Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1532: .match made in heaven

Lin Wanxi only thinks that his tone is too big. She has just personally manipulated it. It is not easy at all, because

And said, "You'd better catch it first before talking, I'm afraid you will slap your face."

Li Yunjin smiled again at the corner of his mouth, stuffed the game console, and then moved the joystick.

The paw fell impartially on Pikachu who Lin Wanxi could not catch.

Then Lin Wanxi was surprised to find that the disobedient doll in her own hands seemed to be enchanted

The same, was gently grabbed by Li Yunjin.

With a sound of "Boom——", he fell out of the hole.

Lin Wanxi:...

Heaven's law is unbearable, didn't she just operate like this?

The little girls around saw that Li Yunjin easily caught the doll, she was more excited than she caught the doll.

"Wow, wow, wow!"

Li Yunjin took out the trophy, gently squeezed it in his palm, and handed it to Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi is very competitive. She used to be in the army and she would never allow herself to lose to others.

Everything must be done to the best.

So he swept away Li Yunjin's hand unconvinced, "I don't believe it. I want to try again."

Li Yunjin did not object, and generously gave way.

But this time Lin Wanxi still failed to catch the doll.

"Will you continue to try?" Li Yunjin's mouth was filled with a smug smile.

"You just had good luck."

Lin Wanxi frowned.

Li Yunjin nodded. Facing Lin Wanxi’s doubts, he didn’t say a word of rebuttal. Instead, he put a coin and held a stick.

In Lin Wanxi's suspicious and unwilling eyes, he caught the Spider-Man that Lin Wanxi hadn't caught just now.


Seeing Lin Wanxi's twitching mouth, Li Yunjin was already suffocating a smile.

Knowing that catching a baby was such an interesting thing, he had brought Lin Wanxi out to play.

He didn't even know that Lin Wanxi would still have such an interesting expression.

Lin Wanxi is really a bit angry now.

She didn't believe it!

"Hula" grabbed a handful of game coins and stuffed it into the claw machine, and then frantically grabbed a Snoopy inside.

I don't know how many times I tried, but all ended in failure.

Seeing Li Yunjin squeezing a smile, the blue veins on her forehead were jumping wildly, for the first time Lin Wanxi felt out of control.

The urge to smash the claw machine.

Is this thing born against yourself?

"Stop playing."

Can't she stop playing?

Lin Wanxi was in a mood and was about to leave after shaking his head.

Li Yunjin said in his heart that he really spoiled this woman, and his temper became stronger every day. With his long arms,

Got people back.

Lin Wanxi exclaimed shortly, and the person had fallen into Li Yunjin's arms.

Originally, Li Yunjin was already noticeable enough. At this moment, there are some strong moves that make the little girls around

Screamed again and again.

"very handsome……"

"His girlfriend is so lucky, how could I not meet such a boyfriend."

"Forget it, people's girlfriends are also very beautiful, okay? People will be handsome and beautiful when they are together.

Suppose, you just want to eat swan meat. "

"You are a toad, your saliva is going to flow out."


Lin Wanxi naturally heard the gossip and discussion around her, her ears were a little red, "Let go of me. Someone is watching."

"We are lovers, what are we afraid of."

Li Yunjin circled her in his arms and stood in front of the claw machine, "I will teach you to catch it."

He held Lin Wanxi's hand, gently moved it to the joystick, and then held her hand and moved carefully.

With warm enthusiasm, blowing in her ears wet, Lin Wanxi's breathing almost stopped.

The palm of the hand held tightly by Li Yunjin was also wet, and because it was in full view, it made her feel

The cause of tension.


She was a little embarrassed and moved her body to let Li Yunjin let her go.

"Shhh, don't get distracted."

Li Yunjin interrupted Lin Wanxi directly.

"So inattentive, I won't be able to catch it later, is it yours or mine??"

"You let me go, someone will see it."

Li Yunjin seemed to get closer, Lin Wanxi could almost feel his soft lips brushing her ears intentionally or unintentionally.

"If you move around, I'm not sure what else they will see."

Being so intimidated by Li Yunjin, Lin Wanxi really stopped talking, and just stood there and let him lead.

Own hands.

The blue doll was lifted easily by her----

Lin Wanxi’s heart hung high, as the doll moved a little bit, she couldn’t help holding her breath, for fear of a moment.

If you are not careful, you will fall short.


The doll fell out.

"Ah! Caught it!"

Lin Wanxi yelled excitedly. At this moment, he forgot that there were still people around. The joy of catching the doll was overwhelmed.

Che, hurriedly turned around to look at Li Yunjin, excited, "I caught it!"

"Well, you caught it."

Li Yunjin looked at her flushed face, and the corners of her eyes raised slightly. She was really easily satisfied.

Next, Li Yunjin used the same method to grab a dozen dolls and came up, and the surrounding staff looked at the two people.

The expression in his eyes became a little bit resentful, and if he continued to hold it like this, it is estimated that the crane machine would be emptied by Li Yunjin.

Fortunately, at this moment, Chi Xiao and Chu Ci returned.

"With so many fun things, you two are actually only catching the doll here. How do you say that word, violent...violent..."

"Violence. Don't show off knowledge if you are illiterate."

Chu Ci made a cold comment.

Chi Xiao immediately became annoyed, "Chu, your brain is okay? Why don't you ask a neurologist to see it for you,

What do I say has anything to do with you? If you don’t bring you here, you come here very much.

Simply disappointing. "

Chi Xiao was really angry now.

After cursing, he didn't forget to make a cold "hum" twice, walked to Lin Wanxi's face, and started to catch the baby with anger.

Chu Ci frowned slightly, but soon returned to his former indifference and said nothing.

Lin Wanxi couldn't get involved in the affairs between the two people, and said to Chi Xiao, "This is difficult to grasp."

Facts have proved that their girls may not have any talent for grasping dolls, and Chi Xiao has tried two or three times and hasn’t


Originally, his stomach was irritated, and now he was even more panicked, kicked the claw machine with anger, "Go back."

Lin Wanxi looked at Chu Ci helplessly, "Aren't you going to coax?"

"She is angry, what does it have to do with me."

Chu Ci still looked like a little bit flat.

Even Lin Wanxi felt a little unreasonable, "She is angry because of you, you are responsible, Chi Xiao's temper

I am impatient, just run out alone, what if there is any danger? "

Chu Ci was silent again. After a brief silence, he walked up to Lin Wanxi and took a doll, "Lend me to use it."

Seeing Chu Ci's back, Lin Wanxi couldn't help but sigh, "Such a big iceberg is unreasonable, Chi Xiao

If you really stay with him, I don't know what will happen in the future. "

Li Yunjin let out a deep "um" and suddenly said, "You know or not, when I just met someone,

Someone is like this too, unreasonable and cold to death. "

Lin Wanxi had a meal, how could she not hear that this certain person Li Yunjin said was herself.

"Am I like Chu Ci before?"

"It's not exactly like it. He is a bit colder than you, and you are a bit crueler than him. Essentially, there is no difference." Li Yunjin smiled.

Lin Wanxi's face sank.

Then she said that about Chu Ci just now, didn't she shoot herself in the foot with a rock?

Lin Wanxi's heart is stuffy.

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