Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1623: .What's wrong with dad?

The same question was brought before him again, Lin Wanxi frowned, "This has nothing to do with Bai Mucheng."

"Of course it matters. He likes you, and he wants to be with you."

"Why are you struggling with this kind of problem?" Lin Wanxi was impatient, "It's been five years, don't tell me you still like me."

"What if I still like you?"

Li Yunjin frowned, looking at the surprise and puzzlement on Lin Wanxi's face, he smiled like self-deprecating.

Next, "Forget it, you will never understand, you have always just acted according to your ideas."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. Instead of going back to the master bedroom, he went straight to the second bedroom.

Lin Wanxi was stunned for a long time, and then returned to the room.

The meaning of being asleep next to me, I don’t know what kind of dream I had, I smiled sweetly and called out, "Dad..."

Lin Wanxi felt even more uncomfortable.

Should she really give Yici a dad?

In the past few years, she has always felt that the meaning of words does not need her father, he is loved by her uncle, and loved by her uncle.

And godmother and godfather’s love, she is confident that she did not leave any unhappy childhood for this child, and

Confident that he can grow up safely and healthily.

But what the little guy did today completely subverted her previous perceptions.

None of those people can replace the position of his biological father in Lin Yici's heart.

Lin Wanxi felt very uncomfortable, she kissed Lin Yici's forehead lightly, said "good night", and then turned off.

Light, forcing myself to stop thinking about it.

Maybe it was the reason why Li Yunjin was absent. This time, she quickly fell asleep.

She woke up the next day and she was the only one left in the room.

After washing up, I found that Lin Yici and Li Yunjin were both in the kitchen.

Before I walked over, I heard Lin Yici's excited voice.

"You can cook, you are too good."

"Ms. Lin Wanxi doesn't know how to cook at all."

"Do you know? One time on my birthday, she said she wanted to show me her hand, and almost burned the entire kitchen

Yes, in the end, a lot of uncle firemen came. "

Lin Wanxi's face was dark and ugly standing outside.

What kind of good son did she raise, so she could expose her shortcomings in front of other people.

She just wanted to turn around and run a little bit farther, not listening to the conversation between the two people inside, but Li Yunjin's voice came over.

"Your mommy rarely cooks before. So don't blame her."

"I didn't blame Mommy." Lin Yici said crisply, "So when Mommy and Dad were together,

Dad, you won't let Mommy cook, right? "

"Well, because it will be very hard."

After all, there are few people in the world who like to cook.

The tedious work day after day will always make people bored easily.

If it wasn't for the meaning, he would probably hand it over to Aunt Hui.

"I really don't know what Ms. Lin Wanxi is thinking..." The little guy seemed to be plotting something, "Dad,

Should I ask Mommy to live here, Mommy cares about me most, as long as I speak, she will definitely agree. "

There was no sound in the kitchen for a while, just when Lin Wanxi thought Li Yunjin would not reply, he suddenly heard

Li Yunjin said.

"No, we have to respect her own choice."

Lin Wanxi finally couldn't help but fled.

She went to the garden. When several servants saw her, they all called her "Mrs." politely and respectfully. Lin Wanxi didn't say a word and opened

Began to run around the garden.

Over the years, she has developed the habit of getting up early and going for a morning jog, not many. Generally, she will go back after running for half an hour.

When Lin Wanxi returned with a sweat, Li Yunjin had already prepared breakfast and was waiting for her.

"Come for breakfast."

Lin Wanxi gasped, "I'll take a bath first, you eat first, don't wait for me."

When Lin Wanxi left, Lin Yici hurriedly asked for a little cake steamed by Li Yunjin.

"Lin Yici." Li Yunjin frowned, looking at Lin Yici a little sternly, "I have to wait for Mommy to come together."

Lin Yici's face was very upset, but looking at the stern look in Li Yunjin's eyes, he could only put the little cake reluctantly.

Come down.

He sighed faintly, and chanted, "Woman, it's trouble."

Li Yunjin frowned again.

Yesterday he was in the excitement of meeting this little devil. He didn’t pay much attention. He just noticed it today and didn’t know if it was.

It wasn't the reason that the Lan family spoiled him too much, this kid had many bad problems.

For example, it's not big or small, and it's very willful.

It’s fine outside, but there are no rules at home.

You know, when Lin Yici's character was taken home, it is estimated that Li Beixun would not believe it was his son.

Forget it, let's teach it slowly when you have time.

Li Yunjin was even more sure about one thing, this child absolutely can't continue to be placed in Lan's house.

But, how can that woman accept herself again?

Just thinking about it, Lin Wanxi had already come out.

She sat down next to Lin Yici, looked at the untouched breakfast in front of her, frowned, "Not saying don’t wait for me

Is it? "

"Dad is good or bad." Lin Yici frowned immediately and "hum" unhappily, "If you don't come, you won't give me food."

"Look at the son!"

"You can't stop your mouth even when you eat, right? I think I shouldn't stop your mommy yesterday and let you be beaten a few more times.

You are much more honest. "

When it came to the big **** in public yesterday, Lin Yici blushed.

Suddenly, the energy was lost, and the little head was almost buried in the bowl.

Li Yunjin smiled.

Then he said, "After dinner, I will take you out to buy things."

"No need to."

Lin Wanxi immediately raised her head and refused, "He lacks nothing."

"What I'm missing..." Lin Yici's voice was aggrieved.

"What are you missing?" Lin Wanxi glared at him, "clothes or toys? Did your uncle buy you less?"

Lan Yichen is generous, basically what this kid wants is satisfied.

Last time Lin Yici took a fancy to a 500,000 model airplane, Lan Yichen also bought it without saying a word.

"I don't think you are short of things, you are itchy."

Lin Yici scratched his neck, "I didn't buy those things from my father. I don't have any of my father's things."

"Things are things. Who bought them? It's fine if they can be used."

"Of course it's different..."

Li Yunjin suddenly interrupted, "By the way, the bracelet I asked Xiao Mingshan to bring you..."

"That's too small, it's for babies."

Only then did Li Yunjin react, "Yes, the meaning is so big, and it's not easy for children to wear gold attire.

Silver, lest people worry about it. "

Lin Wanxi nodded.

I heard Li Yunjin say again, "Also, after dinner, I will take him to another store. The Emperor has a wood carving shop.

The West is very beautiful, and it is not very ostentatious. "

Just as Lin Wanxi said no, Lin Yici had already hurriedly agreed.

"Well, I like wood carving!"

"Do you know what wood carving is?"

Lin Wanxi was helpless.

"I just have to go and see if I don't know. This is called learning."

Lin Yici's eyes were bright.

"Okay, hurry up and eat, don't run around, sit on the stool honestly."

Halfway through the meal, Li Yunjin seemed a little uncomfortable, his face was pale, and he put down his chopsticks and went to the bathroom.

Lin Wanxi's heart tightened, "Yi Ci, you wait for me obediently."

"What's wrong with Dad?"

"It's nothing, I'll go and see. You have to finish your meal, don't waste it, you know?"

"Got it."

Lin Wanxi got up and went to the bathroom.

He saw Li Yunjin holding his hands in front of the sink, his face pale, as if he had just vomited.

Very weak.

"what happened to you?"

Li Yunjin shook his head, turned on the faucet, washed his face, then stood up straight and said, "Nothing, just some

Old things are sick. "

"Old problems?"

Why didn't she know, or said... after she left...

She remembered that Lutong seemed to have told her.

Li Yunjin needs to take medicine regularly.

"Did something happen to your body?"

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