
Lin Wanxi didn’t know what Gu Miao and Mu Sisi thought. After getting what she thought, she immediately contacted her

Detective, gave him the things.

The name of the private detective is kept secret. Lin Wanxi only knows his last name is Leng, so he calls him Mr. Leng.

"Mr. Leng, how long will it take to know the identity of my mother."

"Half a day is enough, Miss Lin don't worry, I will notify you as soon as there is news."

"Okay. Then it will be troublesome."

Lin Wanxi thanked him.

Because he remembered this incident, Lin Wanxi woke up the next morning, but Mr. Leng’s call was only at noon.

Called over.

"How? Did you find it?"


Mr. Leng's voice is faint, "I'm still waiting for you last time, Miss Lin, let's meet and talk."

Lin Wanxi hurriedly cleaned up herself, carrying her bag and heading straight to the agreed place.

Mr. Leng arrived earlier than her, and when he saw her coming, he politely smiled at her.

"how about it?"

Mr. Leng put a report in front of Lin Wanxi, and then he said, "Your mother’s real name is

Lan Ruge, she changed her name to Lin Jie twenty-nine years ago, not a native of the imperial capital, but a native of Huaicheng, I let

My friend checked her family information..."

"how about it?"

"There is no information."

Lin Wanxi frowned, "How could this be?"

"It's very simple, either her hukou has been removed, or...her family has passed away."

Lin Wanxi's heart sank fiercely.

Yes, my mother is almost 60 years old this year, and the possibility of grandpa and grandma still in the world is too small.

What about her brother?

Lin Wanxi's heart was a little irritable.

"Don't worry." Mr. Leng seemed to be aware of Lin Wanxi's anxiety and pointed at the document.

Unfamiliar address.

"This is your mother's birthplace and residence, maybe you can go there and see if you are lucky enough, you

The mother's family may still live there. "

Lin Wanxi's heart was heavy, and after a long silence, he nodded gently, "Well, I see, thank you

You, Mr. Leng. "

"This is what I should do."

"I will remit your balance to your account before tomorrow."

"Then trouble Miss Lin. Have a good cooperation. I wish you an early date to find your mother's family."

"Thank you."

After sending off Mr. Leng, Lin Wanxi stared at the document for a long time, his fingers lightly on the strange and distant place.

He flicked slightly at his address, and didn't know how long it took before he got up and left.

Tomorrow Li Yunjin will be back from a business trip, so discuss this matter with Li Yunjin.

But at night, just when Lin Wanxi was about to fall asleep after taking a bath, Lu Tong suddenly called.

"Madam, my husband asked me to inform you that he is here, and he may need to stay for three or four days."


Lin Wanxi asked subconsciously, "What happened?"

"It's because this cooperation has encountered some problems. The other party agreed to sign the contract. I don't know why it suddenly turned back... Li

I always want to stay for two more days to see if there is any room for change. After all, this contract is related to the future of the Li Group.

The other party suddenly changed his mind about the direction of the year. It really caught us off guard. Mr. Li was overwhelmed, so let me inform first.

You apologize by the way. "

"No, the company's business matters." Lin Wanxi frowned, worried about that guy in her heart, but didn't dare to be here.

It was too obvious at the time.

Once Lu Tong found out and told Li Yunjin, that guy would definitely spare no time to take care of her mood.

She didn't want to drag Li Yunjin down and became his shackles at this time.

Thinking of this, Lin Wanxi hurriedly said, "You tell him that I am fine, and the baby is fine. Don’t worry, I’m in the

Waiting for him to come back. "

"Well, that wife, I will hang up first, there are still things to be busy here."

"Well, take care of him for me."

"Madam, don't worry, I will."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Wanxi sat on the edge of the bed, only a little bit of feeling of loss overflowed.

She was suddenly shocked that she actually missed Li Yunjin so much, so she hoped that he could come back soon.

When I heard that he was going to stay abroad for a few more days, how could that great sense of loss be uncontrollable.

Lin Wanxi forced herself not to think about it, put on her headphones and put on soothing hidden music, and quickly fell asleep.

If Li Yunjin doesn’t come back, she’s not going to find someone in Huaicheng. If you tell Li Yunjin, don’t think about it, that man must be

Would not agree.

Yes, she is almost six months pregnant, how can she go out?

Lin Wanxi had a leisurely life of walking and planting flowers in the villa.

Seeing that three days passed again, there was still no news from Li Yunjin.

She was anxious, but she knew that Li Yunjin must be too busy. She didn’t want to disturb Li Yunjin’s company and disturb him.

Xin, so he could only contact Lu Tong and ask him when Li Yunjin would return.

Lu Tong hesitated on the phone, saying with difficulty that it might take another week or so.

Lin Wanxi was a little disappointed, but soon said nonchalantly, "Well, I see, you take care of him, remember to remind

He eats on time. "

"Well, I will."

"The hotel is uncomfortable. Since it's still another week, let's rent a house."

"I have arranged everything here, so don't worry, madam."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

"This is all I should do, madam."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Wanxi went directly to the bed and stared at the ceiling above his head.

"There is still a week..."


Lin Wanxi became more and more boring, and the whole person was almost moldy in the villa.

So when Chi Xiao came to her and watched Lin Wanxi so bored that she was already watching cartoons, she didn’t hesitate

Shun Lin Wanxi out the door.

"The imperial capital has opened a new theater. It is said that you can open a box to watch movies. Let's go see it."

"It's boring."

Lin Wanxi was bored.

"It's more interesting than watching cartoons at home, right?"

Chi Xiao snickered, "Okay, I know your family Li went on a business trip, and you missed it after half a month.

It’s about to become a mastermind stone, but you have to learn to have some fun for yourself, otherwise Li Yunjin will come out

Bad, are you bored? "

"When did I become a mastermind stone?" Lin Wanxi was helpless, "I'm just worried about him, he seems

I have never encountered such a big trouble at work. "

Two people walked to the side of the car, and then another person got out of the car.

He said casually, "You are right, the trouble Li Yunjin has encountered this time is really not small."

Lin Wanxi looked at Tang City and couldn't help frowning, "Why are you like a ghost?"

It's really lingering.

"Lin Wanxi, you have no conscience. I thought you were so worried about Li Yunjin, but I wanted to tell you that he did it abroad.

What? Since you dislike me, I will not go away. "

After speaking, he hummed twice.

Lin Wanxi didn't quarrel with him either, so she looked at him so coldly until Tang Cheng's scalp was numb and she gave up completely.

He waved his hand in desperation, "Okay, okay, can I say it's not alright? Your eyes are very shocking, don't look at me like that."

Tangcheng's eyes were erratic, he stepped aside and waited for Lin Wanxi to get in the car. Then he said, "I heard what my dad said.

I have been trying to open up foreign markets for some time, but the Li Group has been involved in the areas where the Lu family is in charge..."

Lin Wanxi frowned slightly.

She knew about this. Lu Tong told herself that Li Yunjin was on a business trip and also mentioned Lu Enen’s

The arrogant lady.

She witnessed a farce during the video call.

Could it be that the trouble Li Yunjin encountered this time has something to do with the Lu family?

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