Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1556: . Tell me about brother-in-law?

Lin Wanxi couldn't help laughing.

"Is it weird?" Li Yunjin asked in a low voice, "I think it looks much better than that pair."

Mu Sisi's face was ugly for an instant, as if being slapped in public, it seemed to be hot and painful.

What does this man mean to hate her Mouthsi's slippers so much?

Would you rather wear something so childish than what you took, what a bad temper?

Mu Sisi only felt bored and ran away angrily.

Lin Wanxi and Li Yunjin didn't care about her here, and entered the house one after another.

In the kitchen, Mu Sisi pestered Gu Miao and spoke quietly.

"Mom, Lin Wanxi's boyfriend is here."

"That's it." Gu Miao stopped working in his hands, his eyes rolled around, and then whispered to Mu Sisi.

"When you have dinner later, don't make trouble with Lin Wanxi. Mom sees that the man is very rich, and he must not be rich.

That is expensive. "

"Yes, I just saw the watch he was wearing costs more than one million."

Gu Miao's eyes lit up again, "So you must not offend him, you know? What's the situation in our family now?

It’s not unclear. Your dad’s **** is not good at doing business, and he still takes money to gamble. The company’s salary will be all next month.

If I can't open it anymore, I will urge Lin Wanxi to marry him later, and then ask him for a bride price. "

"Does he give it?"

Mu Sisi frowned, she thought of Li Yunjin's gaze looking at her, cold, like ice and snow that didn't melt for years, subconsciously

He shivered.

"He doesn't look so easy to mess with, maybe he won't give us a bride price."

"Why didn't she give the dowry gift?" Gu Miao threw the things in her hand and sneered disdainfully, "Lin Wanxi is also

Eat the food of our Mu family, drink the water of our Mu family, she is the girl of our Mu family, if he wants to marry Lin Wan

Xi, he must be so rich before giving the bride price, it is not too much to ask him for tens of millions. "

Gu Miao was a little proud, "He doesn't give money, I won't agree to their marriage."

"What's the use for you to say here, then Lin Wanxi didn't regard himself as Mu's family at all, and you said you wouldn't let them get married.

They have to listen to you. "

Mu Sisi sighed in tears, and couldn't help but look at Li Yunjin secretly in the living room, talking to Mu Jianming

What's the matter, the temperament is arrogant and expensive.

Even so far away, Mu Sisi could almost ask him about the cold smell of his body.

Mu Sisi's cheeks turned red involuntarily, and she softly underestimated, "How did Lin Wanxi know such a man?

Of course he can hook up with such a rich and handsome man. "

Gu Miao seemed to think of the past, a little angry, pots and pans clanging, "That's what people have a foundation for.

I didn’t kill her when I was young. I knew that Lin Wanxi was not in the pool. Look at you.

You made a decision on a marriage, and you were actually rejected by others, and my face was gone. "

"How can you blame me?" Mu Sisi was also unhappy. "I have never met Li Yunjin. Didn't he retiring?

Is it normal? He doesn't want to marry me, I don't want to marry him yet..."

"What do you know?" Gu Miao's eyes reddened, and his voice froze. "Who is that? It's Li Yunjin, the former president.

Son! Had it not been for Li Beixun's insistence on resigning, he would still be the president's son and prince since childhood. "

Gu Miao thought about it and got angry, "If you marry Li Yunjin, let alone the fragrant and spicy food, you will eat for ten lifetimes.

Both are more than enough. "

"It's useless for you to say this now, things have been so long in the past, what's the point of saying this..."

Gu Miao frowned, "I don't know who this Li Yunjin is. Isn't he engaged before? Let's also

I didn’t receive the invitation. It is said that he had a big trouble at the engagement banquet and prevented his fiancée from coming down...

Married. "

Mu Sisi turned around and left because of her headache.

Dinner will be ready soon.

The family together with Lin Wanxi and Li Yunjin were seated.

Gu Miao enthusiastically gave Lin Wanxi a chicken wing, smiled and said, "Today your grandma's matter has been resolved, everyone

Happy, don’t be polite, it’s all my own cooking. "

Lin Wanxi said lukewarm "Thank you."

Mu Sisi sat opposite Li Yunjin, eating from the bowl and looking up at Li Yunjin from time to time.

Then he raised a smile at Lin Wanxi.

"Sister, why don't you introduce brother-in-law to us?"

Gu Miao nodded repeatedly, "Yeah, you guys are about to get married too? Why don't you tell us about it."

Lin Wanxi was silent, silently put Gu Miao's chicken wings in the bone dish, and then lowered his head to take a bite of Li Yunjin.

Obviously he didn't intend to pay attention to Gu Miao when he picked vegetables for himself.

She is full of vigilance towards the Mu family.

Everyone in this family is like a terrible blood-sucking worm, once infected, they may not be able to get rid of it for a lifetime.

She was already deeply affected, and she wanted Li Yunjin to be implicated by herself.

Gu Miao hit a nail in Lin Wanxi's place, and turned to ask Li Yunjin again.

"What is your name? Where are you from? Who else is in the family?"

Li Yunjin calmly took a small piece of fish to Lin Wanxi, and gently placed it in her bowl, "The fishbone has helped

You got it out. "

Gu Miao's face suddenly paled.

Whether it's Lin Wanxi or this strange man, he just treats them as air!

Gu Miao’s expression was a bit angry. Just about to break out, Mu Jianming had gently pulled her back, sounding like a bell.

Said, "Lin Wanxi is my biological daughter. Although I didn’t have enough relationship with this daughter in the past, I was ashamed.

To her mother, but she is the daughter of my Mu family. "

These words have a faint threat.

Li Yunjin looked at Lin Wanxi, frowning inadvertently.

Obviously, he was asking Lin Wanxi's opinion.

It doesn’t matter if he is someone else. If he can send the Mu family a few dollars at most, he can easily take Lin Wanxi with him.

Go back to Li's house.

But now there is a trouble.

He and this Mu Sisi of the Mu family had a marriage contract. Although he retired, the two sisters were at the same table.

After eating, it will inevitably make people feel embarrassed and make Lin Wanxi embarrassed to find out the whole identity now.

After a brief thought, Li Yunjin decided to find a fake name to fool it.

Just to speak, Lin Wanxi already said directly.

"His name is Li Yunjin."

Lin Wanxi's words were like a bomb, dropped into the lake, stunned the group of people sitting opposite.

Even Li Yunjin was a little surprised.

She actually said it directly?

She clearly knew that once her identity was revealed, things wouldn't be so simple.

And Mu Sisi's eyes widened even more, and the chopsticks in his hand fell directly onto the table.

Li Yunjin?

Li Yunjin? !

Is it Li Yunjin who has retired from them?

Or the same name?

No...impossible, how many Li Yunjin can there be in the world?

Mu Si panicked, and subconsciously looked at Gu Miao.

Gu Miao was also taken aback. He looked at Lin Wanxi suspiciously and asked for confirmation, "What you said Li Yunjin is..."

Lin Wanxi put down his chopsticks, her expression was still calm, but there seemed to be a smile on her eyebrows, quite a winner


"Yes, it's the Li Yunjin who retired from you."

Gu Miao's face was stiff again.

The atmosphere of the entire restaurant also became a bit awkward at this moment.

Lin Wanxi faintly wiped her hands with a tissue, and looked at Li Yunjin, "The dinner here is not delicious, let's go back."

"Well, I will make you your favorite fried tenderloin."

Li Yunjin got up, took Lin Wanxi's hand, and was about to leave.

Mu Sisi finally couldn't bear it and jumped off the chair angrily, "Lin Wanxi, stop for me!"

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