Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1647: .Uncommon relationship

Looked through the car to find a few coins, got out of the car and walked into the phone booth, put the coins in, and dialed Qiao Anlin's number.

After a while, the phone was connected, and Qiao Anlin's sweet and rational voice came over there, "Hey—"

Gu Qingye did not speak on purpose.

I want to hear if there are other voices over there, just like last time.

"Hello? Hello?"

Qiao Anlin over there patiently fed a few more times. After about a minute, Gu Qingye did not hear Lu.

Sheng Yan's voice pretended to have a bad signal and shouted, "Can you hear it? An Lin? Why aren't you talking!"

"I'm talking! Hey, Ye Er? Is that you?" Qiao Anlin's tone was a little surprised, "How do you use this number?"

"Isn’t my cell phone lost, so I can only call you from a public phone, I’m going to the company now, I want to ask

Ask, should I bring you breakfast? "

"No need! I'm already making breakfast!"

"Well, see you at the company later!"

After hanging up the phone, Gu Qingye returned to the car.

She did not start the car.

This An Lin never gets up for breakfast. When will she make breakfast for herself?

Starting the car, she decided to go to the apartment where Qiao Anlin lived.

In any case, she has to dispel her doubts and worries, because if she keeps such a mentality, they will be willing

It must be impossible for even friends to do it.

But if she really is...

The hand holding the steering wheel tightened.

When she came to Qiao Anlin's apartment, she parked the car and went up immediately.

Standing outside the door, she rang the doorbell.

One minute has passed, no opening! She pressed it again!

Two minutes later, it still didn't open!

She felt a little uneasy in her heart, stretched out her hand and started to pat the door, "Qiao Anlin, you open the door for me—"

Women’s intuition is sometimes terrible. When an idea rushes into the brain, it is actually uncontrollable.

She felt that Lu Shengyan must be inside.

The door finally opened, and Qiao Anlin was standing in the door with a towel on her head, "Ye'er?!"

"Why did you open the door so long?" Gu Qingye asked calmly.

"I—I accidentally spilled the oil all over, so I went to take a bath." Qiao Anlin replied innocently.

"Really?" Gu Qingye pushed aside her body that was blocking the door, and strode in. As soon as she entered, she was in a posture to search.

After looking around the living room, she immediately walked to Qiao Anlin's bedroom.

I couldn't find the bedroom, and went to the bathroom and balcony.


She stood in place, her blood was too fast just now, but now she felt a little shaky.

"Gu Qingye, what do you want to do?" Qiao Anlin was very angry when her arm was pulled up forcefully.

When you started, you were weird to me, and today you suddenly came to smash my door and search my home. Do you still suspect me and

What's wrong with Lu Shengyan? "

Qiao Anlin's words shocked Gu Qingye.

The words are broken.

Gu Qingye raised her head, and shot her eyes directly, "Yes, I doubt it!"

"Gu Qingye! How can you doubt me, we have been dating for 18 years!" Qiao Anlin let go of her arm, no

Looked at her confidently.

"Then I will answer me, five days ago, at 7:03, why did Lu Shengyan stay at your house with sleepiness? Why?

Are you talking so intimate? "Gu Qingye asked.

Qiao Anlin frowned, trying to remember, "You made the call that didn't make a sound that morning?"

"Please come back to my question first." Gu Qingye's face was serious, and she didn't give her a chance to half-divide the topic.

Qiao Anlin sighed and sat weakly on the side, "That morning, not only I was with Shengyan, but also the entire company meeting.

You can ask if you don’t believe me. As for the intimacy you mentioned, Shengyan and I are friends in the first place, and you are married to him.

Disharmony does not mean that the relationship between our friends is also not harmonious, right? "

After listening to Qiao Anlin's explanation and seeing her straightforward and confident expression, Gu Qingye had nothing to say.

In my heart, it is actually easy!

No matter who that woman is, in fact, as long as it's not Qiao Anlin, she really doesn't care!

Gu Qingye wiped her face, "I'm sorry!!!"

"You are chasing after the wind, do you see everyone looks like a mistress?" Qiao Anlin turned her gaze to her face.

"But that little mistress really exists. Although the woman didn't show her face, I saw the pictures of them having sex. This can't be faked."

Qiao Anlin shook her head and sighed: "I told you at the beginning that you and Lu Shengyan are not suitable. You must marry him.

It is self-inflicted and cannot live. "

Gu Qingye was silent for a while, then strode out, "I went to the company!"

"Gu Qingye, will you divorce him?" Qiao Anlin asked in the back.

"Yes! But I want him to wield a knife from the palace. I have to dig out that little mistress.

divorced! "

After speaking, Gu Qingye strode away.


Arrived at the company, already late.

Walking into the design department, everyone was surprised to see her coming, but they didn’t dare to talk too much, they just seemed to know nothing.

Said hello to her with a smile.

But despite this, Gu Qingye still saw something from their slightly abnormal eyes.

She called her assistant in, "Is there any rumors in these days when I am no longer?"

"Nothing, Gu Gong!" Assistant Xin Lan scratched his ears as he said.

"Now even you bully me, don't you hide me?"

"No, okay, let me tell you, Gu Gong, the whole company is telling you about Mr. Cheng, saying that you were arrested.

She was in bed and brought a green hat to the general manager, so she didn't come to work these days. "

Oh, it's really shameless.

What do you mean? He Lu Shengyan didn’t want to put himself on the notoriety of derailment in marriage, so he used that kind of abuse.

Duan pours dirty water on her to achieve the goal of divorce.

Gu Qingye didn't explain anything to the assistant, so he let him out!

Anyway, it's unclear, it will only become more and more dark.

In the afternoon, she has a two-hour lunch break.

She first bought a mobile phone, applied for a new card, first called her father, and promised to visit him at home at night.

And she went directly to the north of the city to find lawyer Jin Mocheng.

If you want to go through legal procedures, you must have a strong lawyer.

For backing.

When she arrived at Ruicheng Law Firm, she handed her name to the front desk and asked her to transfer it to Jin Mocheng for help.

In this city, everyone knows Lan Yichen!

The front desk smiled at her and made a phone call.

Soon a woman with an elite appearance in a black suit came out to pick her up. She looked at her business card and returned it to Gu Qing.

Ye, then waved his hand very respectfully, "Miss, please here!"

"Thank you!" Gu Qingye gently covered the business card in her palm.

I sighed inwardly, Lan Yichen is really amazing, but it's just his business card, a pass for a walk, even

This arrogant barrister firm that only serves celebrities is unimpeded.

Moreover, it is their boss that she wants to see. It is said that the popular idol superstar asked him to be legal counsel, but he refused.


Entering a large office decorated in a post-modern industrial style, one looks quite young and handsome, and is dressed rigorously

A three-piece man sits behind an office.

He was still working during the lunch break, which shows that he was really busy.

This man feels very calm as a whole.

"Lawyer Jin, this lady is looking for you!" The person who brought Gu Qingye in reminded Jin Mocheng in the past.

"Miss?" Jin Mocheng raised his head, quickly glanced at Gu Qingye, and looked at his secretary with puzzled eyes, as if

This woman did not make an appointment.

Gu Qingye was also smart, and for fear of being rejected, she hurriedly took out her business card from her bag and put it on the table." Lan Yichen said, if

If you need help, I can come to you. "

She deliberately said that she seemed to be familiar with Lan Yichen.

"Young Master Lan's woman?"

Jin Mocheng's eyes lit up instantly, he became interested, let the secretary go out, and warmly entertained Gu Qingye.

But before Gu Qingye could talk about his purpose, the famous lawyer began to gossip, "Can

There are no more than 10 people in the world who get this business card, and 9 of them are top business executives.

Give you this to prove that your relationship is definitely not ordinary. "

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