Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1641: . Steal his cell phone


Three hours later, the plane landed on a beautiful island.

When Gu Qingye got off the plane, she was surrounded by a heat wave.

Everywhere you look is green, this will be just as the sun sets, and the burning clouds in the distance are very spectacular.

"Mr. Lan, are you taking me on holiday?" Gu Qingye teased him in general.

"Don't make a fool of yourself! Practice has proved that this is not good for you!" Lan Yichen gave her a piece of advice, and then took the ink

Mirror walked down the stairs without looking back.

Gu Qingye suddenly collapsed.

She followed him down the stairs and got into the car.

From the airport to the manor on the island, she said nothing.

When he arrived at the manor, he asked her to arrange a room for her, and then left with the handsome little guy wearing glasses, leaving her alone!

Does he think she can't escape with her wings? !

Gu Qingye was sitting on the big balcony of the room, looking at the sky that was a little darker, she wanted to yell out of boredom.


Are you really going to detain her for a month?

She felt that he was not joking.

At this time, Lu Shengyan and the company people should be looking for her. Dad and sister must also know that she is missing.

Maybe the police have been reported.

But even if they wanted to break their heads, they would not think that Lan Yichen kidnapped her.

By the way, her mobile phone has long since disappeared!

"Ah—" She rubbed her hair madly.


the next morning.

Gu Qingye closed his eyes and sat up.

Yesterday’s dinner was so rich, the jacuzzi was so ecstasy, the bed was so soft and comfortable, she

He had a heartless meal, took a comfortable bath, and woke up naturally.

She is being kidnapped!

Her husband cheated!

What is she thinking? !

Could it be that... you're holding back your urine and stupid?

She really should have an IQ test now!

After sitting on the bed for a while, she got out of bed, washed and walked out of the room.

When she came to the living room downstairs, she found that someone was reading the newspaper and having breakfast.

She thought for a while, and still didn't quarrel with him.

Silently pulled the chair away and sat down. Naturally, someone served her breakfast, smelling the aroma, beautifully following the artwork.

Such cooking, she pursed her mouth, the great suffering and pain have nothing to do with food, food is not wrong!

She can't live up to it, eat it well!

After comforting herself, she picked up the knife and fork and started eating.

"The complexion is good, and the appetite is good!" Lan Yichen put away the newspaper and laughed.

"Yes!" Gu Qingye nodded solemnly and smirked at him, "I don't have a pale face, I want to die.

Live, wash your face with tears, let you down, really very very very... sorry! "


Lan Yichen squinted.

Woman with sharp teeth!

He turned his eyes away and ignored her.

Later, he just took a sip of coffee and left.

Gu Qingye ate as long as he was full, wiped his mouth with a napkin, got up, walked around the room, and looked for it.

There is a telephone, you can escape if you don't say you call it, at least report safety.

After walking around, the whole building didn't even have a telephone.

She tried to borrow a mobile phone from the servants at home, but they simply ignored her.

Needless to say, some **** had already thought of this.

Dejectedly walked from the house to the outside, far away, she saw Lan Yichen basking in the sun under the parasol, beside the white one

There are drinks on the small table and his cell phone.

Her eyes lit up suddenly.

But... will his phone be unlocked? But it is very likely his fingerprint! Now everyone will be unlocked with fingerprints!

That's right!

There is a 90% chance that it is his fingerprint!

But how can she get his phone and let him unlock it for her? Do you put a knife on his neck? Still chop

Under his finger? !

... Then she doesn't have to live anymore!

She randomly found a place to sit down, racking her brains and beginning to think.

Finally, she thought of a fairly reliable way to sneak in while he was asleep, grab his cell phone, and then

He unlocked with his finger.

If you are careful, you shouldn't wake him up.

Just do it!

But that day, Lan Yichen went out in the afternoon and did not come back to sleep at night.


After a week, Lan Yichen did not appear.

Gu Qingye became anxious, pulling the big iron gate eagerly every day, with a sad expression looking forward to his return.

So, when he finally came back, she couldn't wait to hold her thighs and not let him go.

"Well, are you going out tonight?" Lan Yichen ran over as soon as she entered the door, asking breathlessly.

Lan Yichen glanced at her inexplicably, "Why, do you miss me?"

"Uh-" Gu Qingye hesitated, and smiled unnaturally, "Well, it's not that the house is full of servants.

Filipino maid, at least you are Chinese! "

"Oh! That's how it is!" Lan Yichen had a suddenly realized expression.

"Haha, yes!" Gu Qingye had a little guilty conscience, "Let's eat!"


Lan Yichen allowed Gu Qingye to welcome him into the restaurant like a wife, wondering, what the **** does this woman want to do?

The two sat down, and Gu Qingye immediately poured him a glass of wine to help him sleep!

"This wine is very delicious. I drank half a bottle yesterday. The grape fragrance is really amazing.

Say, you must try it! "She is enthusiastic like a liquor salesman.

"I know, this is the wine I bought!" Lan Yichen breathed in neither salty nor light, picked up the glass and smelled it.

"...Yes, it's your wine!" Embarrassed.

"Romane Conti in 90 years."

Kande of 90! ! ! Gu Qingye hurriedly picked up the wine bottle and looked at it. Before pouring it, she didn’t look at it at all. The wine is said to be over 1 million.

A bottle.

"Ha ha ha ha... Actually, I drank a small cup yesterday."

On the plane, he reminded her to pay if the plane was broken, and whether the wine would be counted with her.

Businessmen care about money!

Lan Yichen seemed to see her careful thoughts, "Drink and drink, is it possible that you can't pay for it?"

"Mainly, Mr. Lan is not so stingy!"

"No, mainly because you can't pay!"


I can’t talk this day!

If it weren't for stealing his phone, she wouldn't be here to force him.

Gu Qingye put away his smiling face and sat up a bit more straight. "I can't pay, I just have ten hands with one head.

Means, I was kidnapped by you. Have you ever seen the detained victim pay for the food? "

"I just said that, I have no intention of hurting your fragile little soul!" Lan Yichen shook the wine glass and smiled mockingly.


Gu Qingye bit her lip.

The morning before, he was speechless by her, now he is back in revenge!

He is really a man who will repay him!

Seeing that he was still shaking, she vented the wine in front of her and drank it in one gulp!

Drink him a hundred thousand!

"Drink less, so that you won't be eager again when you come to me and let you cool down." Lan Yichen warned sincerely.

Gu Qingye quickly spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

She clutched her internally hurting chest, and went back word by word, "Don't worry, if I want to sleep with you, I will

I will sell iron and give you a good price." After a pause, she added, "Who makes you grow? "

After that, before his face turned black, she quickly slipped away.

Such a noble and arrogant young master was brightly regarded as a cowherd, let's see whose soul is more vulnerable.

After that, she hid in the room and dared not go out.

I am afraid that he will retaliate vigorously.

Calm down and think about it. I also blame myself for being too uncomfortable. I said that I would stabilize him first, and then he quarreled with him again.

If he goes out again tonight, maybe he won't be back in the next half month.

Hey, she’s been missing for so many days, there must be people’s brains to make up where she died, that little mistress must be secretly

Sneaking in joy, she easily snatched her husband away.

Thinking of this level, she was about to run away with anxiety again.

From 8 o'clock in the evening, she squatted on the corner of the balcony to pay attention to his movements. If he went out, the car would move.

Squat until midnight.

He did not go out!


It's best if he drank all the red wine during dinner, so he would definitely fall asleep.

Standing up from the ground, she couldn't help feeling dizzy, and her legs were numb. She had been squatting for too long.

Back in the room, she found a towel to wrap her face, so that if he wakes up, she can run away immediately, and at the same time not

He saw the face.

After sneaking out of the room, she came outside his room.

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