Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1691: .Get out

He even wandered quickly on Gu Qingye's body.

Gu Qingye's face turned pale.

Is this the rhythm of **** first and then kill?

He shook his wrist vigorously. Maybe it was God’s sympathy for her, but he actually made her break the rope from his wrist, Gu Qing

Ye subconsciously scratched around the body, and then touched a hard object.


Gu Qingye was overjoyed.

Almost relying on the instinct of the body, he smashed it in front of him--


The man let out a scream, Gu Qingye only felt his body lighten, and the **** air puffed into his lungs.

Regardless of the injured leg, she tore off the blindfold and ran forward frantically.

The unhealed foot hurts sharply, and the bone seems to be broken, but even so, Gu Qingye did not dare to stop.

The seat she is now in is a barren mountain, there is no place to hide around, watching the people behind her become more and more

Nearly, Gu Qingye gritted his teeth and madly drilled into the woods.

The weeds grew in the woods. Soon Gu Qingye found a stone and hid behind it. The bushes here are very

Okay, it played a covering role. At this moment, night fell, and the men really didn't find her.

Gu Qingye covered her mouth tightly, not allowing herself to make any sound.

Knowing that the surrounding area is completely quiet, there is no movement, and I dare not take it down.

She wasn’t sure if the group of men hadn’t gone far yet, or if they were hiding somewhere she didn’t know, waiting for her

Take the bait yourself.

So she didn't dare to move.

When she was running away, her shoes all struggled off.

The woods were full of thorns, and her legs were so painful that she almost lost consciousness.

It seemed as long as a century had passed before Gu Qingye finally took his hand from his mouth.

Carefully supported the stone to stand up.

Under the night, there was hardly anything to see around, and the thick ink that couldn't be removed when he stretched out his hand.

There is no light.

Gu Qingye had just escaped from the hands of those lunatics, but he realized a fact in despair.

She was abandoned here alone.

And she was tired and hungry, her legs hurt and she didn't have the strength to lift up.

Without a direction, it is impossible for her to go out.

Not to mention, when she just rushed in, there were barren mountains outside, and there was no village in front and no shops in the back. What would she do?

Go back.

Gu Qingye took a deep breath and sat down again with the support of the stone.

Forget it, wait until tomorrow morning and think of a solution.

Gu Qingye hugged her knees with her chin resting on it, feeling mixed.

I don’t know there are any weird bugs in the woods, they keep flying by her side.

It hurts for a while and itchy for a while.

Hey, she now finally knows what it means to be self-inflicted.

Isn't it good to be her Mrs. Lan at home?

It's delicious and delicious, and there are people waiting for everything, but I have to go to the woods to bite the insects.

I don’t know if Lan Yichen can find himself...

Gu Qingye sighed for a while, then scolded Lan Yichen again, and just like that, she fell asleep on the stone unknowingly.

I don't know how long it took, when she was suddenly awakened by a loud noise.

There was a faint cry.

Gu Qingye woke up instantly, and subconsciously went to grab the stone. Both eyes are also full of vigilance.

It looked alive and well like a frightened deer.



"Gu Qingye!"

The voice floated to Gu Qingye's ears intermittently.

Gu Qingye had a meal first, then was stunned.

Wait, how did she hear Jiang Hui's voice? And Guo Mei's voice?

"Gu Qingye!"

This is... Lan Yichen?

Did they find it?

Gu Qingye quickly threw away the stone in her hand, and responded, "Hey, Gu Qingye is here! Here it is!"

She was exhausted, and her voice was soft, she was really worried whether this group of people could hear it.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingye exhausted all her strength and shouted, "Where is Gu Qingye! Hello? Can anyone hear it?"

If she couldn't hear anymore, she would really faint.

Fortunately, at this time, there was a surprise voice, "Found it! My wife is here! Found it!"

The stone in Gu Qingye's heart fell to the ground with a "sensation".

Thankfully, I was finally saved.

Almost at the same time, she softly wanted to sit on the ground, being directly supported by one hand.

It is Jiang Hui.

"Madam, are you okay?"

Gu Qingye was so angry, "Which eye did you see me?"

After speaking, Gu Qingye closed her eyes solemnly.

She only felt that she smelled a familiar clear breath, and then she was embraced by a warm and powerful embrace.

"Lan Yichen..."

She screamed subconsciously.

Three seconds later, there was a low voice, "Well, I'm here. I'm here to pick you up and go home."


In the afternoon transaction, Lan Yichen finally chose to cooperate with the police. After seeing the driver, the police immediately dispatched and arrested on the spot.

Three or five kidnappers were killed.

However, Gu Qingye was not found. After asking, I realized that the original plan of this group of robbers was to tear up Gu Qingye.

After Lan Yichen learned of it, he immediately brought people over and caught the robber who was about to flee.

Upon asking, Gu Qingye slipped into the woods.

Fortunately, he finally found her.

Fortunately, it just suffered some skin injuries.

Lan Yichen thought that he should breathe a sigh of relief, but he felt his heart rested as he watched the bruised and bruised woman in his arms.

However, it was unexpectedly tightened and never loosened for a moment.

Even faintly pained.

How could he feel sorry for this woman?

Lan Yichen was a little surprised.

"Master Lan, are you going to the hospital?"


Lan Yichen drove away the random thoughts in his head, quickly hugged Gu Qingye into the car, and went straight to the hospital.

Gu Qingye had fainted a long time ago and was pushed from one examination room to another in the groggy.

When all the checks are completed, the sky outside is almost bright.

"Mrs. Lan's body is not in any serious condition, and the baby in her belly is also very good, but the wound on her leg needs to be treated.

Lan Yichen frowned, "Her broken bone is still healing."

"We've helped to fix it again, and we just need to take a good rest." The doctor asked, "We need to help my wife arrange the illness.

Room? "

Lan Yichen thought for a while and said, "No, I will take her back to rest."

This woman doesn't like the hospital very much, not to mention that she has only been discharged a few days.

Lan Yichen hugged Gu Qingye in the car again and returned to the villa.

Gently put Gu Qingye on the bed.

Along the way, Gu Qingye's hands clung to herself tightly.

Just as Lan Yichen wanted to get up and leave, Gu Qingye caught him again.

"Don't go..."

Gu Qingye opened her eyelids slightly, her eyes red as if they were a rabbit.


"I am afraid……"

Gu Qingye's voice was dyed with tears.

Lan Yichen's heart softened, turned around quickly, and sat down by the bed again.

"Okay, I won't go. You sleep at ease, I am here with you."

"um, I

Gu Qingye closed her eyes again, and soon fell asleep deeply.

After she fell asleep completely, Lan Yichen released her hand and gently put it in the quilt.

Get up and go out.

"Uncle Yang."


"Go and boil some calming things for your wife."

"Aunt Hang is ready to go. You can drink it when your wife wakes up."


Lan Yichen walked to the living room again. Jiang Hui was talking on the phone with someone. Seeing Lan Yichen came, he took the phone and walked over and said.

"Young Master Lan, the driver has also been sent back. All the kidnappers were arrested."

"Go check their family members, and then all drive me out of the imperial capital."



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