Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1519: .new life

Oh, the temper is quite big.

"Wanxi, what are you doing?" Colleagues were chatting with laughter in the car, but Lin Wanxi held a mobile phone and bowed his head.

The language is very strange.

"Oh, I see, are you chatting with your boyfriend?"


Lin Wanxi smiled awkwardly and quickly put away the phone.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Lin Wanxi paused, thinking of Li Yunjin's face, and shook her head quickly, "No, I don't have a boyfriend."

The colleague winked his eyebrows, "Then dare to love you, your peach blossoms are here."


Lin Wanxi was puzzled.

"I'm telling you, this Zhang Yang is still single, although he is average, but he is honest, young

Ji Qing is pretty good at making money. He has a car and a house. Would you like to think about it? "

What did Lin Wanxi think about this? She just thought, Li Yunjin wouldn't allow it either?

Thinking of this, Lin Wanxi shook his head quickly, "No..."

"Why? Don't you want to find a boyfriend?"

Lin Wanxi smiled hard, "I don't need it for now."

"You don’t need to feel shy. My sister and you have a ticket. This Zhang Yang has a very good character. If it weren’t for my age,

I got married early, so I won't give you this high-quality youth. "

Lin Wanxi smiled awkwardly again, and stopped talking in silence.

Seeing Lin Wanxi's cold and indifferent appearance, the man didn't force her anymore and turned to talk with others.

Soon, everyone rushed to a hot pot restaurant.

It was the peak period when the hot pot restaurant was crowded with people. Fortunately, today’s birthday star has reserved a seat in advance, and a group of people enter

Come, immediately put down the phone and greet warmly.

Soon, everyone was seated one by one.

Lin Wanxi was not familiar with Zhang Yang, so he chose the farthest seat and sat down quietly.

Lin Wanxi didn't understand the content of their chat, so he simply bowed his head and played on his mobile phone.

She didn't see Zhang Yang holding a glass of wine until someone called her, as if to toast her.

"Hello, this is Zhang Yang."

Zhang Yang wears a pair of glasses. He looks very sunny and reliable, just like the big brother next door.

"Listen to them, you are a newcomer to the company."

Lin Wanxi picked up the orange juice in front of him and said lightly, "I can't drink."

"It's okay." Zhang Yang shook his head again and again, and said with a smile, "Everyone is a friend, don't be so formal, why?

Come whatever you want. "

Zhang Yang naturally sat next to Lin Wanxi, and then said, "It seems that I will bring milk to your department in the future.

Tea, I need to bring an extra cup. "

Lin Wanxi's expression is already light, "Don't be so troublesome, I don't like milk tea.\"

Zhang Yang's heart beat twice.

Seeing Lin Wanxi's face calm, Xiu Rumei's hand held the glass and gently took a sip of the drink in the glass.

I just felt that my heart was hit twice more violently.

This woman is so cold.

Even in such a noisy and boiling place, she is still like a green pine towering up in the distant mountains in winter, making people unable to approach.

Zhang Yang asked some more questions, and Lin Wanxi answered them concisely, and used all questions that he didn’t want to answer.

Silent response.

Zhang Yang sees that her attitude is always the same. Even if she wants to understand more deeply, she is afraid to make Lin Wanxi feel bored.

Annoying, smiled awkwardly, and soon went to find someone else.

Halfway through the meal, Lin Wanxi's stomach couldn't stand it anymore, and she hurried away on the pretext of being unwell.

Zhang Yang pushed his eyes, and he was disappointed a lot.

Seeing Zhang Yang's gaze chasing Lin Wanxi's leaving back, the female colleague suddenly stabbed him in the arm, "Hey, hey, come to mind

Now, the soul is almost gone. "

Zhang Yang smiled embarrassedly.

"Why, do you like others?"

Zhang Yang's face flushed, "Lin Wanxi... looks pretty."

"Of course, our company can't find a second employee as beautiful as her, so I won't lose at all.

President Yun, but it's a pity, but his personality is a bit too cold, and he feels a little bit of a stranger not entering. "The man was talking

He paused, and then with a smile, "If you are interested in her, I advise you to give up."

"Does she have a boyfriend?"

"No, she said it herself."

Zhang Yang is obviously a little excited, regardless of whether she is cold or cold, as long as she is single, she will always be organic.

It will.

Soon after Lin Wanxi got home, she received a call from Li Yunjin. To be honest, she was really curious.

Is there no jet lag?

Why, always contact her considering her schedule.

She had checked it on the Internet a long time ago, and Li Yunjin was eleven hours earlier than her.

At 7 o'clock in the evening in China, it was around 4 o'clock in the morning on Li Yunjin's side.

Even if Li Yunjin is a workaholic, he wouldn't wake up so early, would he?

Lin Wanxi frowned, "Why did you wake up so early?"

"I didn't sleep."

After he said this, and didn't know if it was an illusion or something, Lin Wanxi felt that his voice was full of fatigue.

She was a little uncertain whether he was waiting for herself, so she said, "Are you waiting for me?"

"Yeah." Li Yunjin's voice was mellow, "You are not home, I always feel uneasy."

Lin Wanxi guessed it, but when she heard that Li Yunjin was waiting for her to really not sleep, she was still a little angry.

"What's not to worry about? Li Yunjin, don't do such silly things again in the future."

"I care about you, do you think it's stupid?"

Lin Wanxi struck her throat and said coldly, "I didn't mean that."

"So, is that you hurt me?"

Lin Wanxi choked, she didn't dare to speak anymore. Who knows what this man will continue to play.

Li Yunjin didn't plan to just let Lin Wanxi go. The more dishonest Lin Wanxi was, the more he forced this woman to tear it apart.

That coat of indifference doesn't matter.

"If you don't speak, I won't let you go." Li Yunjin's voice was hoarse with a sleepless night, "Hurry up.

Say, I'm going to get some sleep after I'm finished, it just happened to be fine this morning. "

Lin Wanxi bit her lip, and after a long silence, she muffled and said, "Don't you know what I mean? Why waste my time,

If you don't go to bed, why do you push it on my head. "

\"Of course, what I understand is different from what you said." Li Yunjin urged, "Hurry up, I'm really going to die suddenly."

Lin Wanxi was too lazy to stay with his mother-in-law in the hot pot restaurant for a while, all over her body was slimy, just want to wash it quickly

Take a shower, so I speak casually, "Well, I am very worried about you, afraid of your sudden death, so don’t wait for me in the future.

I came back in a few days. "

Li Yunjin frowned, "Lin Wanxi, you have no conscience, I have been waiting for you for so long, so you just perfunct me?"

Lin Wanxi was completely gone, "Li Yunjin, what are you going to do?"

"Can't you be honest?"

Lin Wanxi's brows tightened, and then he spoke, with a deep voice, "Didn't you already understand my mind?

Sleep well, work well, and I will wait for you to come back. "

Li Yunjin was more comfortable with this, and he hummed softly, which couldn't stop the full of joy.

Lin Wanxi could almost see the corners of Li Yunjin's mouth, and couldn't help smiling.

"One more thing, I want to discuss with you."


"When you come back, I want to move to your place."


Li Yunjin's voice trembled visibly, with a trace of caution, almost choked up, "Is it...really? You

Didn't you kid me? "

Lin Wanxi frowned, "Just forget me if you don't welcome me."

"how come?"

Li Yunjin coughed twice, "Promise me, I can't go back."

Lin Wanxi sighed lightly.

"Idiot, when did I ever regret what I promised you?"

Lin Wanxi hung up the phone, but Li Yunjin couldn't sleep anymore. He thought of going back from this business trip to start a meeting with Lin Wanxi.

Duan Xin's life, he wanted to fly back immediately.

Pick up the phone and contact Lutong next door.

"Lutong, help me find a house. It doesn't need to be too big, just a one-story villa. Stay closer to the company."

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