Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1506: .You are the cutest

"What are you talking about?" Lin Wanxi's eyes widened, "Are you kidding me?"

"Hey, am I Chi Xiao the kind of person who slaps people back? How could I be joking with you..."

Lin Wanxi frowned, "What the **** is going on?"

Chi Xiao coughed several times before saying, "It was before. When you ignored him, he always wanted to talk to you

I apologize, so please help me, I don't want him to misunderstand you... What admiration for vanity, I pooh! So just that

At that time, I told him that you were an illegitimate daughter..."

Lin Wanxi's face sank again, "You also said about the Mu family?"

"No no." Chi Xiao shook his head quickly, "I know you don't want people to know the relationship between yourself and the Mu family, so one

I didn’t say a word. I didn’t say anything about your school or those photos. Li Yunjin knew about it.

There should be only the illegitimate daughter and how hard you used to make money to support yourself. "

Lin Wanxi's frowning brows relaxed slightly, her face still not very good.

Chi Xiao looked at her cautiously, "Wanxi, are you angry?"


Lin Wanxi shook her head, she would never be angry with Chi Xiao, not to mention that she was for her own good, she understood.

"Then you have misunderstood Li Yunjin, he won't be angry, right? I will help you explain to Li Yunjin?"

"No...I...I will tell you clearly by myself."

Lin Wanxi thought about the temper to him tonight, with a heavy heart.

Damn bastard... How can he not explain to himself...

Just let her misunderstand him so much.

"You'd better call Li Yunjin." Chi Xiao saw Lin Wanxi's expression, her eyes knew she regretted

He came over and threatened her in a low voice, "Men want face, let alone Li Yunjin, you misunderstood

He shook his face indiscriminately and left. What if he had a grudge against him? "

Lin Wanxi's face was even worse.

After a long time, she said, "It's okay, tomorrow...I will go and apologize to him."


Although it was okay with Chi Xiao, Lin Wanxi herself was anxious all night. In the early hours of the morning, she really

Unable to bear this kind of anxiety and suffering, try to call Li Yunjin.

"Sorry, the call you dialed is turned off."

A cold and mechanical tone came from the phone.

Lin Wanxi's heart fell fiercely.

Is Li Yunjin really angry?

A heart seemed to fall into the ice cellar, and her breathing could not help tightening when it was cold.

Next, I couldn't sleep anymore.

Early the next morning, when Lin Wanxi went downstairs with two big dark circles under her eyes, Chi Xiao who was eating breakfast all had a sip of water.

It almost came out.

"Lin Wanxi, I didn't expect you to be like this for a man." Chi Xiao joked, "

The former unrestrained love of freedom, Lin Wanxi, who said he would never go to the trivial things like love, love and love

Where is it? "

Lin Wanxi gave Chi Xiao a white glance.

Not angry, "Are you embarrassed to say? Who caused this? Or you go to Li Yunjin to explain it clearly?"

Chi Xiao smiled, "This is okay. Anyway, isn't it a matter of one or two sentences? I'll call him.

words. "Chi Xiao took out the phone, and while looking for Li Yunjin's phone number, she said, "Tell him, it’s all because I don’t

Okay, Miss Lin was upset because she blamed him, and she blamed herself for not sleeping all night. "

Lin Wanxi's face turned white, and he stepped forward a few steps, snatching Chi Xiao's phone back.

Chi Xiao smiled worse, "Are you asking me to explain or not letting me explain?"

Lin Wanxi took a piece of bread and stuffed it into Chi Xiao's mouth, "I think you should eat yours."

At this time, the doorbell rang, and Chi Xiao couldn't even swallow the bread in her mouth, so she ran to open the door, and was vague.

Qing said, "It really means that Cao Cao arrived, it's Li Yunjin."

Said to open the door.

"Don't drive..."

Just as Lin Wanxi wanted to stop it, Chi Xiao opened the door quickly and quickly.

"Good morning, President Li, come to our Wanxi family."

Li Yunjin's suit and leather shoes, neatly tied bow tie, cuffs with blue diamond cuffs, the whole person can use

Abstinence and coldness are four words to describe, except for... the insulated lunch box he is carrying.

"I'm afraid she won't eat, so I sent it to her."

Li Yunjin explained faintly.

"come in."

Chi Xiao opened the door completely.

Li Yunjin let out a soft "um", stepped in and asked, "Is she okay?"

"Which aspect do you mean? The health is very good, but the mood is hard to say." Chi Xiao smiled "hehe".

"Knowing that I misunderstood you, so I didn't sleep the night I blamed myself. If you don't come again, some

I guess I'm about to hit the wall guiltily. "

Chi Xiao's voice grew longer and longer.

"Chi Xiao! You want to die, don't you?"

Lin Wanxi walked over with a gloomy expression, her fingers creaking.

Chi Xiao picked up the bag, car keys, sunglasses...

Before Lin Wanxi succeeded in killing him, he slipped out the door without forgetting to pat Li Yunjin on the shoulder.

"Mr. Li, leave it to you. Take care of her as you please, just don’t break the furniture in my house. No

But I want you to pay ten times, I'm going to go. "

After finishing speaking, Chi Xiaomao ran away without turning back.

"Chi Xiao!"

Lin Wanxi chased out angrily, she actually threw herself down like this?

What did you tell Li Yunjin?

She must tear Chi Xiao's mouth!

Lin Wanxi chased to the door, but was directly pulled into her arms by both hands, and the familiar cold breath penetrated into her nose, like playing

With the start button, Lin Wanxi calmed down.

"After you got pregnant, your temper is getting bigger and bigger." Li Yunjin's voice was faintly petting.

Scolded, are you going to fight with Chi Xiao again today? "

Lin Wanxi thought about the phone call last night, feeling extremely uncomfortable, pushed Li Yunjin away, her voice went cold, "What are you doing?"

"I'm afraid you won't eat, so I brought it to you." Li Yunjin took her by the hand and led her to sit down at the table, "I want

At work, be good and finish eating quickly. "

The breakfast in the insulated box was taken out little by little.

The tempting fragrance made Lin Wanxi's appetite uncontrollable, but stubbornly trying to save face, "I won't eat your food."

Helpless, Li Yunjin pulled her into her arms again, her voice softer and softer, "I have an important meeting at nine.

Can't be late. "

Lin Wanxi quietly glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already eight o'clock in the morning.

He hurried over from here, and didn't know what to do in a hurry.

Stop quarreling with him, Lin Wanxi sat down and started to eat honestly.

"Are you not angry?"

Li Yunjin looked at her pale face and sat down opposite her.

Lin Wanxi did not speak.

Why is she angry? She was obviously... guilty of death.

At most, it was a bit sad that Li Yunjin didn't answer the phone last night.

Li Yunjin looked at her gloomy look and couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you laughing?"

Lin Wanxi frowned, a little puzzled.

"I used to think that you are different from most girls."


"For example, I would play some tricks at my boyfriend, make a temper, and need a boyfriend to coax me..." Lips

The corner couldn't help but raised a curve, and Li Yunjin seemed to be a little emotional, "But now it seems that you and ordinary girls

It makes no difference. "

"Are you complimenting me or scolding me?"

She naturally wants to be a unique girl.

"Of course I praise you, praise you for being cute."

Li Yunjin's eyes were deep.

Lin Wanxi got stuck in her throat with a mouthful of porridge, she didn't get up, she thought about it carefully, this is still the first time she lived.

Once someone praised themselves...cute.

She swallowed the contents of her mouth with difficulty, a little embarrassed, "No one has ever said that I am cute."

"How would others describe you?"

"Black cat."

Lin Wanxi frowned. From childhood to adulthood, others said that her personality was like a cat. When she worked in a bar, she still

It got a nickname called "Night Cat."

She said she was dangerous, but couldn't help but want people to approach.

"It's okay, just as cute."

Li Yunjin nodded as if he agreed with this statement.

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