Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1638: .Why not me?

late at night.

In the luxurious and exquisite hotel suites, the light is dim.

Gu Qingye was thrown on the carpet, her gaze lost, her body limp, and her mouth stunnedly shouted, "Let

Drive me, I want to go out..."

After yelling for a long time, until she yelled and no one came, her voice gradually weakened.

With her thoughts chaotic, a picture flashed before her eyes, a scene of her husband Lu Shengyan in bed with another woman.

After one year of marriage, he never touched her once. He said he had a physical problem, and she believed it.

But what about the facts? She only knew that he was in good health an hour ago, he just didn't want to touch her! ! !

This is a humiliation to her! What a shame!

"Woo~~~~" Anger mixed with sadness and a trace of resentment eroded her brain.

She was crying, with disheveled hair, she couldn't be more embarrassed!

The door opened.

The bright lights in the corridor also flooded in. Gu Qingye opened her eyes and looked hard, dimly, she looked

When I reach a tall and slender figure, even though he can't see his face clearly, he can feel the powerful and cold aura.

"Mr. Lan!" The people guarding both sides of the door bowed their heads respectfully.

"How is she?" The man's voice was deep and deep, and his deep eyes looked at the ground shaking and crying.


"Keep shouting, keep making trouble, this will stop, and start crying again!"

"Go out!"

The man gave an order and stepped into the room.

The men outside the door immediately closed the door after he entered, and the room instantly fell into a dull warm yellow.

Lan Yichen loosened his neckline and walked to a single sofa to sit down.

At his feet is her face.

He looked down at the woman who curled up like a shrimp on the ground, and looked her up and down. This is it.

The vixen rushed to the banquet hall indiscriminately, saying that she was looking for her own husband, and nearly ruined Lin Wanxi's wedding.

Fortunately, it was discovered and stopped in time.

How can such a messy woman mess up his sister's wedding banquet?

"Woo, Lu Shengyan, bastard!!!" Gu Qingye was still whimpering.

Hearing her crying more and more pitifully, he rubbed his eyebrows. Tonight, Li Yunjin and Lin Wanxi were absent. He is a female

Fang's maiden family blocked a lot of wine, and this would cause this one to cry, as if his head was about to explode.

"Shut up and stop crying!"

Unexpectedly, not only did his intimidation fail to stop her, but it made her cry even worse.

Helpless, Lan Yichen leaned forward, picked Gu Qingye from the ground, threw it on the bed, and covered her head with a quilt.

The cry was faint and far away.

With Jiu Jin on his head, he lay down on the other side of the bed.

Covered in the quilt, Gu Qingye struggled out when he was about to be suffocated to death.

She felt confused on the bed and touched a hard heat source. She leaned over, delirious,

Zhang Yingjun's three-dimensional face entered her sight, and in a flash, it became Lu Shengyan's face again.

She stroked his face and whispered, "Why did you do that? Why don't you want me?"

Thinking that he had never touched her before, she was paralyzed by alcohol, suddenly kissed her with revenge, and tore his


The man who fell asleep was awakened by the excitement.

What the **** is this woman?

He wanted to push her away, but the soft lips on his lips made him stop instinctively.

Turning over, he clasped her shoulders, pressed her under him, and the long hair covering his face fell to the sides, revealing the beauty

The lovely face and the small mouth that became tender and dripping after the attack.

Shen Shen eyes tightened.

Perhaps it was because of the alcohol that he had an impulsive face with such a beautiful face without powder.

"Are you seduce me?" he asked, his voice very dangerous.

"Bad, you dare to meet other women, don't you dare to touch me?" Gu Qingye pulled his collar, very angry.


Lan Yichen will be stayed!

There are women in the world who urge men to sleep with them.

She really is a crazy woman!

"Today you must consummate the room with me!" Gu Qingye was so wronged, she touched his waist with her hand, her lips pressed against his chest.

She looked like a female bandit.

The man with the best concentration in the world can't resist such direct teasing.

But he doesn't like being taken the initiative by women.

He grabbed the hand that was behaving on him and breathed heavily on her cheek, "You better wait for the same

Yes, don’t ask for mercy! "

When the voice fell, he bullied her lips.

The skillful and fiery kiss made Gu Qingye a little unable to cope, and her strong body exuded a hormone that made her heart beat faster.

Meng, she, confused, confused... somehow scared.


Amidst her confusion, a severe pain hit her brain.


The next day.

On the messy bed, the woman lay on the pillow with her naked back, still sleeping soundly.

The strong coffee aroma slowly spread out in the air, and Gu Qingye moved and opened his eyes while smelling the aroma.

Outside the huge French windows, the sky is clear.

This is where?

Holding her heavy head, she sat up sleepily.

She turned her head and looked around, and found a man standing by the window drinking coffee elegantly and calmly. He was working in a suit.

The elegant dark blue suit has a perfect body shape, and the side face is exquisitely carved.

There was a kind of extravagance in him, but he just stood there quietly and let out a room for no reason.

Who is he?

How could she be in the same room with this stranger?

And... how did she get here?

Too many questions popped up, making her mess up all at once.

"Wake up?" She was still confused, and the man's thick voice came first.

"You--" Gu Qingye pointed at him, not knowing what to say for a while.

"You are the most sleepy woman I have ever seen!" He uttered a few words lightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched coldly, full of ridicule.


The most and most able to "sleep" woman? !

Gu Qingye's face froze.

She was sitting on the bed, he was standing there, and soon she recalled everything from yesterday.

The company came to a customer last night, she was socializing, and later received an anonymous text message that Lu Shengyan was stealing from someone in the hotel

Love photos, and told them that this will be opening a room in the hotel.

She rushed to catch the **** drunk, and then was caught in a room by a group of people who didn't know where to emerge...

This is the room! ! !

"You caught me?" Gu Qingye asked.

"Yes." Lan Yichen admitted without pressure.

"Why are you arresting me? You—" Gu Qingye said halfway through. She was shocked to find that she was wearing nothing.

When she subconsciously pulled up the sheet to cover her body, the dazzling red on the bed sheet made her brain bang, "You...

what did you do to me? "

"You asked for it!"

"Nonsense, am I crazy? I asked you to do such a nasty thing to me? It's obviously you, while I drink

Drunk, take me to your room, your behavior is a crime, I want to sue you! "

Gu Qingye was furious, but Xiao San didn't catch it, so he lost himself.

Lan Yichen’s face was getting colder and colder, he put down the coffee heavily, "Enough, stop acting, why do you

You are very clear in your heart when I was arrested! "

"What do you mean?" Gu Qingye was confused.

"Still acting?" Lan Yichen sneered, "Then I will treat you as amnesia, and I will remind you that you are Li Yunjin's admiration.

Or, he married my sister yesterday. You are not reconciled. You borrowed wine to pretend to be crazy to make a fuss about the wedding, but you haven’t entered yet.

Was caught by me. As for now, you can't find a way to get out, so just act like this. "

"...What Li Yunjin? What wedding? What are you talking about? Who are you?" Gu Qingye was completely confused.

Why did she not understand what he said?

Looking at her natural expression, Lan Yichen didn't leak even when she was confused, not only admiring this woman's determination.

He walked over.

Gu Qingye saw him coming, for fear that he would act on her and escape out of bed wrapped in sheets.

The sore legs fell to the ground as soon as she stood up. As a result, instead of getting out, she fell on his

By the feet.

In panic, she also grabbed his trouser legs!

"Why, is this planning to surrender, or to lure me again?" Lan Yichen asked, narrowing his black eyes.



Isn't it good?

Gu Qingye roared in her heart!

Seeing his eyes are abnormal, she followed his gaze and Helian saw that the sheet fell to the ground.

His face blushed, and he hurriedly loosened his trouser legs and pulled off the quilt.

She protects her chest with one hand, and stands up on the edge of the bed with the other. She talks with him lazily for a while, looking around for her clothes.

You can't find it everywhere.

"Where are my clothes?" Her mood has become irritable.


"Then what do you want me to wear?"

"Wear nothing!"

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