Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1599: . Are you his mother?

Xiao Mingshan and Li Yunjin were good friends when they were students. After graduating from university, they stayed abroad to study art.

The three generations of the Xiao family were single-passed, and no one inherited the ancestral business. Three years ago, Xiao Mingshan was called back from abroad.

Xiao Mingshan also felt that he had had enough, and he happily returned to take over the company.

It's just that the playful personality in his bones hasn't changed yet, and he always calls a group of friends and friends to have fun.

It’s not today that people are called to play mahjong at home on their birthday.

Li Yunjin didn't want to come. In the past five years, his recreational activities have been much smaller. Go to work, go home, two o'clock and one line, sometimes

You will go home to accompany Shi Qing, or go to Xiao Xiuqiu to see his sister's children.

Chenchen has been in junior high school this year. Since the Chinese New Year, he has been crazy and no longer pester him like he did when he was a child.

An uncle, Nuo'er is still young, a little girl who loves to hold his legs and call uncle sweetly.

He pushed all the entertainment in the past, and often took Nuoer to fly a kite.

Little Hydrangea didn't want to let herself see the little girl. Several times when he came, he told that Nuoer had gone to her grandma's house.

He understood that Little Hydrangea didn't want her to think of her missing child.

His life has been very peaceful over the years, and only after Xiao Mingshan came back did he reluctantly become a little lively.

Yun Xiao's words finally looked a bit human.

After a few laps of mahjong, Li Yunjin lost a lot. He didn't feel distressed, anyway, it was Xiao Mingshan's money.

Xiao Mingshan went out to make a phone call, and when he came back, he saw that Li Yunjin was playing mahjong, so many cards should not be played.

It happens to be picked and thrown.

"Li Yunjin, it's not you, your money, you don't feel bad, do you?"

The guy on the other side just won a big game and laughed, "What did you say, who said it just now? What is this little money?"

Seeing Xiao Mingshan's return, Li Yunjin got up anxiously, "I'm going back."

"Hey, Li Yunjin." Seeing Li Yunjin's temper came up, Xiao Mingshan quickly withdrew the game, and soon there was nothing left in the house.

He and Li Yunjin were down.

"What's the matter? President Li, you have a stinky face all day long. Who can stand you?"

With a heavy heart, Li Yunjin looked up and asked Xiao Mingshan, "Why, have you encountered difficulties in acquiring Ximei?"

"It's not too difficult, it has been solved." Xiao Mingshan sneered, "I really underestimated Ximei Company.

I knew where the rescuers were moved. It could have taken three million, but it happened to be carried by Miss Lin to five.

million. "

Li Yunjin's face suddenly turned white. After five years, now he hears that familiar title again, Li Yunjin's heart is still

It hurts involuntarily.

"what happened?"

Xiao Mingshan frowned.

Only then did Li Yunjin regained consciousness, "Nothing. Just solve it, five million is not too bad."

"Yeah, it just makes people uncomfortable."

Xiao Mingshan smiled.


Lin Wanxi returned to the company and handed the signed acquisition contract to the person in charge.

Then go to school to pick up Lin Yici from school.

On the first day of school, it was in the unfamiliar environment of the Imperial Capital. I don’t know if the little guy has adapted to it. The little devil is in her.

In front of him, he was not good, but he was a coward who didn't dare to make trouble outside. Lin Wanxi was so worried.

When I heard the sound, I stood at the door anxiously and looked around.

Lin Yici was in the first grade. To ensure the safety of the children, the teacher organized the team and sent them out one by one.

From a distance, I saw Lin Yici standing at the back of the team, carrying a small schoolbag and wearing a handsome little suit.

It's not cool.

Lin Wanxi waved at him, he calmly said goodbye to the teacher, and then walked to Lin Wan step by step.

In front of West.

Lin Wanxi squatted down and arranged his clothes gently before asking, "How is it? Did you cry at school?"

Lin Yici "snorted", "Ms. Lin Wanxi, going to school is a happy thing, so I won't cry."

Lin Wanxi gave an "Oh", and then said, "Who was the one who cried on the first day when I went to kindergarten?"

Lin Yici's face flushed with a flush, and Xu recalled his embarrassment, angry and ashamed, "Lin Wanxi

Shi, if you take my short, I will ignore you. "

Lin Wanxi smiled, "Okay, don't tell me. Let you continue pretending to be cool."

"I didn't pretend to be cool." Lin Yici snorted again with a disdainful "hum", "I am already cool. If you don't believe me, go and ask

Teacher, many beautiful sisters in school are looking at me today, their eyes are almost running out, Ms. Lin Wanxi, let me interview

You, have such a handsome son, are you particularly proud? "

"I feel too ashamed." Lin Wanxi frowned with a serious face, "Is there a gap in the ground? I want to get in."


The little guy is furious.

At this moment, a voice came from around.

"Hello, are you Lin Yici's mother?"

Lin Wanxi heard the sound and saw a man in his fifties standing in front of him.

There was a little girl behind him.

They are wearing limited-edition children's clothing, and the backpacks they carry are also the big names that models on TV carry.

A rich girl.

Lin Wanxi couldn't help taking another look.

The little girl has faint blue eyes, her black hair is put into two braids, she looks very cute.

Lin Wanxi couldn't help but pause. These blue eyes reminded her of a pair of children of an old friend.

When she left, the little girl was only three or four years old. Now that I think about it carefully, she can't even remember her appearance.

She recovered, stood up and nodded at the man, "Hello, I am Lin Yici's mother, may I ask my son to get into trouble?

Yet? "

Lin Yici took Lin Wanxi's hand dissatisfied, "Ms. Lin Wanxi, can you be so kind to your precious son?

confidence? Ever since I was young, have I ever caused you trouble outside? "

Lin Wanxi: "..."

The man smiled and explained hurriedly, "You misunderstood, miss, I'm here to thank your son."


"Well, our lady accidentally fell down today. It was your son who sent her to the medical room..."

"That's it."

Lin Wanxi glanced at Lin Yici, and Lin Yici "hum" again.

"Thank you, little brother."

The little girl speaks in a sweet voice.

"I'm not your little brother."

Lin Yici's face was red, and his expression was indifferent, but he said, "It is a man who protects girls.

Yes, no thanks. "

The man admired him, "You really can educate children. Your son is really good."

Lin Wanxi was a little embarrassed, "You don't need to say that, it should be."

"Miss, please leave a phone number, and our husband and wife will apologize to you in person."

"This is a trivial matter. It doesn't need to be so troublesome. You don't need to worry about it, as long as the child is fine."

Lin Wanxi smiled faintly and took Lin Yici's hand, "Say goodbye to grandpa and sister."


The little guy waved politely.

Lin Wanxi also nodded lightly, and then left with Lin Yici.

"Ms. Lin Wanxi, is your son particularly handsome and man?"

Lin Wanxi was amused.

"You call yourself a man before your hairs are even. Are you ashamed?"

The little guy let go of Lin Wanxi's hand, "Although I am young, but I have done good things, you don't praise me..."

Lin Wanxi has always distinguished rewards and punishments. Hearing this, he squatted down and compromised, "Okay, what do you want?

What? It's not too much, I can satisfy you. "

"I want to eat ice cream."

Lin Wanxi frowned.

"This kind of food is not good for your health."

"I'll eat it once." Lin Yici was aggrieved, "Otherwise, you take me to Disneyland."

There is no Disney in the imperial capital, and you can only go by plane.

Lin Wanxi said helplessly, "Then go to eat once, but I can't tell Abba, you know?"

Both Bai Mucheng's parents are doctors and they pay special attention to health at this moment. She doesn't want to be known by Bai Mucheng.

"I see, Ms. Lin Wanxi, you and I belong to the same camp, and I will never betray you in front of Abba."

Lin Wanxi smiled and took Lin Yici's hand.

The two went to the ice cream shop and each ordered a bowl of ice cream.

The little guy was so excited, he ordered and ate, "That little girl is so pretty."

"What little girl." Lin Wanxi glared at her, "People are three or four years old than you are. You want to be called sister."

"I don't have a sister."

Lin Yici was a bit lost.

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