Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1527: .Unscrupulous little bastard

Speaking of this, Li Yunjin smiled helplessly, "So, they will give the little hydrangea a better one, and right as compensation, this

This kind of prejudice is an action they made unconsciously. Xiaoxiao once asked me wronged, why my parents like it better


In a family, when there are more children, it is difficult to achieve a true balance of water.

Parents may not realize it, but sensitive children will always realize it.

Lin Wanxi understands what he means, he just wants to have a child, just want to give all his love to that


Lin Wanxi thought of this, as if Li Yunxiu had told herself not long ago, she raised her eyes to Li Yunjin.

Stepping out of the car, he asked as he held his waist carefully, "What about you?"


"You talked a lot about your two sisters, how about you as the eldest son of the family?"

In any family, the eldest son bears more responsibilities accordingly.

"I don't care, I'm a man, it's right to take care of two younger sisters."

Lin Wanxi smiled, "Then do you regret having two younger sisters?"

"Of course not." Li Yunjin frowned, "They... are all my relatives."

"Then our baby will definitely not dislike having younger siblings, right?"

Only then did Li Yunjin react, Lin Wanxi actually put himself in in a few words, and stretched out his hand helplessly.

There was a knock on her forehead, "You! You just want to have a baby for me. It's not enough to have one. Hey, thinking about the second?"

Lin Wanxi lowered his head and said in a very low voice, "Pregnancy is not without any benefits."

Li Yunjin's ears were very pointed, and he raised his eyebrows now, "What can be the benefit of having morning sickness like this?"

"At least it can make a certain beast more honest."

Lin Wanxi continued to mumble.

"It turns out that this is what you have in your mind?"

Li Yunjin's eyes went dark. This is what she calls the benefits of pregnancy?

Seeing that Li Yunjin's face was not so good, Lin Wanxi smiled awkwardly, "I'm sleepy, I'm going back to sleep, goodbye."

Seeing the woman fluttering away from the back, Li Yunjin gritted her teeth and swears silently to wait until the child is born.

How did he teach her.

Instead of entering the house directly, he stood at the door and called Lutong.

"Lutong, help me find out where Lin Wanxi’s mother is now. She may be Chi Jianming many years ago

Lover, within three days, I want to know the whereabouts of her mother. "


Mu's house.

"I'm so mad, this Lin Wanxi is really the opposite. For the sake of an outsider's wild species, he even is a relative

Regardless of life and death! "Gu Miao's eyes blazed, and when he thought of the two slapped slaps, he was angry and embarrassed.

Love can only spread the anger on Mu Jianming, who is silent.

"You said something, you look at your good daughter, she is really amazing! Even if I hit, she still

There is nothing you can't do! "

Gu Miao's eyes were gloomy, "I tell you, Mu Jianming, the two of us can think about such a daughter, your mother.

She's all that old, it's not good to say, half of her leg is in the soil, I won't let my daughter change her organs

of. "

Mu Jianming was not angry, "What are you talking about? That's my mother! I want to watch her die?"

"Then you can watch us change people's organs? She is so young, how can she be ruined all her life?

What to do? "

Gu Miao started crying again.

Mu Jianming was already annoying enough. Hearing the sound of crying and crying, he only felt more angry, "Don't cry! You still

Don’t you think things are messy enough? ? Don't you know what temper is that dead girl Lin Wanxi! When does she see

Over me? Ever our Mu family? Don't talk about my mother, even if I lie there, people won't even look at it! "

Gu Miao slapped Mu Jianming on the body, "Then what do you say!"

Mu Jianming lighted another cigarette silently, speechless for a long time.

He has used all the methods he should use, what else can he do?

Lin Wanxi was born a white-eyed wolf, an unfamiliar foreign product, just like her mother, can make people alive

Furious. It is harder to expect her to be kind to save herself.

"She doesn't care about her mother now, there is only that in her mind, what can I do with her?"

"I don't care, anyway, I won't let us think about changing our organs! Both are your daughters. Why do you want us?

Sisi sacrifice, she is so young! "

"Parents, stop arguing."

Mu Sisi, who heard her parents arguing outside the door, finally couldn't help but walked in.

It was because of the **** Mulin Wanxi that they made a good family like this.

"Sisi, there is nothing for you here."

Gu Miao frowned and wanted to let her daughter out.

But Mu Sisi stood there, clenched his fists, "Parents, it makes no sense for you to argue like this, Lin

What should Wanxi do? What hurts only our feelings. "

"Why don't we know? But did you not listen to your father? Her beast is not even her own mother

I must also protect the wild species in her stomach..." Gu Miao frowned, looking very ugly, "Also, the man she found

People don’t seem to be a mess..."

Mu Sisi took a deep breath, and then said, "You don't need to worry about this. I have a way to let Lin Wanxi

Come back obediently. "

"You girl, what can you do?"

"I have got."

Mu Sisi's expression is very determined, "Since she cares about the child and the man in her belly most, then we

Start with this kid and man. "

Lin Wanxi has always been alone, lacking love since childhood. This man and child must mean a lot to her.

Maybe she will ignore her mother, but she must care about the man's opinion.

Mu Sisi's eyes sank slightly, and then asked, "Mom, do you remember when Lin Wanxi was in school,

A boyfriend? "

Gu Miao's heart couldn't help but "chuckle", and his eyes lighted up three minutes at this moment, as if he understood something.

"what do you mean……"

"I will find him."

There was a grinning smile in Mu Sisi's eyes.


Lin Wanxi began to stay at home to raise a baby.

She doesn’t like having too many people in the family. Even if she is three months pregnant, she must do it herself.

When Fang fell, Li Yunjin gave her a death order, not allowing her to do housework anymore.

That day, Li Yunjin had a very bad temper. She was stubborn and had a few words with Li Yunjin, thinking that he was making a fuss.

Li Yunjin's eyes were red, and he ran away from home on the spot.

Did not return overnight.

Later, Li Yunxiu called her and said that her brother was drunk and asked her to pick him up.

She drove away in a panic.

That was the first time she saw Li Yunjin drunk, her face flushed, her body full of alcohol, and she was hanging in Jin Nan dizzy.

The body of the wind.

There was something she couldn't hear clearly.

When Jin Nanfeng took him over, Jin Nanfeng raised his eyebrows teasingly and asked her, "Have you quarreled?"

She has always been ashamed to talk about her private life, and Jin Nanfeng's flirty question made her blush on the spot.

Because it was difficult for Li Yunjin to walk, Jin Nanfeng was afraid that something would happen to them, and when he went back, Li Yunxiu was unhappy.

Take the initiative to send them back.

Lin Wanxi wiped his cheeks with a wet tissue on the back seat.

Li Yunjin had been whispering, it took a long time before she vaguely heard one of those sentences.

"I care about you...Why do you... never appreciate... Lin Wanxi, you little conscience bastard..."

Lin Wanxi's heart suddenly became uncomfortable.

Think about it carefully, where did he go wrong?

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