Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1535: Her boyfriend

She didn’t expect that Li Yunjin would know the consequences of Duanmuyang. He would be angry, lose his temper, or even get angry.

She ignores herself, but she also has hope, and believes that Li Yunjin must not mind her past.

In fact, when Lin Wanxi wanted to tell Li Yunjin about Duanmuyang the last time he was at Yunniao Restaurant, he was

The man refused. Some things are not impossible to say, but once they are said, it will only cause unnecessary trouble for both parties.

But this is far from the bargaining chip Mou Sisi can use to threaten him.

Time is ticking, approaching five o'clock in the afternoon.

It's almost time for Li Yunjin to get off work.

On the way back, Lin Wanxi just let the driver go to the Li Group, planning to wait for Li Yunjin with him.

Off work.

She was standing under the tree at the door of the company, afraid that Li Yunjin hurried back after get off work and did not notice herself, so

I was texting him with a low hair, and suddenly I heard an exclamation.


Lin Wanxi looked up and saw Zhang Yang. He paused first and then politely nodded, "Zhang Yang."

"Why are you here?" Zhang Yang's face turned red when he saw Lin Wanxi, and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

Send, "I heard your colleague say that you resigned..."


Zhang Yang wanted to speak but stopped.

"What do you want to say?"

"Wanxi, did you resign because of me...?"

As soon as he confessed to Lin Wanxi, this woman resigned at the speed of light, and it was difficult for him not to take responsibility for himself.

"You misunderstood." Lin Wanxi said lightly, "I resigned because of my personal problems."

Although it was explained this way, Zhang Yang was obviously not convinced.

In his opinion, he confessed on the front foot, and Lin Wanxi resigned on the back foot, and there was no warning in the world.

How could there be such a coincidence?

Zhang Yang smiled embarrassedly, and took a step in front of Lin Wanxi, "Wanxi, actually you don’t need to do this at all.

Yes, I won't harass you, you quit because of me... it's really not worth it. "

Lin Wanxi's eyes sank.

Is this man too low in EQ or is he really so stupid?

She said everything to this point, why still don't understand?

Besides, her resistance was so obvious, and he was still spinning by his side, what is this not harassment?

Lin Wanxi put the phone back in his pocket and looked at Zhang Yang, "You misunderstood, I resigned because I was pregnant, no

Because of you. "


Zhang Yang's eyes widened and looked at Lin Wanxi in disbelief.

Lin Wanxi has been very thin during pregnancy. Even if Li Yunjin spent a month at home, he did not gain much weight.

The daily wear is very loose, and there is no sign of pregnancy.

Zhang Yang didn't believe it anymore, "Wanxi, I said, I won't harass you, why should you make up your pregnancy?

Love came to prevaricate me. "

Lin Wanxi: "..."

Yes, she doesn't explain it clearly, is she?

"I'm really pregnant."

"Then whose child are you pregnant?"

If Lin Wanxi just didn't know you, suddenly a heavy shadow fell.

Then came a deep voice--

"My, do you have an opinion?"

It's Li Yunjin!

Lin Wanxi's breathing tightened suddenly.

Somewhat surprised, didn't he just texted him? Why did he come out so soon?

"Why are you so fast?"

"Hurry up, isn't it? It's tiring to wait for someone."

In Zhang Yang's stunned mouth, Li Yunjin gently held Lin Wanxi's hand.

On the other hand, Zhang Yang's face turned white and red, and he couldn't describe the shock in his heart.

Lin Wanxi and the president...

The boyfriend Lin Wanxi said... is actually the president?

He also hinted to Lin Wanxi in various ways before, and even suspected that Lin Wanxi’s so-called boyfriend was only used by her to prey

Putting his own excuses and reasons...but I didn't expect that not only the boyfriend is real, but also his immediate boss...Li Yunjin...

I also thought that Lin Wanxi had not disclosed his relationship with Li Yunjin for a long time. It was very likely that it was to protect his self.

Zun, Zhang Yang's face was even more ugly, and even the palms of his hands could not help but see a thin layer of sweat.

"Mr. Li..."

Li Yunjin's cool gaze swept over, and Zhang Yang felt the cold sweat on his forehead uncontrollably "fluttering" outwards.


"You are looking for my wife, what do you want?"

Obviously it was a light and fluttering sentence, but it was like a heavy weight, which was too heavy to breathe.

"Sorry, President Li, I...I have nothing to do."

Zhang Yang apologized again and again, let alone that it was okay, even if there was something, he didn’t dare to say it now, he glanced at Lin Wan in a panic.

Xi took a few glances, and then walked away without looking back, carrying his briefcase.

Li Yunjin gave an unpleasant "hum", "I will find someone to fire him tomorrow."

Lin Wanxi got stuck in his throat, "Aren't you serious?"

"What do you mean?" Li Yunjin's face was even colder, "I didn't settle the bill with him last time when he sent you home.

To harass you. "

"Forget it." Lin Wanxi didn't want to cause trouble. "He doesn't know the relationship between us, so don't make a fuss.

of. And... it's very wicked to break people's jobs. "

Li Yunjin frowned, "You scold me for being wicked?"

"No." Lin Wanxi shook his head quickly, "Your company is in charge, whatever you do."

Li Yunjin finally looked a little better, and led Lin Wanxi towards the car, "This is how I can let him go, but

I want me to see him harass you again, let alone the Li Group, I won't let him stay in the Imperial Capital. "

"The president of the dignified Li Group is really stingy."

"It depends on who, I have always been stingy about you."

In a word, Lin Wanxi couldn't help but blush again.

"Is Chi Xiao better?" Li Yunjin asked suddenly when he got in the car.

Lin Wanxi paused, quickly suppressing the panic in her eyes, and then said, "Well, it's okay, her

You know your temper, and you never get angry for more than three minutes. "

Li Yunjin let out a faint "um", but a haze flashed between his eyebrows.

He did not tell Lin Wanxi that his lighter fell in Chi Xiao's car in the morning, a friend who had known each other for many years

The gift is of special significance, so he specifically called Chi Xiao and asked her to help himself to Lin Wanxi.

In the end, Chi Xiao told her that Lin Wanxi had not come to her.

He only realized that Lin Wanxi lied to himself again.

She lied to herself to see Chi Xiao, but in fact she didn't. She went to meet other people, someone who couldn't tell him Li Yunjin.

Li Yunjin felt very uncomfortable.

He understands that Lin Wanxi has many secrets and many unspeakable pasts. He fully accepts this and respects her.

All choices, never touch Lin Wanxi's scar easily.

What he wanted was always an honest Lin Wanxi, a lover who could have no reservations about himself at the moment.

But Lin Wanxi couldn't do this simple point.

He just asked, he just wanted to see if Lin Wanxi would confess to himself, but the ending still disappointed him.

There was a mess in Li Yunjin's head, and his mood was not so good. He didn't talk much on weekdays, and he was even more speechless at the moment, Lin Wanxi

What I felt, I looked at him weirdly, only when he was at work, and things bothered him, so I didn’t

How many questions.

The two were silent and went back home all the way.

After dinner, Li Yunjin went to the study to deal with official duties, while Lin Wanxi took a bath early.

After coming out of the bathroom, Lin Wanxi saw the phone on the bed lit.

It was Chi Xiao's missed call.

She was about to ask what happened to Chi Xiao and Chu Ci, wiping her wet hair, and turned on the speakerphone.

"Hey, Chi Xiao."

"Wanxi. I found your man's lighter. Come and get it when you have time. I'll send it to you when you have no time."

"What?" Lin Wanxi was confused, "What lighter?"

How could she not understand what Chi Xiao was talking about.

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