Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1529: .I don't care about her

"I like it, you care about the way I look."

What kind of person is Lin Wanxi? When I first met, it was a thorny flower that people couldn’t approach.

The stabbed body is covered with wounds, but such an aloof woman is also willing to change for herself, this kind of gradually conquering her

Her achievements made him both happy and satisfied.

"Then we are reconciled, right?"

"It wasn't a big deal..." Lin Wanxi saw that Aunt Hui was still busy in the kitchen, fearing that she would be affected by being seen hugging and hugging.

No, I quickly pushed Li Yunjin away and sat back on the chair, "Who knew you would run out to get drunk, are you a kid?"

"I don't think it is a loss to drink this wine." Li Yunjin chuckled lightly.

A spoiled appearance. "

"Next time you run to drink, you will see me going crazy." Lin Wanxi took a pen and touched his head.

"Be careful to sleep outside, and I won't take you home again."

"Huh?" Li Yunjin smirked. "Didn't you just say that Jin Nanfeng sent me back?"

Lin Wanxi was surprised to say that she had missed her mouth, a little annoyed, "Hurry up and drink sober soup! Are you not going to work today?"

Li Yunjin really didn’t want to go to work. He now understands how ancient emperors lost their country because of their beauty. Lin Wanxi

It's all he has, and he can't even compare to her.

It’s a pity that Lu Tong, who could not contact Li Yunjin, finally ran home at noon to arrest someone. Even if Li Yunjin didn’t

I was willing to return to the company under the urging of the dedicated Lu Tong.

Lin Wanxi's morning sickness is getting worse and worse, she can't eat anything, and she has lost a lot of weight visible to the naked eye.

Lin Wanxi couldn't eat anything, even with Li Yunjin's temper a little bit bigger.

He was reluctant to get angry with Lin Wanxi, but the others were unlucky.

The deer boy who went up to the company and the gardener who was in charge of the yard at home were all trembling. No one dare to be here.

Time to hit Li Yunjin's muzzle.

Everyone pointed to how much Lin Wanxi ate to live.

Lin Wanxi ate a little more. Everyone was beating gongs and drums, and they were more happy than the New Year. If Lin Wanxi had an appetite that day

No, the sky will fall.

Li Yunjin simply took the annual leave, staying at home all day and making food for Lin Wanxi in a different way.

Lin Wanxi's face was pale and weak while holding the pool, "Is your company busy lately?"

In summer, the weather became hot day by day, which even affected people's appetite. Lin Wanxi's thin face was sharp and pointed.

Li Yunjin held a water glass in one hand, patted her back lightly with the other, frowned, "You are like this yourself, and you still care about me.

Thing? Take care of yourself. "

"Don't let Yunxiu help you... She also has two children. If you push her company affairs to her, Jin Nanfeng will also have

Opinion. "

"Now I only care about you. What do other people have to say, what does it matter to me?"

Li Yunjin didn't care at all.

What's more, he has not told Lin Wanxi that his good sister cares more about Lin Wanxi’s belly than his own father.

Child, wish he would be with Lin Wanxi at home.

Lin Wanxi designs rings in the living room during the day, while Li Yunjin quietly deals with work matters, waiting for Lin

Wanxi fell asleep unknowingly, so he beat Lin Wanxi back to the bedroom.

She is still very light, not at all like a pregnant woman.

This weight made Li Yunjin very scared and distressed.

After finally getting through the four months of pregnancy, Lin Wanxi's morning sickness finally ended.

Lin Wanxi can eat, and her appetite has improved a lot. The people in the villa are relieved, Li Yunjin's face

The face that had been gloomy for more than a month was a little more pleasant.

Lin Wanxi drove him to work in the company.

"I can eat and sleep now, so don't stay with me all day, Chi Xiao will come with me."

"That woman doesn't worry about me being with you."

Last time Chi Xiao actually took Lin Wanxi out for hot pot. Is that kind of food something pregnant women can eat? Lost her own payment

It's a doctor.

"I'm a doctor. I don't eat every day. It doesn't matter once in a while."

God knows how terrible it is for her to eat good nutritional protein meals for pregnant women every day for more than a month.

Chi Xiao really couldn't stand it anymore, so he took her to indulge once, and it didn't matter much.

"Where are you and Chi Xiao going?"

Li Yunjin was not at ease, Chi Xiao was heartless, and she was really worried when she handed Lin Wanxi to her.

"There is a home appliance city in the city, and we want to play."

"Just you and Chi Xiao?"

"It seems that there is still her colleague." Lin Wanxi frowned, "I don't know very well, she just said that

That's it. "

"She can take colleagues, so you didn't consider taking me with you?"

Lin Wanxi frowned, "You are not interested in video games."

This man is a workaholic, even if he takes a month off, he only knows to read some books.

Why are you interested in something like video games?

"How do you know if you don't take me?" Li Yunjin seemed to be screwed, "I'll go together today."

Lin Wanxi hesitated, and took a dignified president like Li Yunjin to the game city... That scene, just thinking about it


When Chi Xiao saw Li Yunjin who was behind Lin Wanxi, her expression was also very exciting.

But there is no way, who dares to refute Li Yunjin's opinion?

The two girls gave each other a helpless look in capital and bold, and invited Li Yunjin, the big Buddha, into the car.

There was no one else in the car. Lin Wanxi remembered the colleague she mentioned before, and was a little curious, "Your colleague won’t come.

Yet? "

"You said Chu Ci? I'm going to pick him up."

Lin Wanxi is no stranger to this name. After all, Li Yunjin was soaked in the rain last time and was wearing this Chu Ci clothes.

Unexpectedly, we would meet today.

"Didn't you say that you hate him? How come with him..."

"I hate him very much!" Chi Xiao is the first two adults. "But our hospital has recently undergone an examination. I still want him to help.

Busy place, so he has to follow, I am embarrassed to save his face, I don’t understand, he is

High-achieving students who graduated from universities in the world have surgery in their minds except for surgery. They have to come and fight if they are wrong.

Video game. "

Li Yunjin, who had the wrong tendon in his mind, let out a soft "hum".

Then he said slowly, "He likes you."

Chi Xiao slammed on the brakes and Lin Wanxi almost ran into the front seat. Fortunately, Li Yunjin gave her a hand and didn’t knock.

To the head.

"How do you drive?"

Li Yunjin was a little unhappy.

"Isn't it scared by you?" Chi Xiao's face turned pale. "Mr. Li, Master Li Yunjin, I beg you to stop talking nonsense

Is it gibberish? Being liked by people like him, I would rather die. Besides, he only hates me. "

"What is his feelings for you, wait for him to come later, can't you just test it?"

"How to test?"

Lin Wanxi also came interested.

"Hey, I said you two are boring, not boring."

Chi Xiao was anxious.

Li Yunjin ignored her, but said, "He will come later, don’t say I am Wanxi’s boyfriend, just say it’s your friend.

Friends, look at his attitude. "

If a man really likes a girl, he will never stand by when he is threatened by the opposite sex.

No response at all.

"I don't want to try it. It doesn't matter what his attitude toward me is. I just don't feel anything for him."

Seeing Chi Xiao's face flushed, Lin Wanxi leaned in quietly, "Really?"

"of course it's true!"

Chi Xiao's hands were sweaty, and even the car was unsteady. He ran to the back seat and handed the car to Li Yunjin, "You drive."

Li Yunjin responded with a smile, this is also good, and it will be easier to misunderstand what Chu Ci will come later.

Lin Wanxi lowered her voice, "Unexpectedly, you also care about Chi Xiao's feelings."

"Where do I care about her? I want to sell her as soon as possible. She won't have time to pester you all day long."

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