a rigid and uninteresting person."

"Almost." Lin Wanxi nodded, "Not interesting."

Li Yunjin frowned, and while she was not paying attention, his slender fingers gently slipped into her clothes, the fingertips were slightly cold.

Gently draw a circle around her waist. "

Lin Wanxi was looking down at the book, the tingling feeling around her waist made her exclaim in exclamation.

But it immediately realized that it was in a public place, and his face was white and red in panic, and he quickly looked around, no one

Looking around, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing?"

"Is that interesting enough?"

Li Yunjin blew low in her ear.

"I think you are rogue enough."

Lin Wanxi's face was cold, she pushed Li Yunjin away and frowned, "Stay away from me, it's slimy and uncomfortable."

Li Yunjin let go of her and watched her quickly sit one meter away from him, before saying again.

"Will you go to me tonight?"

Lin Wanxi was stunned. Although she didn't plan to return to Mu's house, she went to Li Yunjin's place...

"No, I'm going to Chi Xiao."

"Going so late will disturb her."

Lin Wanxi frowned, "She is my best friend, no matter how late she goes, she will not dislike me and disturb her, but you... Tang

Mr. Li Yunjin, President of the Tangli Group, I dare not bother,"

After speaking, he moved to the right again, and he was about to sit on another sofa.

Li Yunjin got up, followed after him, and embraced her again.

"Tonight, there is no Li Yunjin, the president of the Li Group, only your man, Li Yunjin." The dark pupils froze.

On Lin Wanxi's face, "So, are you going?"

"Let you stay away from me." Lin Wanxi pushed him away again, "No, the current relationship between the two of us, go

What's the matter with you? "

"You blame me for not giving you a name?"

Li Yunjin is begging for this opportunity, "I just said that I will get the certificate tomorrow. I'm not kidding. If you want to..."

"Unwilling." Lin Wanxi refused without thinking.

"Then take you to see my parents and family first? They must like you very much."

Lin Wanxi paused, then said, "Are you sure they will like me? The photo you took at the engagement party that day

The film, they should have seen it too? "

The Li family, would such a family accept such a self?

Just thinking about it makes it impossible.

"I don't care about those photos, and they don't even care about them." Li Yunjin frowned, his eyes burning, "Wanxi,

My parents are very enlightened parents. They rarely force me to do things that I don’t like. To tell you the truth,

Before I went to Dongzheng Country, I had a marriage contract with a girl..."

Lin Wanxi's eyes were cold, "How many people have you ever had a marriage contract with?"

"I really can't blame me." Li Yunjin's brows tightened. "As you know, my dad used to be president and held a high position.

There was something he had to do. The first marriage was also settled when I was very young. Later I grew up

After the divorce, naturally I didn’t want to marry a girl I didn’t know, so the marriage was cancelled before I went to Dongzheng.

Up. "Li Yunjin was a little nervous," You have to believe me, I really have nothing to do with that girl, I even

I don't know what she looks like..."

"I know."

Lin Wanxi smiled faintly.

"I told you about this, and I also want to tell you that my parents have respected my decision since I was a child.

Boy, they will love it too. "

"Like Jiang Zixin?"

Li Yunjin's face went dark.

Lin Wanxi looked at Li Yunjin with a curious look, "I never asked you, you and Jiang Zixin developed to

Which step is it? "

Jiang Zixin stayed by his side for three years, she didn't believe that, in the past three years, nothing happened between these two people?

Not to mention, Jiang Zixin still likes Li Yunjin so much. In this world, men who can refuse women who take the initiative to send

There are very few people.

In Lin Wanxi’s subconsciousness, because of her father Chi Jianming’s affairs, she has always had no good feelings about men, even subconsciously.

Consciousness firmly believes that their bones have unchangeable roots.

Actually, it’s not that she can’t accept what lies between Li Yunjin and Jiang Zixin, grown-ups, who hasn’t clicked over yet, is she

Everyone can be like her Lin Wanxi, who can shoot himself at any time.

She just had a faint illusion, if Li Yunjin... really belonged to her completely alone?

"Where do you think we are?"

This question made Lin Wanxi stunned for a while, and then she answered honestly, "Thank you for not making out with her

A child is coming. "

Otherwise, the tragedy of her and Mu Sisi will really continue to the next generation.

Li Yunjin's face sank, and he almost gritted his teeth, "In your heart, I am the kind of casual **** with women

Is the man in bed? "

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