Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1632: .Dad's father and mother

Soon the door was opened, and the person who opened the door looked surprised, "Master Yunjin?"

"Are parents there?"

"It's all there. Madam was talking about you just now, but I didn't expect you to come back." The man looked at Li Yunjin's hands.

The child was taken aback for a moment, "This is..."

"Go in and talk about it."

Li Yunjin stepped aside, took Lin Wanxi's hand behind him, and let her go into the room.

"Madam, Master Yun Jin is back!"

The eyes of everyone were instantly attracted by the picture in front of them.

Lin Wanxi stood beside Li Yunjin with a calm complexion. Li Yunjin was holding a four or five year old child in his hands.

Those eyebrows are clearly Li Yunjin when he was a child.

No one spoke for a while, and countless thoughts flashed through everyone in the Li family.

It was Jin Sinuo who broke the silence.

The little girl broke free from her father's arms, her blue and clear pupils were particularly beautiful.

"Lin Xiaoci!"

Lin Yici's face turned dark for an instant, and she quarreled with Jin Sinuo in Li Yunjin's arms.

"Who is Lin Xiaoci! I have said that I am not the name!"

"But I think Lin Xiaoci sounds better, so I will call you that."

"Huh, ignorance. You girls are really troublesome."

"What a man you are arguing with me at my uncle's place, come and quarrel with me if you have the ability!"

"Come down! Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Two and a half older children are standing in the living room, with all eyes in full view, one akimbo and the other with head up, making noise.

His face is red.

The others were stunned, and even said that they didn't react at all.

"Jin Sinuo."

"Lin Yici."

Hearing the scolding of his father, the two little guys settled down and ran back to their parents.

"This...what the **** is going on?"

Li Yun laughed and hugged his head, looking like he had seen a ghost.

Lin Wanxi was a little embarrassed. She had such a drama back then because she was so angry that she was unwilling to be any one.

A substitute for a woman, in her view, is really reckless.

At that time, she thought that the joy and happiness of the Li family were not less than that of Li Yunjin, just the things they sent.

It's enough to load a few trucks.

Her actions hurt Li's family even thinking about it.

Just thinking about what to say, Li Yunjin had already held her with a warm palm.

So she was dragged by Li Yunjin to Li Beixun and Shi Qing.

In the past five years, this couple has been very well maintained, and it is hard to tell how old they are.

Li Beixun was still a young temper, not lukewarm, making people unable to see any emotions, but the time around him

Sunny, but his eyes were obviously red.

"Parents, I brought back Wanxi... and the child."


Li Beixun faintly responded, frowning, "I'll be fine when I come back, don't do anything else. Home

I can't stand you anymore. "

"Okay, okay." Shi Qing looked at Li Beixun reproachfully, "The kid just came back, so why do you say this?"

Shi Qing waved at Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi paused, and still walked over and sat beside Shi Qing.

"Wanxi, if Yun Jin bullies you in the future, you will tell me that our whole family will not let him go."

Lin Wanxi thought that they would mention at least five years ago, but he didn’t expect Shi Qing to say this.

I couldn't help but warm up.

"No, he didn't bully me."

"No one dares to bully Ms. Lin Wanxi." Lin Yici popped his head behind his back, "Ms. Lin Wanxi just walks.

The big demon. "

Being demolished by her son face to face, Lin Wanxi called embarrassment in her heart, "Lin Yici, did you seek a fight?"

"Domestic violence is against the law, Ms. Lin Wanxi."

"Your name is Lin Yici?"

Shi Qing's eyes were a little excited, and he waved at the little guy, "Will you come to grandma?"

Lin Yici hid behind Li Yunjin with a bit of a confession.

Call him to go and he will go there, is he Lin Yici shameless?

Lin Wanxi frowned, "Lin Yici, I count to three seconds, if you still can't come..."

Lin Yici ran over immediately.

"It is said that you are a devil, you still don't believe it."

The little guy grumbled unhappy.

Lin Wanxi hugged Lin Yici on her lap and pointed at Shi Qing and Li Beixun.

"This is Dad's Dad and Mom."

"Hello, grandparents. My name is Lin Yici. I will be five years old this year. I am now in the first grade of elementary school. I don't like playing

Gu, so if you give me a gift, you can give me a book or something. "

"Meaning. Don't be polite."

Lin Wanxi only felt helpless, because he was too arrogant to indulge this child on weekdays, and brought up this child alive.

Not small.

"Wanxi, don’t care too much about it. It’s a good thing for a child to be lively. I am also worried that he, like Yun Jin, has

It's a little staid, how boring it should be. "

"Huh, did you hear that? Ms. Lin Wanxi."

The little guy is triumphant.

Shi Qing couldn't help but smile, and squeezed Lin Yici's small face, "It's this proud spirit, exactly the same as Yun Jin's childhood."

Lin Yici couldn't help hiding in Lin Wanxi's arms.

"Don't pinch my face, it will be deformed, and I won't be handsome when I grow up."

Jin Sinuo bit a lollipop, "You are definitely not as handsome as my brother! Because my father is handsomer than uncle!"

Lin Yici pulled his head out of Lin Wanxi's arms, "Nonsense, I see you are a girl, I'm not like you

Care about. "

"I'm not talking nonsense."

Jin Sinuo ran to Lin Yici and led the little guy to Jin Nanfeng.

"Hello there."

Jin Nanfeng nodded to Lin Yici.

Jin Nanfeng is not really much handsomer than Li Yunjin, but he has a temperament that ordinary people don't have as a star.

Where did the little guy have been in contact with such a big star, he was stunned on the spot, and his eyes were completely stunned.

Jin Sinuo was very excited.

"Well, isn't my father handsome?"

Lin Yici "hum", "reluctantly."

"You obviously think handsome. Why don't you admit it?"

"Leave me alone."

Lin Yici turned his head in disdain.

Jin Nanfeng rubbed his daughter's head, "Nuo'er, the meaning is younger brother, you are older sister, don't bully him, you know?"

Jin Sinuo always listened to what his father said and gave a soft "um".

Take the initiative to extend a hand towards Lin Yici.

"Brother, I will protect you in the future."

"Cut, I am a boy, and I will protect you from now on."

"I have my brother to protect, and you don't need to protect me."

"But I am a boy. Ms. Lin Wanxi said it has nothing to do with age."

Jin Sinuo frowned, "Well, then, wait until you grow older than me, you can protect me."

Seeing that the two children got together quickly, Jin Nanfeng remembered something and took out a box from his pocket.

"what is this?"

Li Yunxiu asked.

"It was given by an event organizer. I think it's very interesting. It's just a gift. As a meeting gift."

What's in the box is a necklace made of jade.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, it just happened to be Lin Yici's zodiac.

"Come here, kid."

Jin Nanfeng called Lin Yici over and tied the necklace around his neck.

Lin Wanxi was a little uneasy, "Ah, no, Mr. Jin..."

That jade is the world's top luxury brand. It's a small piece and can't be bought without hundreds of thousands.

The meaning is still so small, where is such an expensive thing needed.

Li Yunxiu smiled, "It's okay, sister-in-law, a little bit of heart."

Li Yunjin comforted her, "Don't be embarrassed, when Xiao Xiuqiu brought Chenchen back, something more expensive than this, I

I don't know how much it was sent out. What are you afraid of? "

Lin Wanxi felt a little relieved when Li Yunjin said so, and said to Yici, "Thank you aunt and uncle."

"Thank you aunt and uncle."

Lin Wanxi's return with the child was the biggest surprise today.

"Now that Yun Jin's child is so old, he almost smiled." Shi Qing looked at Li Yun and smiled.

Li Yunxiao was asking for an apple, and he could guess what Shi Qing was going to say in the next second.

Sure enough, Shi Qing said, "When Xiaoxiao gets married, I will be completely relieved."

Li Yun smiled perfunctorily, "Then you probably have to worry about five or six years, Mommy."

"Smile and not worry at this age, I still want to stay with her for two more years." Li Beixun frowned.

"Dad, if I meet someone I like, you can't keep me!"

Li Yunxiao immediately stated his position.

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