Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1538: . Give her a name

After eating lunch at noon, Lin Wanxi was taking a nap in the room, when she suddenly heard someone talking in the living room, she hurriedly

When I went out to watch, I discovered that it was Shi Qing and Li Beixun.

The book she is wearing today is a black long-sleeved shirt that does not cover her belly. The sudden visit of Shi Qing and Li Beixun caught her off guard.

And, standing there blankly, not knowing what to do.

Shi Qing's gaze was lightly fixed on Lin Wanxi's stomach, and then she glanced at Li Beixun, nothing.

Said, just the light in her eyes silently declared her excitement and joy.

She knew that when the little hydrangea came back from Lin Wanxi with Lin Wanxi last time, it must be so weird, she thought it was little embroidered

Qiu is pregnant...Unexpectedly, Lin Wanxi is pregnant!

This girl has a complicated relationship with their family Yunjin. She lives in Yunjin and is still pregnant. This child does not need to

Said I know who it is.

Shi Qing immediately wanted to run to Lin Wanxi, Li Beixun grabbed her and said two words softly, "calm down."

How can Shi Qing calm down, Yun Jin's child! Li Yunjin has not solved personal problems for so many years, she does not

It doesn’t mean that she is not worried. She wonders if her eldest son is going to die alone. Unexpectedly, he

Outside, both had children with Lin Wanxi...

This child is also true, why not tell them about such a big thing.

If they hadn’t passed by here today, they would have given Yunjin some fresh peaches they just picked from the farm, she and Li Bei

Wouldn't Xun still be kept in the dark?

Shi Qing glared at Li Beixun angrily. She knew that this man was always calm and could not change his face when the sky fell.

Now... is not the time to calm down, okay?

She pulled off Li Beixun's hand and walked to Lin Wanxi. Seeing that Lin Wanxi's eyebrows were a little nervous, she quickly revealed a trace

Come with a smile.

"Don't be nervous, Bei Xun and I are just here to give Yunjin something."

"Well, sit down, uncle and aunt."

Lin Wanxi regretted it as soon as he finished speaking. After all, these two are Yunjin’s parents. It is normal for them to come here.

The sentence just now seemed to be the hostess of the house.

It's really out of status.

Lin Wanxi's complexion was a little pale.

Fortunately, Shi Qing and Li Beixun didn't care at all, but Shi Qing gently pulled Lin Wanxi to the side of the sofa.

Sit up.

"How many weeks have you been pregnant?"

"18 weeks and three days."

Shi Qing's eyes widened, "That's four months?"

"Well, almost."

"You look so thin, much thinner than when I was pregnant."

Lin Wanxi explained faintly, "My physique is like this, my absorption is very poor."

"Did Yunjin specifically find a nutritionist for you to maintain your body?"

Lin Wanxi let out a lukewarm "um" before lowering his head.

"The child Yun Jin is too messy. You don’t tell me about your pregnancy. There is also a little hydrangea.

Dao followed her brother to fool around. "

Shi Qing was full of opinions about finding out that Lin Wanxi had a child so late.

Lin Wanxi didn't know how to answer, but got up, "I'll make tea for you."

"No, just let someone in the family do it. You are pregnant, so don’t be busy, neither I nor Beixun are there.

Cares about those. "

Shi Qing smiled kindly.

Lin Wanxi and Shi Qing have been in contact many times, and she knows very well that Shi Qing is a good person, even at the beginning

She and Li Yunjin had such a big misunderstanding, Shi Qing did not favor her son, and took the initiative to help Li Yunjin.

Apologized and even offered compensation.

Lin Wanxi has never been in contact with such gentle elders since he was a child, and getting along with Shi Qinghe is even more apparent than Li Yunjin

Cautious and cramped.

When she realized that there was an urge to act well in her complex emotions, her hand

The heart and back were soaked with sweat.

"It's okay, the doctor also said I need to exercise more."

This time Shi Qing didn't stop her, but took advantage of Lin Wanxi's opportunity to make tea in the kitchen, and hurriedly pulled Li Beixun to bite her ears.

"Is our family going to prepare for something big?"

She is very excited. Yunjin’s personal problems have always caused her headaches. She always respects all Yunjin’s decisions, even when

Chu Yunjin made such a big joke, and still chose to believe that he had his own plan, but Yunjin was busy with work.

Going out early and returning late, like Li Beixun many years ago, she hopes that a kind girl can form a family with him.

Become his support.

Shi Qing was excited, and Li Beixun had always been calm and used to pouring cold water on Shi Qing with a calm voice.

"Don't even tell us about pregnancy, do you think the two of them have plans to get married?"

Shi Qing paused, feeling a little frustrated. What Li Beixun said was so reasonable that she didn't know how to refute it.

"Did you say that Yunjin is wrong with this matter?" Shi Qing looked tangled, "Which girl would like to have children out of wedlock?"

"When Yunjin comes back, I will ask him."

In any case, since a girl is pregnant with a child, she must assume the responsibility of a man.

Lin Wanxi carried two cups of hot tea and delivered them to Shi Qing and Li Beixun personally. Shi Qing knew that Lin Wanxi had a child

Will always be very excited, pulling Lin Wanxi and talking non-stop, most of Lin Wanxi responded indifferently and encountered problems

Just answer honestly.

"I have never heard of your family in Wanxi, how are your parents' health?"

Lin Wanxi paused slightly, her eyes sinking a little, "I don't have a father."

"Ah, this way..." Shi Qing looked at Lin Wanxi distressedly, saying that children who grew up in single-parent families would be particularly strong.

Strong, this child must have suffered a lot from childhood.

Shortly after five o'clock, there was the sound of cars coming in from the yard, and Li Yunjin came back.

Seeing Shi Qing and Li Beixun, Li Yunjin's complexion also condensed, and he walked over quickly, "Why are you here?"

"Asshole, if we don't come, don't you plan to tell us about Wanxi's pregnancy forever?"

Shi Qing glared at Li Yunjin dissatisfiedly.

Li Yunjin loosened his tie and frowned, "I didn't intend to hide it from you. I just heard the old man say that the baby in the first four months looked like

Steady, it shouldn't be known by too many people. I plan to wait for her to stabilize before telling you. "

Speaking of people had already walked to Lin Wanxi's side, holding her hand, Lin Wanxi's face was pale and worried, "Tired?"


Tiredness is not the key, but facing Li Yunjin’s parents, the long-term restraint and tension made her a little breathless

That's it.

"Go back to the room, we will go out for dinner later, I booked the restaurant."

"Yeah." Lin Wanxi was about to be amnesty, nodded politely at Li Beixun and Shi Qing, turned and left.

Li Yunjin waited to walk far, unable to see, then turned around and said, "I know you may be a little nervous when you have a child in Wanxi, but

She is not accustomed to getting along with you. You should not always come when I am away in the future, she will feel uneasy. "

Shi Qing "puchi" laughed out, "I know it hurts now? When she has a baby, don't you want to die?"

Li Yunjin's ears were a little red, and he was ashamed to admit, "I don't feel distressed."

"That's what you said. I'll have to see it when the time comes. Do you feel bad about it?"

Li Beixun deliberately noticed that Li Yunjin had to go out for dinner with Lin Wanxi, and got up and hugged Shi Qing.

We still have appointments, let's go back. "

Shi Qing was a little helpless, "I still want to ask about the child..."

Such a small carrot head back then, now wants to become a husband and a father.

This made her feel mixed.

Li Yunjin sent his parents out, Shi Qing got in the car, but Li Beixun did not leave in a hurry, but stood by the car and told himself

The eldest son.

"Since you have identified her, don't hurt her and give someone a girl as soon as possible."

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