Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1686: .Broken lipstick

Jiang Hui and Gu Qingye were the same age, and the two were shopping in the local shopping mall, buying various items in large and small bags.

On the other side, Lan Yichen watched the credit card information he received constantly, and the blue veins on his forehead couldn't help but jump.

After getting married, he gave Gu Qingye a black card as her pocket money.

Gu Qingye sternly refused at that time, stating that he would not accept his money.

He was also ridiculed, what to do with this useless backbone.

Unexpectedly, I vowed to be an independent woman at that time and didn't spend a penny of her husband's money, but now it's better, the money is spent

Come, but you are not merciless.

Lan Yichen couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth, and he didn't even notice that the helpless smile was still sandwiched.

A very indifferent touch.


After Gu Qingye and Jiang Hui went shopping, they went to a Japanese food store to eat food.

After three months of pregnancy, Gu Qingye's appetite was obviously much better.

Jiang Hui carried large and small bags, acting as Gu Qingye’s little tail like a follower, while carrying things for Gu Qingye,

Wake up Gu Qingye.

"Madam, the Japanese is cold, you are pregnant, it is not good for your health, let's eat something milder?"

Gu Qingye shook his head, "Since you come to Japan, you should experience authentic Japanese cuisine. Don't worry, just occasionally

Just eat it once, it's okay. "

Jiang Hui could only agree.

Two people entered the store, took their seats, and were about to order food, but Jiang Hui's cell phone rang.

He quickly picked up.

"Mr. Lan."

"Ah, now I’m not with Young Master Lan, yes, today is Wangcheng, I’m eating with my wife, Young Master Lan asked me to accompany me today

Mrs. Playing..." I don’t know what the person on the phone said, Jiang Hui's expression paused, and then the phone

The words were taken off the ears and gently covered them with his hands.

"what happened?"

Jiang Hui whispered, "It's from Young Master Lan's father. He wants to talk to you."

"Huh?" Gu Qingye panicked instantly, and shook his head quickly, "No way, no way!"

She didn't prepare yet.

"It's okay, Mr. Lan is very talkative."

Jiang Hui handed the phone to Gu Qingye as he spoke.

By now, Gu Qingye could only answer the phone and put it gently to her ear.


"You are Ye'er?" The old voice on the phone was really kind, and it made people feel very comfortable. Gu

Aoba couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Replied cleverly, "Well, Dad, it's Gu Qingye."

"That kid Ah Chen is too much. You are all married, so you don't even bring you back to see me."

Gu Qingye was a little embarrassed, "Don't blame him, because I hurt my leg before and I am still recuperating."

"Then he took you to Japan?" Lan Rulang was a little angry, "What the **** is that kid doing? How can I make a

The patient runs around the world with him! Mess! "

Gu Qingye couldn't help but smile, "Dad, don't blame him, in fact I want to come with me, because I am alone

It's too boring in the villa, Lan...Achen, he said, take me to play while on a business trip. "

"Listen to him nonsense. He only has work in his eyes. How can he take care of you? Look, it's not because of throwing you to the assistant."

"Actually, I play very well alone."

"How can this work? You are married. He is your husband, so he is naturally obligated to accompany you."

"It's ok……"

"Don't worry, I will call him right away and ask him to accompany you to play. It just so happens that you don’t have a honeymoon when you get married

What. "

Gu Qingye still wanted to stop, but was interrupted by Lan Rulang again.

"If that kid bullies you, just call me and tell me, don't hide it for him, you know?"

Gu Qingye couldn't get in her mouth at all, so she could only say "Uh-huh" twice. It was not until the phone was hung up that Gu Qingye spit heavily

Let out a sigh of relief.

Jiang Hui smiled and took the phone back.

"How about, Mr. Lan is very good, right?"

"Yes, too enthusiastic, I don't know what to say."

Gu Qingye was very embarrassed.

"No way, Young Master Lan’s marriage has always been a problem for Mr. Lan. Look at Young Master Lan’s cousin, children can

It's soy sauce, and Shao Lan is still alone. "Jiang Hui remembered something and couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Before Lan

Don't reject all those blind dates, and make the old man angry. "

Jiang Hui scowled, learning Lan Rulang's voice, "As long as it is a woman, my Lan family accepts it!"

Gu Qingye said helplessly, "No wonder Lan Yichen doesn't even dislike me as a second marriage."

Jiang Hui smiled, "Don’t say that, madam, there are many women divorced these days, and women are not things.

When married, it depreciates. "

Gu Qingye was very comfortable with this.

"Jiang Hui, I found your mouth is very sweet, how come Lan Yichen that black belly and poisonous tongue has a good assistant like you?"

"In fact, Lan Shaoren is very kind, he is just a knife mouth tofu heart."

Jiang Hui said a lot about Lan Yichen's past, and Gu Qingye had mixed feelings.

She really didn't understand Lan Yichen, at least she didn't understand Jiang Hui.

After the two of them had finished their meal, they went to other stores to stroll around. Gu Qingye felt a little tired and drove back to the hotel.

I thought that Lan Yichen would be back at least five or six o'clock, but he didn't expect that after three o'clock, the man would return with a gloomy expression.

"Why did you come back so early? Didn't you say you have to socialize in the afternoon?"

Gu Qingye sat in front of the mirror and tried the lipstick he had just bought.

Lan Yichen walked up to her with a heavy face, and grabbed her wrist in one hand.

"Gu Qingye, you are really good at it."


Gu Qingye looked at him puzzled.

"What are you acting stupid here?"

Lan Yichen's hand was very strong, and the lipstick in Gu Qingye's hand fell to the ground with a "boom--" and it fell into two knots.

I just bought this lipstick, and I haven't used it once, and it's like this, Gu Qingye feels distressed.

"Lan Yichen, what's your nerve?"

The strength in Lan Yichen's hand grew stronger, and Gu Qingye's wrist hurt so much that he could not help but redden the eye circles.

"Lan Yichen, what are you doing? You hurt me, let me go!"

"Gu Qingye, you are really amazing. Before I took you back to see my dad, you learned to sue, right?"


Gu Qingye frowned, her eyes full of puzzlement, "What is the complaint?"

"Dare you say you haven't contacted my dad!?"

Lan Yichen shook off Gu Qingye's hand fiercely.

Gu Qingye blinked, remembering the phone call in the afternoon, and said, "I've been in contact, so what?"

"You are ashamed to say how? Gu Qingye, I don't like anyone to disturb my private life.

Married, you are my wife, but I still remind you to keep your distance. "

Gu Qingye looked at him with red eyes.

"Also, if you have any dissatisfaction or opinion with me, you can tell me directly.

The generation is involved. "

"Have you said enough?"

Gu Qingye's heart was so wronged, her voice couldn't help trembling.

Lan Yichen sneered, "Of course not, don't you think that I only care about work and neglect you? Then of course I want

Take time out and love you well. "

Lan Yichen held Gu Qingye's wrist again, and wanted to hug her to the bed.

Feeling angry and ashamed, Gu Qingye couldn't bear it and slapped it with a vicious slap——


There was a crisp applause, and Lan Yichen's face instantly became red.

He looked at Gu Qingye in amazement, his eyes full of disbelief, and he obviously couldn't believe that Gu Qingye would actually slap him.

"Have you enough trouble, Lan Yichen!"

Gu Qingye pushed her away, holding back tears, got into the wheelchair, and left without looking back.

"Go away if you want to, don't come back for the rest of your life."

Hearing this, Gu Qingye's shoulder trembled fiercely again, gritted his teeth and left.

Lan Yichen directly hit the cabinet door with a fist.

Hearing the movement next door, Jiang Hui ran out in a hurry.

"Young Master Lan, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Jiang Hui looked around, but did not see Gu Qingye. He saw the broken lipstick on the ground again.

Too? "

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