Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1565: . She is more important than your child?

Li Yunjin didn't explain much either, and hurriedly dressed up and left.

Aunt Hui frowned slightly while holding the bowl of hangover soup that hadn't been moved.

"What is your husband doing lately?"

Lin Wanxi's heart also sank.

His eyes became a little confused and disturbed.

Yes, where is Li Yunjin these days?

Lin Wanxi stood there in a daze for a long time, then suddenly said, "Driver, prepare the car, I'm going out."

Although I left for a few minutes late, but fortunately he caught up with Li Yunjin smoothly.

Lin Wanxi was sitting here, looking at Li Yunjin's Land Rover that was dozens of meters away, with a sad expression.

She used to think that the women who followed her boyfriend were pitiful and pathetic creatures, and she had also fantasized about if

It's me, I will definitely not do that.

But as everyone knows, the knife didn’t stabbed her, she would always stand and talk without backache, and now she is also here.

To the point.

Lin Wanxi sneered again.

Li Yunjin’s car did not go directly to the company. Lin Wanxi was not surprised at all. She even suspected that Li Yunjin had already agreed.

It's been a long time since she went to the company, and things had already begun, but she didn't care about it.

When she was overthrown by Jiang Zixin and almost had a miscarriage and went to the hospital, Li Yunjin couldn’t get in touch.

At the beginning, something disappeared between her and Li Yunjin.

She chose to follow Li Yunjin in this unbearable way today, not because of the so-called distrust, but because she was

The suspicion and uneasiness of the days went crazy.

Lin Wanxi has always been decisive, and she doesn't want to waste more time.

She asked the driver to wait outside, then followed Li Yunjin into the coffee shop one after another, and found a corner

sit down.

The person Li Yunjin wanted to meet was indeed a woman.

The woman wore a pair of sunglasses and was of a slender figure. After seeing Li Yunjin, she smiled slightly.

Lin Wanxi's heart sank fiercely.

She judged almost instantly that this woman...

It was the resident singer who played the finale at the concert that day.

Tang Cheng said her name is Fan Rou.

Stayed abroad for many years.

Lin Wanxi's fingers curled up one by one.

The waiter asked her several times before she came back to her senses and staggered her eyes, "Thank you Wenshui."

When she looked over again, Fan Rou had already taken off her sunglasses.

That face was very beautiful and clean, and even to Lin Wanxi, there was an unspeakable...familiar feeling.

She stared at Fan Rou for a long time, and she didn't know where this familiarity came from.

From the angle she was in, only Li Yunjin could be seen from the back, but Fan Rou's expression could fully capture her eyes.

From beginning to end, she was smiling, gentle, elegant, and even a somewhat alienated smile.

Between the gestures, even the light and fluttering movement of holding a coffee cup seemed very elegant.

Worthy of being an artist, the temperament of his body is something that others cannot learn.

Lin Wanxi's heart tightened a little bit.

Unspeakable uncomfortable.

She was almost certain at this moment that Li Yunjin had seen Fan Rou more than once. Without her knowing, they

Ding has seen it many times in private.

Lin Wanxi's brows couldn't help but frowned.

Fan Ruan and Li Yunjin did not sit for a long time. After less than half an hour, Fan Rou put on his sunglasses again, got up and left.

But this half an hour, to Lin Wanxi, was like a century long, she felt that she was put on fire.

On the wanton baking, the back is wet.

She watched Li Yunjin get up to leave, took a deep breath, and walked over quickly.

"You have finished talking with her, can you talk to me in a few minutes?"

Li Yunjin was a little surprised at first, then stretched out his hand to grab Lin Wanxi's wrist with a gentle expression, "Why are you here?"

Lin Wanxi felt a little disgusted and disgusted at the thought of such a gentle expression that he had generously given to this Fan Rou.

He gently pulled away Li Yunjin's hand with a cold expression, "But come, do you plan to not tell me for the rest of your life,

Your relationship with this woman? "

Everything is traceable.

The music he likes, the "musician" he once mentioned, the concert he took her to, he couldn't help but hum


Scattered, weaving a larger and clearer web, outlining a complete shape.

Li Yunjin looked at Lin Wanxi quietly, then frowned, "You misunderstood, the relationship between Fan Rou and me is not you

As I thought, I had no idea about him. "

He answered very openly. If it weren’t for the fact that so many things were piled up in front of him in a meaningful way, Lin Wanxi might have

I will believe it.

Li Yunjin sat down again, frowned and said solemnly, "I know you have a lot of questions. If you want to ask, just let me

Will answer you honestly. "

Lin Wanxi looked at him closely, and then sat down opposite him.

"You and Fan Rou have met a lot, haven't you?"

Li Yunjin nodded without hesitation, "We have met five times in the past two months."

"Drinking with her last night?"

"Not only she, but also some members of her band, their tour ended successfully, just a celebration."

"Why lie to me, they only have one tour here? It's been held before, right?"

"The original owner only had one..." Li Yunjin frowned, "But I was very busy at that time and missed it, so..."

"She added one specially for you?" Lin Wanxi understood in an instant, and there was a hint of irony on her expression.

Between, the relationship is really good,"

To add a performance, you have to take into account the large amount of venue fees and various expenses. This band is not well-known, and there are almost no

The rest of the money was used for other expenses, and the woman was dressed in ordinary clothes, but she was generous enough to open an extra tour to Li Yunjin.

Lin Wanxi only found it ridiculous.

"My relationship with her is not what you think."

Li Yunjin still explained this sentence.

"Then I will continue to ask you."

Lin Wanxi's chuckle.

There was a question that she had been hiding in her heart for a long time, and she didn’t ask it until the end. She was forced to leave one for both parties.

Decent, also leave a thought for myself.


After all, it cannot be hidden. Trust is like a complete mirror. Once a corner is broken, the whole piece is broken together.

Even if it is stuck, the shocking scars will not disappear after all.

"The day I was pushed down by Jiang Zixin..."

As soon as he raised his head, Lin Wanxi felt that the gaze of the person opposite had changed, like a wild wolf with his back arched, he was suddenly touched.

Inverse scales.

She couldn't see all of them, and said, "You can't get in touch with anyone all afternoon. At that time, who were you with?"

Li Yunjin was silent, looking at Lin Wanxi with complicated eyes, just like that in Lin Wanxi’s cool eyes, a little bit

He tightened his brows.

"I...with Fan Rou."

When uttering these words, Li Yunjin felt that all his energy was exhausted.

He said not to deceive Lin Wanxi, but the truth is too hurt.

Lin Wanxi's expression was much calmer than him, just as if she was Lin Wanxi who did not need to bear any responsibility.

"Wanxi, I'm sorry, it was actually..."

"So I was pregnant with your child, lying on the operating bed in the emergency room, and when I couldn't help crying, you were

With another woman? "

Lin Wanxi's expression was cold, she didn't mean to blame Li Yunjin, her tone was full of ridiculous meaning.

"Wanxi, things are not what you think."

"How is that? I can listen to your explanation."

"I... her guitar broke that day, so I..."

"Her guitar is more important than your children?"

Lin Wanxi's tone became cooler.

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