Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1589: .Should not meet


When Lin Wanxi left the teahouse, it was raining lightly.

"Do you want me to take you back?"

When Xu Ye recognized the identity of his cousin, Lan Yichen's eyes seemed much gentler.

"No, Li Yunjin will be back tomorrow. We'd better not meet each other during this time, so as not to cause any problems.

What a doubt. "

"Okay, then you should be careful on the way and call me if you have anything. You are my sister. I used to be with my grandparents

Vowed to protect you and your mother in front of me, so you don’t need to be polite with me to know everything? "

He pulled out an umbrella from the car and handed it to Lin Wanxi, then he personally called Lin Wanxi a taxi and watched her get on.

After the car left, he turned back into his car.

Jiang Hui turned around, "Master Lan, do you really want Miss Lin... to do this? Li Yunjin will probably be very angry."

"He deserves it." Lan Yichen sneered. "The Lan family don't allow anyone to bully."

The plan is not the key, the plan brought out by Lin Wanxi is the most important.

He was afraid that Lin Wanxi would regret it in the future, so he would have a broken connection with Li Yunjin, so he should offend him first.

People, completely cut off the possibility between these two people.

"Let's go, another call home, let people clean up the room, when the aunt and cousin go back, they will live in comfort.

Serve some. "

"Okay, Master Lan."


Lin Wanxi came home, Aunt Hui was cooking in the kitchen.

"Mrs., you will be back tomorrow, what do you want to eat?"

Lin Wanxi frowned, then chuckled softly, "No, I'll book a restaurant outside later, and go out to dinner with him tomorrow."

"Yes, ma'am."

Aunt Hui was not suspicious.

Li Yunjin's flight was three o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

Lin Wanxi deliberately went to the airport to pick him up an hour in advance.

Everything in her room has been cleaned up, and Li Yunjin will find something wrong as soon as she goes back.

Li Yunjin must sign the divorce agreement beforehand.

The plane arrived on time. Seeing Li Yunjin and Lu Tong came, Lin Wanxi took a deep breath and walked over.


Li Yunjin paused, then frowned, seeming to blame. "How did you come?"

"I'll pick you up."

"You have been pregnant for six months, and you still run around alone. There are so many people here. What if something goes wrong?"

Lin Wanxi smiled faintly, "Where can something happen so easily? I also came here by the way."

"You are not allowed to be like this in the future, and I don't need you to pick up the plane."

"I see." Lin Wanxi took the initiative to take his arm, and said softly, "I booked a restaurant, shall we go to dinner?"

Lin Wanxi rarely takes such initiative, especially after pregnancy. If he can stay at home, he stays at home, if not

And Chi Xiao, Lin Wanxi might not go out for a week or two.

Why did you change your temper and take the initiative to book a restaurant today?

Li Yunjin boldly guessed, "Do you have anything to ask me for help? What happened to Mu Jianming's company?"

Lin Wanxi: "If I don't ask you for help, I can't invite you out for dinner?"

"Don't interfere with Mu Jianming's company." Li Yunjin frowned. "He is not a material for business.

I helped him, but only let him turn himself into fat to feed the fish. Instead, he killed him and invested in Mu’s company

It is better to give Mu Jianming a pension fund directly. "

Lin Wanxi frowned, "It's really not Mu Jianming's business. If you ask again, you won't go."

Lin Wanxi pretended to be angry and let go of Li Yunjin's hand.

Li Yunjin pulled her back, "Go, why not."

After speaking, he threw the things in his hand to Lutong, "You take the things to the office first. No need to come over, go back and take care of it.

have a rest. "


Lu Tong took his things and walked away quickly. Lin Wanxi looked at Lu Tong's back, the temperature in his eyes was a little bit cold.

Come down.

If the guess is correct, there is a plan that she wants to bring to Lan Yichen.

Don't worry, wait for the divorce agreement to be signed, and then find a way to get it.

Lin Wanxi took Li Yunjin into the car, and the two rushed to the restaurant.

Halfway through the meal, Lin Wanxi took out a contract from the baby.

Gently handed it to Li Yunjin.

"House purchase contract?"

Li Yunjin frowned as he looked at the big characters.

Lin Wanxi smiled and nodded, "I like this house very much and want to buy it. The surrounding environment is very quiet.

A lake, the scenery is also very good. The one we live in is too small now, when the baby is born, maybe your parents will also

Come and stay for a few days, then it won't be enough. "

Speaking of this, Lin Wanxi was a little sorry, "But all the money in my body... has been invested in it, and there is no funds for the time being

Turnover, don’t you just buy it in your name? "

The asking price of this villa is only five million. For Li Yunjin, let alone one set, ten sets are nothing.

Without any hesitation, he took the pen handed by Lin Wanxi and signed the name "Swish".

Lin Wanxi watched him screw on the pen cap, his heart relaxed, and it was finally over.

She quickly took back the signed contract and carefully put it back in her bag.

As soon as the meal was over, Lin Wanxi pretended to receive a call from Chi Xiao.

"Chi Xiao said she was a little uncomfortable, I'll go and see."

"I just came back... You don't want to accompany your husband but you want to accompany your friends?"

Li Yunjin took her hand, unwilling to let her go.

Lin Wanxi frowned, "Okay, stop making noise, you go home and take a shower, I'll be back soon."

"She can't find Chu Ci."

"You don't know that she and Chu Ci quarreled twice. If she could find Chu Ci, she would not call me."

Lin Wanxi pulled away his hand, "Be careful on the road, I'll go back in a while."

"I'll be with you."

"You just came back from a business trip, don't bother, I'll be back soon."

She was very determined. Even though Li Yunjin was a little worried, he finally let her go.

Lin Wanxi left the restaurant and drove directly to Li Yunjin's company.

The location of this restaurant is closer to the company. Lin Wanxi chose this place deliberately so that she can make sure that she is in Li Yunjin.

Get the plan before going home and discovering the abnormality.

Lin Wanxi rushed to the company. She acted as the wife of the president. No one stopped her at all along the way.

All the unaware little secretary also took the initiative to invite Lin Wanxi into the office.

"You go out."


As soon as the secretary left, Lin Wanxi quickly searched the table.

Where is the plan placed?

The bottom drawer of the desk is locked. Lin Wanxi once learned the unlocking technique in the army. She put the clothes on

The brooch used for fixing was taken down, the bent part was laid flat, and the wire was pierced into the lock cylinder.

Turn it gently, and within a few minutes, Lin Wanxi heard a "click".

The lock is unlocked.

Lin Wanxi left and pulled out the drawer, and found a sealed kraft paper bag at the bottom of the drawer.

She took out the contents, and it turned out to be a plan. Lin Wanxi took all the contents inside with her mobile phone.

Come down, then put the things back in place and close the drawer.

Take out the house purchase contract in the drawer, tear open the top page, the signed page, it is a divorce


In fact, Li Yunjin can see the clue if he looks carefully, but he believes in himself very much.

What she liked, how could Li Yunjin look carefully.

Fortunately, she was able to successfully trick Li Yunjin into signing.

Lin Wanxi gently pressed the agreement on Li Yunjin's desk, and then left quickly.

Finally, everything is over.

After leaving the company, she glanced at the time on her phone. At this time, I am afraid that Li Yunjin has already arrived home and has already posted

Now her luggage is gone.

She transferred the photos from the phone to another new phone, and then turned off the original phone without looking at it.

The eye was directly thrown in the trash can, and then Jiang Hui's car arrived.

The window rolled down and smiled softly at Lin Wanxi, "Miss Lin."

"I got the stuff, let's go."

She got into the car and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Miss Lin's everything has been resolved?"

"Well, it's resolved, so I sent him to find me."

She left her last hand, just waiting for Li Yunjin to get the bait.

"Good drop, then I will send you to Lan Shao, Lan Shao said, to celebrate your success in getting rid of the scumbag, he personally cooks

You made a delicious meal. "

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