Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1550: .You finally came

"Li Yunjin..."

"I'm in a bad mood right now, you'd better sleep honestly, don't say anything, don't force me to be a patient to you

What beasts do. "

Lin Wanxi's words were blocked, and his throat was also blocked.

Fortunately, she is not in good spirits, her body is hot, but Li Yunjin's body is cold, so she is in his arms, compared to

It's much more comfortable before.

Sleepiness and exhaustion came up together, and Lin Wanxi quickly fell asleep.

She didn’t sleep very peacefully, and she felt the man next to her get up countless times until the next day.

Ming, opened his eyes, the low-grade fever did not know when it had subsided.

The people around him also disappeared.

At this point, Li Yunjin should have gone to work long ago.

As a result, when Lin Wanxi went out and saw Li Yunjin wearing an apron around the stove in the kitchen, she was still surprised


"Don't you need to go to work at the company?" Today is not Li Yunjin's holiday either.

And his annual leave had been taken out a month ago.

Li Yunjin bent down and took out an egg from the basket below. His eyebrows were faint, "It's up."

Lin Wanxi: "..."

Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say.

She walked over, trying to beat Li Yunjin.

"Stay away."

Li Yunjin frowned, "The oil will splash on you."

The pan was crackling, Li Yunjin knocked on the egg and poured it in. There was a bang, and a burst of white smoke floated.

Lin Wanxi stood at the door, frowning, "My fever has gone away."

"I know."

"When did the fever go down?"

"More than four o'clock."

Li Yunjin said casually.

Lin Wanxi paused for a while, and then seemed to react, "You haven't slept all night?"

Otherwise, how could he even remember the time when his fever went down so clearly.

Li Yunjin didn't speak, he put the fried eggs on the plate and set it aside.

Then turned to look at the red bean porridge cooked in another pot.

Lin Wanxi's heart tightened and felt very uncomfortable. He was very busy at work and took care of himself all night last night...

She couldn't help it anymore, walked over and grabbed the spoon in Li Yunjin's hand, "I'll come on, you go to sleep for a while."

"I can't sleep, it's past that point." His body has developed a very regular biological clock over the years.

This point is rarely sleepy.

Li Yunjin's eyebrows were cold, and there was some irony, "If you can be honest, don't bump your foot today or hurt your hand tomorrow.

Yes, I promise I am more comfortable than anyone else. "

Lin Wanxi was embarrassed, well, she didn't mean it.

"I'll beat you up, but I have nothing to do anyway. The doctors have told me that I should exercise more."

She was afraid that Li Yunjin would object, so she rolled up her sleeves.

This woman was silly for three years, and she became more frizzy in doing things. She could not shake the gunner with her front end, but now she can paddle her hands at every turn.

This kitchen is full of knives and forks. Li Yunjin didn't dare to let her go crazy, so he said, "Help me get salt."

Lin Wanxi ran to the side and took a small box.

Li Yunjin's face turned dark, "This is sugar."

Lin Wanxi was embarrassed. It must be Aunt Hui who changed the seats of salt and sugar yesterday. She was really not stupid enough to distinguish between salt and sugar.

"Forget it, let me do it myself." Li Yunjin gave up, stretched out his arms, and took what he wanted in his hand.

"Stand aside, don't get in the way."

Lin Wanxi, who was dismissed from the beginning to the end, walked away in disgrace.

Ten minutes later, Li Yunjin brought out two breakfasts, red bean porridge, hot milk, golden simple, and two

A steamed dumpling that looks good.

But even if Lin Wanxi had a good appetite, her stomach couldn't hold so many things.

But Li Yunjin watched him intentionally or unintentionally.

The cold eyes seemed to tell her--

Try it if you can't finish it.

Lin Wanxi bit his scalp and swallowed all the red bean porridge in his stomach, and there was only one steamed dumpling left.

She took a small bite and gave up.

"Li Yunjin, I can't finish it."

Without waiting for Li Yunjin to speak, put his hands together in a pleading posture, "I really can't eat anymore, it won't be good to hold on to your daughter."

Li Yunjin glanced at her plate, his eyebrows were cold and cold, "Remember to drink the milk later."

"Thanks, President Li." Lin Wanxi was relieved and handed him the small plate with steamed dumplings, "Don't waste it, waste food.

Shameful eating. "

Li Yunjin: "..."


Lin Wanxi originally wanted to be a rice worm at home today, but he called Xiaoxiao later.

As soon as the phone was connected, Chi Xiao cried and howled.

"what happened?"

"I fell in the bathroom and my feet can't move now..."


Lin Wanxi's face changed and frowned, "Did you hurt your bones?"

"I don't know, there should be no, but it hurts so badly, it seems to be dislocated."

After speaking, he started howling again.

"Have you notified Chu Ci?"

Chi Xiao was still wondering in pain, "What shall I tell him?"

Lin Wanxi: "..."

"He's a doctor, isn't it convenient for you to ask him to come and see?"

"Please, I'm in the bathroom now, naked, how can I call him? Come here quickly, otherwise I'm really

Is dying here. "

"Don't worry, I'll go right away."

Lin Wanxi winked at Li Yunjin.

Li Yunjin got up, the car key was already in his hand.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Wanxi explained, "Chi Xiao fell in the bathroom. I have to go and see."

"I will drive you over."

"You can go back to the company if you have nothing to do."

"Didn't I tell you that I have skipped work? Going back now, where will my face be put?"

Li Yunjin held her wrist, "Go."

Lin Wanxi was worried about Chi Xiao and didn’t have the time to waste time with Li Yunjin on this matter. Soon the two of them drove there.

Chi Xiao’s villa.

Lin Wanxi opened the door with the key and went straight to the bathroom on the second floor.

When I walked to the door, I remembered that Chi Xiao hadn't put on clothes yet, and that Li Yunjin was a man again...

She turned around and blocked Li Yunjin at the door, "I'll just go in."

Li Yunjin understood, nodded and said, "Be careful."

Lin Wanxi pushed the door in.

Chi Xiao was sitting on the ground, pale, and sweat on his forehead.

Seeing Lin Wanxi is like seeing a life-saving straw, "You are finally here..."

Lin Wanxi carefully helped her up and frowned when she saw that her right leg was twisted abnormally.

"I'll take you to the hospital."

After getting Chi Xiao dressed, Lin Wanxi called in Li Yunjin outside.

Li Yunjin obviously didn't want to have any physical contact with other women, but the matter was over, he couldn't get pregnant

Lin Wanxi went to carry Chi Xiao on his back, and could only gritted his teeth and clenched his hands, and carried Chi Xiao on his back to the car.

"Thanks, President Li."

Chi Xiao is extremely grateful.

"In the future, I will ask Chu Ci to do this kind of thing. I have a family and I want to avoid suspicion."

Li Yunjin shook a word very angry and sat in the cab.

Chi Xiao blinked, and she couldn't figure it out. What happened to Li Yunjin and Lin Wanxi, they kept mentioning it in front of her.

Chu Ci.

"Me and Chu Ci are just colleagues. I want to avoid suspicion."

Lin Wanxi finally couldn't stand it anymore, "Chi Xiao, you really didn't realize that Chu Ci meant that to you?"


"Believe it or not, you call him and say you have been injured and he will come over immediately."

"Forget it, he had an operation this morning, which seems to belong to his teacher's daughter, so he has no time to come over."

Lin Wanxi frowned, stretched out her hand and asked her for a mobile phone, "You don't hit me."

Chi Xiao was confused, "Why do you have to call him..."

Li Yunjin said coldly as he drove, "Because I want to take Wanxi out today, she can't accompany you, you want

If you don't call Chu Ci, we will have to leave you alone in the hospital. "

In fact, there is no such thing at all. Lin Wanxi knew that Li Yunjin was frightening Chi Xiao, and he followed his own man’s lesson

Yes, nod quickly.

"Yes, a very important thing."

"Patient color over friends."

Chi Xiao cursed fiercely and reluctantly handed the phone to Lin Wanxi's hand.

Don’t forget to add, “He really won’t come. His morning surgery will take at least four hours to end.”

Lin Wanxi completely ignored Chi Xiao, looked down and found Chu Ci's call on the phone, and then called.

The phone rang for a long time before being connected, and Chu Ci's faint voice came from inside, "What's the matter?"

"Chu Ci? This is Lin Wanxi."

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