Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1614: .Sniff!

"Who is Abba?"

Lin Yici blinked, "Abba is super amazing. He is a professor. He has many students abroad. He also took me

Go to his school, but those sisters are the same as the sisters in your company. They are too idiots and always harass me.

I did not want to go after I went there twice. "

"Then he and your mommy are..."

"Mummy treats him as a friend, but I know that Dad likes Mommy very much."

Lin Yici Tong Yan Wuji, talking about Bai Mucheng who has been petting him since childhood is like opening a chatterbox.

When I came down, I didn't notice how bad the face of my father sitting opposite was. "

"Once I was after school, I saw Abba plug Ms. Lin Wanxi in the toilet, and see if she wanted to be his woman..."

Li Yunjin's brows suddenly tightened.

At this moment, her heart was violently agitated twice, and her chest was hurting when she hit.

"What did Mommy say? Did she agree?"

"Mummy said she has to think about it, and when it's done, it will give him results."

Li Yunjin's heart sank again.

She did not refuse, does it mean that she also has feelings for that man? ?

Li Yunjin's breathing finally messed up at this moment.

Whether it was Lan Yichen or the "Abba" in the meaning, he was plunged into anxious anxiety.

Yes, if Lin Wanxi falls in love with other people... what should I do?

Maybe, in order to give Yici a complete home, she would really agree to that man's request...

Thinking of this, Li Yunjin's face became even more ugly.

Lin Yici frowned when he realized that his father was terrible.

"But don’t worry. Although I like Dad very much, he is very gentle. He always stops me when Mommy scolds me.

Now, but... I will still support you, who made me your own child. "

The little guy may be full.

Sitting upright, "But do you mean to chase Ms. Lin Wanxi back? If you don’t

Yes, then I can only accept Dad..."

"Do you dare." Li Yunjin flew over with a sharp eye knife, "You are my kind, why do you accept other men?"

"But you have been hiding behind and never take the initiative. It is difficult for Ms. Lin Wanxi to forgive you."

"I'll find a way, don't interfere in this matter."

Li Yunjin pushed the little cake in front of him, "In short, you only have one task, show me what you are.

Well, Dad, don't let him hit your mommy's idea. If there is any movement, call me immediately, understand? "

Lin Yici blinked and seemed to understand, "I understand, I am your undercover agent."

Li Yunjin: "Where did you learn this?"

"On the book." The little guy was very proud. "Don't worry, I will complete the task."

"Okay, then eat quickly. After eating, I will ask someone to take you home. You have been out for so long and won’t go back. Your uncle and the others

Time to worry. "

This Lan Family...

There is actually a blood relationship with Lin Wanxi.

No wonder that in the past five years, Lan Yichen and the entire Lan Group have been against themselves everywhere, even if they hurt the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred.

It was because of this reason.

Lin Yici raised her head and looked a little embarrassed, "Dad, can you send me home?"


"My uncles already knew that I ran out secretly... I was afraid..."

When I just opened the phone to save Li Yunjin's number, I saw a phone call and many text messages from Lan Yichen.

Without hesitation, Li Yunjin nodded gently.

"it is good."

After dinner, Li Yunjin drove Lin Yici back to the Egret Garden.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the house, the servant of the Lan family shouted excitedly.

"Little Master is back! Little Master is back!"

A woman about fifty years old came over and bent over and said, "Little master, where have you been? You know

Everyone is going crazy looking for you. Your mommy will almost call the police and let the police uncle catch you. "

Lin Yici's face turned pale, his eyes widened in horror.

"Mommy... Does Mommy know?"

"Yes, because you haven't been able to contact you, so your uncle called her. Your mommy is very angry.

Oh, you have to be careful. "

"Bai*Lan Yichen, know the complaint!"

Lin Yici hid his feet angrily.

Standing at the door, the hesitating little guy who looked like something on ordinary days was actually scared.

"Should I accompany you in?"

Li Yunjin touched Lin Yici's head lightly.

"no need……"

Lin Yici was full of frustration.

The servant looked at Li Yunjin in confusion, "Sir, may I ask if you are..."

"I am..." Li Yunjin paused, then said, "I am Lin Wanxi's friend."

"So it's like this..."

Li Yunjin looked at Lin Yici again, and saw the little guy with his head drooping, with a frightened look, he couldn't help but smile, "Really not

Want me to accompany you? "

"It's really not necessary, I'm not afraid."

As soon as the words fell, a familiar figure came out from the door.

"Lin Yici!"


Lin Yici subconsciously hid behind Li Yunjin.

Li Yunjin laughed blankly, and said, not afraid?

Lin Wanxi was shocked the moment he saw Li Yunjin.

When I saw Li Yunjin hiding behind Lin Yici, his eyes reddened when he "rubbed".

"You took the meaning away?"

Lin Wanxi was so angry, "Li Yunjin, what do you mean? I'm not saying it, don't disturb our lives.

Is it? "


Seeing Li Yunjin was misunderstood, Lin Yici just wanted to explain.

"Shut up, and I'll clean up you later."

Lin Wanxi coldly interrupted Lin Yici, then turned to look at Li Yunjin again.

"When did Li Yunjin, the dignified president of the Li Group, say something like farting?"

Lin Yici has never seen Lin Wanxi have such a temper. Although Lin Wanxi is strict with him on weekdays, it is like today


He grabbed Lin Wanxi’s clothes and tilted his head up, "Don’t scold Dad, I ran to find him by myself, Dad.

Just send me back. "

Lin Wanxi was stunned.

Li Yunjin looked calm.

Lin Wanxi looked down at Lin Yici, "Really?"


Lin Wanxi knew that he was blaming the wrong person, but couldn't help but apologize to Li Yunjin.

He directly took Lin Yici's hand and walked into the house.

Lin Yici looked back at Li Yunjin with a little fear, his expression stopped.

Li Yunjin knew that he would not speak, this kid would definitely be beaten today, and stepped forward to stop Lin Wanxi.


Lin Wanxi suppressed the irritation in his heart and turned back, "What's the matter?"

"He is still a child, don't embarrass him too much."

"What's your business?" Lin Wanxi sneered, "Li Yunjin, what I said last time was too tactful, so you didn't

Understand, or didn't you take it to heart? "

Li Yunjin frowned.

Lin Wanxi continued to sneer, her expression full of anger, "Then I will tell you again.

You have to intervene. From the day of birth, this child hasn't spent a cent of your money, or used any of your family members.

Xi, so don't think that he is your biological son, you are qualified to point fingers here. "

She lowered her head and took out a few banknotes from her pocket. People walked up to Li Yunjin and stuffed them into his hands.

"Thank you for sending him back. I still have things to do. I won't send it away."

After speaking, he pulled Lin Yi back to the house.


"Lin Yici, you are getting bolder, aren't you?"

As soon as he entered the living room, Lin Wanxi slapped.

Lin Yici shrank his neck subconsciously.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. The child was considered sensible since she was a child. He didn't cause any trouble for him, but she didn't expect to break into it for the first time

It's such a big disaster.

When he was less than five years old, he went to his father without telling them all?

"Did I not give you food or drink, who in the family treated you badly? Are you rushing to post others?"

When Lan Rulang heard the fierce voice upstairs, he knew that Lin Wanxi was really angry.

His niece looks cold and cold on weekdays, but he understands that there is a strong feeling deep in her heart.

Fire, like being poured with gasoline, has something to do with Li Yunjin, only if any sporadic sparks splash in, it will

The bottom ignited her.

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