Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1610: .Thank you uncle

Lin Wanxi frowned, looked down at him carefully for a while, then suddenly bent down and approached him, "Lin Yi

Ci, you are very strange today, are you doing something bad behind my back? "

"That's it! Nothing!"

The little guy has a guilty conscience in his eyes and he refuses to admit it.

Lin Wanxi hummed, "Anyway, I will know what you do. If you dare to make trouble for me, I will know how

Dispose of you. "

After that, Lin Wanxi went out to work with a bag.

After Lin Wanxi walked for twenty minutes, Lin Yici ran back upstairs, changed into a delicate little suit, and looked in the mirror.

It was a good show, and then quietly ran downstairs, avoiding everyone's sight, and sneaking out through the back door.

He stood on the side of the road and stopped a taxi.

"Kid, where are you going? Where is your family?"

"My parents are at work. Can you take me to find my parents?"

"Then do you know your father's company?"

"I know! Li Group, my father is in Li Group!"

That strange uncle gave him a business card with the company’s address and phone number on it, but he made a call

Several times, the phone could not be connected, but finally, the beautiful sister inside said that she can’t transfer her without an appointment.

Answer the phone.

Please, he went to find his father. Why did he have to make an appointment to find his father?

Lin Yici was furious.

So there is no way, he can only find someone by himself.

Seeing that Lin Yici was alone and there were no adults around, the driver had to send Lin Yici to the Li Group according to the address.

Lin Yici pulled out a bright red banknote from his Iron Man wallet.

Very generous. "keep the change."

Then the little leather boots stepped onto the steps and stepped into the Li Group with a sonorous step.

The clothes on his body are all famous brands bought by the Lan family, they are exquisite and beautiful, plus Lin Yici, and he is a doll.

In this way, the handsome is not good, as soon as he appeared in the hall, it attracted a lot of people's attention.

"Which kid is that? So cute."

"Yes. She looks so beautiful."

Many female employees can't help the motherhood.

Seeing that there were no parents around Lin Yici, someone finally couldn't help stepping forward.

"Children, are your parents?"

"My dad works here."

"Then what's your father's name? In which department? Aunty will take you up to find him, OK?"

"My father's name is Li Yunjin, and he is the president here."

Lin Yici's voice was crisp.

Several women were shocked, and then helplessly, "My kid, you can’t talk nonsense. Our president’s wife is here.

He passed away a few years ago, how could he have a son? "

"But I am his son."

Lin Yici frowned, "Do you think I look like him?"

The women took a serious look at Lin Yici.

I was shocked.

Not to mention, between the eyebrows and eyes of this little guy, they really look like Mr. Li, especially this frowning look.

Like it.

Is it really the president's son?

"Would you like to ask the president? This kid can directly say the name of the president, probably with a little background."

"Then we take him up?"

Just when several women were hesitant, there was a clatter of high heels behind them.

Then there was a high voice--

"What are you all around here for? Don't you have to go to work?"

As soon as the women heard this, their faces became a little ugly.

"Lu En'en, it doesn’t matter whether we work or not, right? First, it’s not time to go to work yet, first

Second, you are not an employee of the Li Group, and you are not qualified to point fingers at us. "

The person here is Lu Enen.

She loved Li Yunjin since she was a child. After learning that Lin Wanxi had passed away a few years ago, she ran back to the imperial capital without stopping, thinking

To capture Li Yunjin's heart while he was sad.

It's a pity that falling flowers are intentional, and flowing water is merciless.

Li Yunjin's attitude towards her seemed even more indifferent.

She is not discouraged either, people's hearts are always fleshy, but is Li Yunjin hard-hearted?

She didn't believe that she could not warm him.

She ran to the Li Group twice in three days, and the entire company she was engaged in knew that she was following Li Yunjin's courtesy.

Lu Enen was angry just thinking about it.

When she became Li Yunjin’s wife and the wife of the Li group, she let these women who look down on her communicate

Get out.

Lin Yici pulled a woman's hand, "Pretty sister, can you take me to find my father?"

The woman was pulled by him, her attention turned away from Lu En'en, and she chuckled, "Okay."

This child has such a sweet mouth, she is so old that she can still be called a sister.

Lu Enen noticed the little devil's head and frowned and asked, "His father? Who is his father?"

The woman was a little proud, deliberately irritating Lu Enen, "Of course his father is Manager Li."

"What are you talking about? Li Yunjin?"

"Otherwise, how many CEOs does our company have?"

"Although there is still a surname Li, President Yun does not have such a young son."

Jin Nanfeng had brought Li Jingchen a lot before, and everyone knew the little boy with black hair and blue eyes.

Lu En'en's face was white and red, "Where is this wild child without a mother?

The total child? I don't know when Li Yunjin had a child, so stop laughing. "

"Mr. Li doesn't like to talk to you. Will he tell you something like this if he has a child?"

Lu Enen grew up being held in the palm of his hand, and he has to be followed by others wherever he goes.

The crowd was ironic, and she naturally couldn't bear it, and turned to call the security guard over.

"Are you all the security guards? Can't you see the messy kids sneaking in? Why don't you give me this?

The wild child gets out. "

Lin Yici hid behind the woman, changed a pitiful expression, and said weakly, "Sister, help me."

Women only feel that motherhood is overwhelming, and their hearts are softened. Such a cute child, Lu En'en said such a thing

Is there any humanity?

"Lu En'en, let me tell you, this is my Li Group, I don’t care which daughter of God’s daughter you are, but

You are here, not even a fart, don't bark like a mad dog here early in the morning, you call the security guard? I

Want to call a security guard? You are not an employee of our company, and you are not qualified to be here. To drive away, I see first

The one who catches up is you. "

Lu Enen screamed and rushed up to fight with the woman.

Lin Yici stuck out his tongue helplessly in secret, and quickly slipped away while everyone’s attention was attracted.

Enter the elevator on the side.

I don’t know which floor is Dad’s office...

The little guy looked at the elevator buttons, frowning tightly.

It is said on TV that the most powerful person must be at the top.

Lin Yici reached out and pressed the floor button on the top floor——

However, he is too low to be touched at all.

Lin Yici stretched out his arms and paddled his toes, struggling to reach up.

At this moment, a thin arm lightly crossed his head and lightly pressed the top button.

Lin Yici paused and looked up hurriedly--

Seeing the man in suit and leather shoes, the tall man was holding a tablet in his hand, looking at something intently.

It's Jin Sinuo's uncle!

I saw it once in school that day.

It turns out that he also works in his father's company.

Lin Yici raised his head and blinked, "Thank you uncle."

Li Yunjin was looking at the materials to be used in the meeting, and when he heard the sound, he lowered his head and glanced at Lin Yici.

He quickly looked away.

Lin Yici felt a little uncomfortable. He took the initiative to thank him, but the man didn't react at all.

Hmph, when he finds his father, he must let him fire him.

The elevator rose quickly and arrived in a short while.

Li Yunjin walked out quickly, and Lin Yici followed behind with his head down.

Although he didn't know where the president's office was, he didn't plan to ask this pesky and rude man.

He wants to find his father's office by himself!

However, as soon as Lin Yici walked out of the elevator, the elevator doors closed abruptly, and the little guy hadn't had time to walk completely.

When I went out, I was heavily pinched by the iron gate.


Lin Yici cried loudly when it hurt.

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