Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1516: .I will be angry

Lin Wanxi really couldn't think of what she was missing for a while, and finally said helplessly, "Then you can buy it, I can do it."

"Are you sure I bought you will like it?"

Lin Wanxi paused slightly, and then replied in a low voice, "What you send...I should like it all."

These words made Li Yunjin's heart beat wildly, and his joy could not be restrained. "The things that other men gave, you too

Would you like it? Can I understand it as you like it because I gave it? And no other men

Have this qualification. "

Lin Wanxi was struck again.

"answer me."

Li Yunjin, who had not waited to answer, was obviously a little unwilling.

Lin Wanxi frowned, "You obviously know what I mean, I'm sleepy, so hang up first."

"and many more."

Li Yunjin was a little dissatisfied, "Do you ever wait for me to hang up first?"

Every time I talk about a sentence or two, this woman always hangs up when she is impatient. He is the president of the Li Group.

Never been so aggrieved.

"what happened again?"

No need to look, Li Yunjin also knew that she must have frowned at the moment, her face full of displeasure.

"What time is the night over there?"

"Nine o'clock."

Lin Wanxi was not ashamed, and she didn't stop lying.

"You think I don't know the southeast, northwest, northwest, right?" Li Yunjin said in a low voice, "At six o'clock in the evening, you tell

Tell me you are sleepy? are you a pig? "

Lin Wanxi was blushing with what he said, and it took him a long time to say, "What do you know? If you have the ability, you can try to have a baby?"

"Don't lie to me, hang up first, I will use my phone to video with you."

"Why video..."

"Can you miss you?"

"No, I really have something at night, something at work."

In the morning, the manager scolded him for being late, and Lin Wanxi had to take the lost work home to deal with it.

The visual inspection is not over for two or three hours. Where does she have time to video with this man...

"The company is mine, and you still need to work overtime by your boss? Lin Wanxi, why are you stupid when you are pregnant?"

"That's different. I went to work for the Li Group...but I didn't think of myself as the boss's wife."

Lin Wanxi did not back down on this issue.

"Okay, don't look at you, I can see my son, I am the father of the child, and the law stipulates that I have the right to see myself

Child. "

Lin Wanxi's eyes widened in surprise, "The child is not born yet, Li Yunjin."

"Isn't it Li Yunjin's flesh and blood if I was not born?"

Li Yunjin seemed impatient, his low, mellow voice was stained with a sense of threatening oppression.

"If you embarrass me again, when I return home, I will embarrass you."

Li Yunjin chuckled, "I remember, next week, you will be pregnant for three months, the doctor said, three months later,

Can perform husband and wife obligations appropriately. "

"Li Yunjin!" Lin Wanxi couldn't make this kind of joke the most, and interrupted Li Yunjin's words intolerably, "If you do

Say, at your own risk. "

Yes, it used to kill you with a single shot, but now it becomes at your own risk.

Li Yunjin was not afraid of this little woman. He didn't blink when a gun was held to his head before, let alone now.

"You should first consider whether you can bear the consequences. After all, I will return to China on Wednesday."

Lin Wanxi didn't speak for a long time, only her rapid breathing was on the phone.

If Li Yunjin is standing in front of her now, this woman is very likely to slap him over and give him a fierce kick.

Drive him out.

But now that the two people are far away, he has a way to make this wild wolf slowly compromise.

"How about, have you considered it?"

"Got it."

Lin Wanxi hung up angrily.

Li Yunjin then returned the phone to Lutong in the next room.

Lu Tong pretended to flip through it, and he saw the phone dialed to Lin Wanxi.

Putting the machine back on the table, and seeing Li Yunjin’s much happier expression at the moment, he knew the contradiction between the two people should be.

It's solved.

Finally relieved.

Also let go of the courage to satisfy his gossip heart.

"President Li, Miss Lin is not angry anymore, right?"

"Well, you are not allowed to talk nonsense in front of her in the future. If you can't speak, just treat me as dumb."

Lu Tong shrank his neck and said immediately, "I see."

Li Yunjin turned around, took two steps, and then remembered something, "Help me push En En's invitation."

"Aren't you going?" Lu Tong frowned, "What reason should I use?"

That little witch is not deal with it.

It’s not a simple reason to deal with the past, if you don’t find a better reason, maybe she

Can rush to the hotel to stop people.

Li Yunjin's expression was cold, but when he looked closely, he could see the faint smile provoked by the end of his eyes.

"Just say, my girlfriend will get angry if she knows."

Lutong:? ? ?

For this reason, I'm afraid Miss En'en can jump the Yangtze River immediately, right?

Lu Tong wanted to cry without tears, why all the mess was thrown on him.

I scolded Li Yunjin in his heart, but in the end, he was still miserably preparing to beat Miss En'en.


At this time, Li Yunjin suddenly turned around and added, "By the way, make a call back to the company and ask, what is the experience of her department?

Which is it? How can you allow new employees to work overtime as soon as they arrive? "


When Li Yunjin returned to the bedroom, he started a video call with Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi is sitting in front of the computer and working, while typing on the keyboard, there is nothing inattentive.

Back to Li Yunjin's words.

In the end, Lin Wanxi was completely immersed in work. Her mobile phone was used as a stand under the lamp.

At this time, Li Yunjin could only see her clean face without any pinkish faces.

Seeing her look focused, he didn't bother her, but took a contract and looked at it quietly.

Time ticked away, and neither of them was tired.

For Li Yunjin, the feeling of seeing her as soon as he looked up was really wonderful.

While he was enjoying such a quiet atmosphere and breath, he only heard a rush of feet coming from the corridor outside the door.

The sound of footsteps, and then Li Yunjin's room was beaten vigorously from outside.

"Li Yunjin, come out for me! Come out! If you don't give me an explanation today, I won't let it go!"

Lin Wanxi was working on the final proofreading of the document, and was suddenly startled by the woman's voice on the phone.


"Lu Enen."

Li Yunjin frowned.

"" Lin Wanxi's expression was a little unnatural.

Li Yunjin got up, "I pushed her lunch invitation tomorrow, I guess it annoyed her."

The expression of the man was also a little helpless and troubled. Lu Jiayang was in prosperity, and it was said that only three generations had such a female doll.

The spoiled is lawless, the wind is the wind and the rain is the rain.

The Lu family has been expanding overseas markets since its predecessors, and now they have a group of powerful economic people in their hands.

If the group wants to enter the world in the same way, it cannot be said that it needs to rely on the strength of the Lu family, but at least superficial peace still needs


Li Yunjin also had a headache for Lu Enen, neither wanted to provoke this peach blossom to block herself and Lin Wanxi, nor

I want to offend this baby bump of the Lu Family, which affects the interests of the Li Group and the Lu Family.

"I'll go talk to her first and call you later."

Li Yunjin didn't want Lin Wanxi to hear about the next bad thing, so he reached out to shut down the video.

"Don't close it, I want to watch."

Lin Wanxi frowned, almost like an order, "Turn the camera to the door."

Li Yunjin frowned, obviously hesitant.

"If you reject me, the consequences..." Lin Wanxi said after a pause, and changed her words directly, "You will never come back to see me."

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