Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1698: . Heart sinks for her

Gu Qingye frowned, her voice was cold, "Mrs. Lu, it's not that I don't help, it's that I really can't help."

"Why can't you help? That Lan Yichen is so capable, so he can get Ayan out of the prison.

Something? "

"Mrs. Lu, you are too funny, Lan Yichen has the ability to reach the sky, and he will not go against the law. He can

He is the most law-abiding good citizen. "

The last glimmer of hope in Gu Yali's eyes was gone.

Like a clown whose soul had been taken away, he stood slowly, with a creepy smile on his mouth.

"Okay, okay, Gu Qingye, I didn't expect you to be able to ignore your old feelings at all."

Gu Qingye frowned.

It's not that she doesn't miss her old feelings, but that the Lu family is really deceiving people and completely chills her heart, otherwise she will call her

Gu Yali's "mother" for so many years will give the Lu family a way out.

But now, how dare she.

Lu Shengyan would even take her life, without even considering that there was an innocent child in her belly.

She is soft-hearted to the Lu family, who is soft-hearted to her children?

Thinking of this, Gu Qingye's determination deepened.

"Uncle Yang, take Madam Lu out well."


Uncle Yang respectfully invited Gu Yali to leave.

Seeing Gu Qingye’s persuasion, Gu Yali turned her head and left. After walking two steps, she seemed to think of something. She stopped, fiercely.

Turned his head to look at Gu Qingye.

"Gu Qingye, if you are so cruel, sooner or later you will get retribution."

Gu Qingye didn't want to talk nonsense with this woman, and motioned with her eyes to Aunt Hang to push herself back to the room.

Gu Yali's voice still echoed in the living room.

"Gu Qingye, don't think you can show off with Lan Yichen now, how can a man like Lan Yichen

Fancy a woman like you who has been played with, but she still fancy a child in your stomach, you are a second married woman,

Do you really think of yourself as Mrs. Blue? Gu Qingye, I am waiting for the day when you are swept out! I'm waiting to see!

Let's just wait and see. "

Gu Qingye's face turned pale in an instant.

I pressed the armrest of the wheelchair and stopped.


After all, Aunt Hang is well-informed. His wife and Mr. Lan quarreled about this "thing that doesn't dislike it" in the morning.

She is feeling uncomfortable, Gu Yali is saying this now, isn't she poking a knife in Gu Qingye's heart?

Gu Yali had been driven out by the security for a long time, but Gu Qingye's face was still ugly, and there was no trace of blood.

"Madam, don't listen to that crazy woman talking nonsense."

Gu Qingye was upset and said, "You are not allowed to say anything about what happened today."

"Okay, madam. The weather outside is good, shall I take you outside for a walk?"

"No need to."

Gu Qingye shook his head.

She is in no mood to go out now.

Aunt Hang sighed helplessly and pushed Gu Qingye back into the room.

Gu Qingye slept for another afternoon with his head stuffed, and didn't wake up until the evening.

"Madam, dinner is ready."


Seeing that it was already eight o'clock in the evening, Gu Qingye couldn't help being even more irritable when Lan Yichen hadn't returned.

"Did Lan Yichen say when he will be back?"

"Mr. said that he will work overtime tonight, so he will come back later, so you don't have to wait for him."


Working overtime, maybe I worked overtime with which beauty last night.

Gu Qingye lost his appetite instantly, took a few sips of soup hastily, and returned to the room.

She slept for a day today and got enough sleep. She couldn’t sleep anymore at night and couldn’t read the book.

Take out the machine to play.

Perhaps it was because of a fire in his heart, Gu Qingye's game tonight was not smooth, and he lost seven or eight games in a row.

When Lan Yichen returned to the room, he saw Gu Qingye's sullen face, pressing the phone "click" on his hand.

If the emotions were materialized, then Gu Qingye's head would be like a cloud of dark clouds.

Lan Yichen couldn't help laughing.

It's been a day, the woman's anger hasn't subsided yet.

He didn't worry about touching Gu Qingye's muzzle, and went to the bathroom to take a shower in silence, and then went to bed.

Turn on the tablet and look at the files you will use tomorrow.

Gu Qingye's hands moved extremely quickly, and he made some strange sounds from time to time, and Lan Yichen couldn't help it.

Turning his head to look over, it happened to be the scene of Gu Qingye's tragic death in the game.

He glanced at Gu Qingye faintly again, seeing the woman's expression again sad, angry, and wronged.

Lan Yichen felt even more funny.

Isn't it just a game? Why get so angry?

He put the tablet aside.

"Stop playing, rest early."

"Don't bother me." Gu Qingye started another game angrily.

Lan Yichen didn't know where her interest came from, so she tilted her head so quietly to watch her finish

Game, and then lost again.

The emotions in Gu Qingye's heart surged up little by little.

She is not someone who gets angry because of the game, but Gu Yali said from the early morning quarrel to the afternoon.

Those words, at night, were like the last straw that crushed the camel, and completely crushed Gu Qingye.


She just felt that the whole world seemed to be against her.

Lan Yichen bullied her, and the Lu family bullied her. Now it's a broken game, bullying him here.

The soreness in his heart came up a little bit, Gu Qingye bit her lip firmly, and she burst into tears.

come out.

Lan Yichen's heart sank.


What little crying bag did he marry and become his wife?

It's no longer enough to pretend to be invisible. Lan Yichen can only draw a piece of paper and gently hand it to Gu Qingye.

"You see that you are so promising, didn't you lose a few games? Your golden beans are so worthless?"

Gu Qingye clenched the tissue tightly, wiping tears in a panic.

"What do you know... you will only frustrate me."

"My mouth is stupid, I can't comfort people, can I?" Lan Yichen said, going to get her mobile phone, "Be obedient, stop playing."

"No, I don't believe in this evil."

Gu Qingye was not reconciled.

"I'll be with you."

Helpless, Lan Yichen reached out and took his mobile phone.


Gu Qingye wiped his eyes, a little ironic, and looked contemptuous, "Will you?"

"Don't underestimate me."

Lan Yichen sneered, picked up the phone and asked, "What is the game called?"

Gu Qingye's mouth twitched.

"You don't even know what the game is, just tell people not to underestimate you?"

"There is nothing in this world that Lan Yichen can't do."

Gu Qingye "poofed", "Young Master Lan, will you have children too?"

Lan Yichen:...

He stretched out his hand and gently tapped on Gu Qingye's head, his eyes sank immediately, "Don't be mean."


"What is the name of the game?"

"I'll help you download it."

Seeing that he was going to play, Gu Qingye was also interested, so she helped him get the phone and download the game, "I have

An unused account can be loaned to you so that you don’t have to do a tutorial for beginners. "

After she finished speaking, she raised her head and glanced at Lan Yichen, " doesn't matter if you don't fight a novice?"

"Don't underestimate me."

Lan Yichen frowned.

Gu Qingye thought that this was not an underestimation. After you actually manipulate it, you will be beaten and cry for mom.

Gu Qingye boarded her number, then handed it to Lan Yichen, looking at him expectantly.

"Then, in order to familiarize you with the operation, we two will pk a game first."

Lan Yichen nodded, "Yes."

The game started soon.

As Gu Qingye manipulated her character, she couldn't help but remind Lan Yichen.

"These three keys are for attack... here is for movement..."

"Don't be wordy."

Lan Yichen hated that someone screamed in his ears when he concentrated on doing things.

Gu Qingye was dissatisfied, "I'm teaching you good, lest..."

Before he could say anything, Gu Qingye watched as his game character was killed by Lan Yichen.

"Is it that way? Anyway?"

Gu Qingye:...

"No, it was an accident just now, I was distracted, this time I want to have fun."

As soon as the character was resurrected, Gu Qingye manipulated someone to rush over.

Then in less than two minutes, he died gorgeously under Lan Yichen's hand again.

Repeated this way, until Gu Qingye couldn't say a word when he was beaten last, and she was about to cry again.

Even if you lose to someone else, what about losing to a rookie who has never played a game?

God, can't you let me go a little bit today?

Gu Qingye was depressed.

Lan Yichen looked at Gu Qingye, silently captured every expression on her face, and then deliberately lost her hand.

By mistake, Gu Qingye took the head of the game character.

"I finally killed you!"

Gu Qingye's excited eyes lit up.

Lan Yichen said in her heart that she was naive, while holding back a smile, complimented her, "Awesome", and then she was not

Repeated and died several times.

Until the victory was delivered to Gu Qingye's hands.

Seeing Gu Qingye's contented look, Lan Yichen's mood also improved for no reason.

"How are you satisfied?"


"Go to bed early if you are satisfied."

Gu Qingye frowned, "It's still early, and I have slept for a day. You can play a few games with me. Really, our two teams

Team, play with other people. "

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