Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1673: Knocked over

Lan Yichen smiled, "Don't you know that after marriage, the wife's guardian will automatically be transferred to the husband?"

Gu Qingye was speechless, she really didn't know.

As soon as he saw Gu Qingye's deflated expression, Lan Yichen found it interesting and stretched out his hand to talk about Gu Qingye's forehead.

"The last time you married, it really ended in vain."

"It's not for nothing, can you pick up this big bargain?" Gu Qingye snorted coldly, "You just have fun.

Beauty, the child born is also a beauty. "

"You seem to have confidence in your genes."

"of course."

Lan Yichen covered her with a quilt.

"You rest, I have to work too, don't disturb me."


Lan Yichen walked to the opposite chair and sat down, turned on the laptop, and put on his headphones.

Sometimes I bow my head and write something on the note, but say something to the person on the other end of the computer.

His voice is low, but heavy.

Gu Qingye was still playing on his mobile phone, but all his attention was drawn in the past.

She was shocked...

Lan Yichen actually looks pretty good.

The eyebrows are slender, the skin is delicate, every part of the facial features can be described as delicate, calm and distinct, and adds to him

A hint of dangerous hostility.

Gu Qingye's heart throbbed.

If the child born is like Lan Yichen, it seems to be... also pretty good.

Just when Gu Qingye was committing a nympho, Lan Yichen suddenly raised her head, her eyes matched her.

"Does it look good?"

Lan Yichen provoked a playful laugh.

"It's so beautiful... Ah, I didn't peek at you!"

Gu Qingye realized that his deeds had failed, and he hurriedly lowered his head pretending to be playing with the phone.

Lan Yichen tugged on the headphones, put down the computer and notes, got up and walked to Gu Qingye step by step.

"What are you shy? I know I look good, but I didn't tell you not to watch it."

Gu Qingye felt ashamed.

"I really didn't watch..."

"Seventeen minutes and thirty-four seconds."

Lan Yichen stretched out his hand and gently grasped Gu Qingye's wrist.

The scorching temperature spread along the skin, hot Gu Qingye's face turned red involuntarily.

"What? Thirty-four seconds..."

"From the moment you peeked at me, seventeen minutes and thirty-four seconds."

Gu Qingye looked up in surprise, how did this man know?

Lan Yichen held her wrist with one hand, gently wrapped her waist with one hand, and gently pressed her body forward.

As a result, the distance between the two people was shortened at once.

"What are you doing?"

Lan Yichen smiled, "What is the ability to peek at me? I'm a stingy, Lan Yichen, so if you want to see it, let you be generous.

See clearly. "

Gu Qingye's breathing was hot, and his heart was beating wildly.

"You let me go."

"Enough to see?" Lan Yichen hugged the person tighter, "I will be angry when I peek at me next time."

"Lan Yichen, you let me go, I can't breathe anymore."

Gu Qingye struggled hard.

Lan Yichen frowned, "Didn't I tell you not to move?"

"If you hold me like this, I really won't be used to it."

"It's just not used to it, so we have to get used to it, otherwise, what should I do later?"


"After getting married."

"Are you really going to marry me?"

Gu Qingye frowned.

"There is no feeling between us."

"I have said that that kind of thing is useless to me, of course, if you want, I can also try to like you."

Gu Qingye's brows tightened, "Don't think of this kind of thing as simple."

Like someone, where is such a simple thing...

"This kind of thing is no more difficult for me than doing business. I think it is simple, but that is simple."

Lan Yichen seems very persistent on this issue.

Gu Qingye didn't quarrel with him either. Anyway, after several confrontations, she had already understood that she could not quarrel this man.

What he said is what he said.

The less trouble, the better.

Lan Yichen said, "When your injury gets better, we will get the marriage certificate. As for the wedding, if you

If we want to do it, we can do a small one in private. "

Gu Qingye said dullly, "Don't be so troublesome."

She didn't care much about such formal things.

Gu Qingye began to recover from injuries in the hospital.

Lan Yichen didn't come to accompany her every day, but Guo Mei contacted her, and went to the hospital to find her every other day.

"How do you know I was injured?"

Gu Qingye was a little curious.

Guo Mei paused, and randomly found a reason, "Because your friend helped you with the resignation procedures, I asked and found out

Tell you something serious happened. "

Gu Qingye didn’t want to worry her, and smiled lightly, “It’s not particularly serious, it’s just a broken leg.

It will be fine in a few months. "

Guo Mei helped her glasses.

The fracture is of course not serious. One year she also broke her left palm due to a fall due to a slippery road in the rain, but even

That way, she didn't ask for leave. After she got the splint in the hospital, she hurried to the company to go to work. She didn't dare to delay the day.

Just like that, Lan Yichen didn't take a second look at himself. Perhaps in Lan Yichen's eyes, a fracture was indeed not a major event.

But now, Lan Yichen ordered her to come to the hospital to accompany her every day, and ordered the hospital to use the best medicine, even to avoid

To disturb Gu Qingrang's rest, Lan Yichen also covered this floor of the hospital.

Only for Gu Qingye alone.

The doctor then told Lan Yichen that when Gu Qingye’s leg injury was likely to leave sequelae, the man’s eyes were nervous and

Worried Tibet can't hide, it seems to be full of water, about to overflow.

Guo Mei felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

But she understands that she is just Lan Yichen’s assistant, even Jiang Hui can’t match, let alone she is pregnant with Lan Shao’s child

Gu Qingye's.

"This is your favorite pastry, I brought it for you when I came."

Guo Mei put a box of pastries in front of Gu Qingye.

Gu Qingye's eyes lit up, "Thank you, you are so kind to me."

"Are we friends."

Guo Mei said lightly.

"Yes, we are friends."

Gu Qingye suddenly thought of Qiao Anlin again, and her heart couldn't help but hurt again.

After you are discharged from the hospital, you should go to worship some time.

After all, maybe she didn't meet herself that day, Qiao Anlin would not die.


Gu Qingye stayed in the hospital for half a month. Guo Mei often sat and left. His father was in poor health. Gu Qingye

He was not allowed to come, often only Gu Qingye and an aunt who took care of her in the huge ward.

Gu Qingye’s broken bone is still healing. She couldn’t get out of bed and move a month ago. This made her boring.

The play is also tired.

"Auntie." Gu Qingye stopped the nurse, "Can you push me to the garden for a stroll."

The middle-aged woman surnamed Hang, who was fat, shook her head when she heard Gu Qingye's words.

"No way, Miss Gu, Mr. Lan has ordered me to watch you well."

Gu Qingye smiled, "It's okay. He went on a business trip and won't be back today."

"But Miss Gu..."

"Auntie, just push me out for a stroll, I don’t run around, just stroll outside in the garden, I’m bored in the ward

It's been twenty days, and I want to go out and breathe. "

Aunt Hang was still hesitant.

She looked at Gu Qingye, her heart tangled.

She actually likes Gu Qingye.

She is a farming woman from the countryside, many people look down on her, because they ask her to work as a nurse

She watched as a servant.

Gu Qingye never did this.

She would say thank you politely, chat with her, and secretly stuff the endless tonic that Lan Yichen sent

She took it home.

In addition, Gu Qingye was about the same age as her daughter, and she couldn't help feeling a little bit about Gu Qingye in her heart.


In response to Gu Qingye’s eyes full of pleading, Aunt Hang finally said helplessly, “Then a little while, it’s windy outside today.

It's not good to catch a cold. "

"Thank you Auntie!"

Gu Qingye's eyes lit up.

Aunt Hang asked for a wheelchair from the doctor, and carefully helped Gu Qingye out of bed.

Gu Qingye's left leg was fractured, and without hindering the walking of his right leg, he jumped into the wheelchair.

Aunt Hang took another blanket for Gu Qingye, put it on her knees, and pushed Gu Qingye out the door.

Gu Qingye had been in the ward of the hospital for too long, and when he walked out the door, he was refreshed and the whole world was much brighter.

"Miss Gu, shall I take you to see the flowers over there?"

"I don't like flowers." Gu Qingye looked over and saw the lively and lively small square over there. He smiled and said, "You

Push me over there and have a look. "

"it is good."

Aunt Hang pushed Gu Qingye to the small square.

There are many children and old people in the small square. The old people are chatting and playing chess, and the children are playing football.

Gu Qingye couldn't help but feel much better.

After staying outside for half an hour, Aunt Hang urged Gu Qingye to go back.

Gu Qingye is very comfortable being blown by the evening wind. Why does he want to go back to the ward and smell the smell of formalin, begging,

"Auntie, sit for a while, just fifteen minutes."

Aunt Hang has no choice but to nod her head.

"Auntie, I'm a little thirsty, you can help me buy a bottle of Coke."


Aunt Hang turned her head and left.

Gu Qingye continued to watch the group of children playing football in front of him.

In college, Lu Shengyan was a member of the school football team. She often ran to watch Lu Shengyan play football.

Thinking about it now, it is also embarrassing.

Gu Qingye was in a daze, and didn't notice that the football under the child's feet had rolled onto his wheelchair.

"My ball!"

"Get it back quickly!"

The children swarmed towards Gu Qingye.

Gu Qingye was hit suddenly and the entire wheelchair turned over.

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